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Created September 8, 2015 07:35
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Save HakimCassimallyBBC/2f349b957393f54e34d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
'cumber sketch
xquery version "1.0-ml";
declare namespace p = "";
declare namespace n = "";
declare namespace nm = "";
import module namespace mem = "" at "/MarkLogic/appservices/utils/in-mem-update.xqy";
declare function local:tokenize($item) as xs:string* {
case text()
return tokenize( fn:normalize-space( fn:lower-case($item) ), ' ')
case element()
return upper-case( xs:string(node-name($item)) )
default return 'argh'
declare function local:xml-to-function-spec($root as element()) {
let $nodes := $root/child::node()
let $count := fn:count($nodes[. instance of element()])
let $function-name := fn:string-join(
for $m in ($root, $nodes) return local:tokenize($m),
return ($function-name, $count)
declare function local:GIVEN-we-have-created-OBJECTS($root as element(), $objects as element()) as element() {
(: handwave :)
let $brand := $objects//brand
let $updated-root := mem:node-insert-child($brand, attribute effective-pid { 'bPID1-abcde' })
return ($updated-root)
let $x := <given> We have created <objects><brand pid="bPID1" /><episode pid="ePID1" /></objects> </given>
let $spec := local:xml-to-function-spec($x)
return $spec
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NB: on line 18, child:: may not be needed, but node() function is!

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