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-- autosave.lua
-- Periodically saves "watch later" data during playback, rather than only saving on quit.
-- This lets you easily recover your position in the case of an ungraceful shutdown of mpv (crash, power failure, etc.).
-- You can configure the save period by creating a "lua-settings" directory inside your mpv configuration directory.
-- Inside the "lua-settings" directory, create a file named "autosave.conf".
-- The save period can be set like so:
-- save_period=60
-- betterchapters.lua
-- Loads the next or previous playlist entry if there are no more chapters in the seek direction.
-- To bind in input.conf, use: <keybind> script_binding <keybind name>
-- Keybind names: chapter_next, chapter_prev
-- Recommended to use with autoload.lua
function chapter_seek(direction)
local chapters = mp.get_property_number("chapters")
local chapter = mp.get_property_number("chapter")
if chapter == nil then chapter = 0 end