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Last active April 1, 2019 11:57
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#requires -Version 5
<# Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate #>
using namespace System.Diagnostics
using namespace System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Net
using namespace System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates
using namespace System.Security.Principal
using namespace System.Text
using namespace Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell
$VerbosePreference = [ActionPreference]::Continue
$ErrorActionPreference = [ActionPreference]::Inquire
# Set up HOME
Set-Variable -Name HOME -Value "$Env:HOMEDRIVE$Env:HOMEPATH" -Option AllScope -Scope global -Force
(Get-PSProvider -PSProvider FileSystem).Home = $HOME
function ~ { $HOME | Set-Location }
if (Test-Path -Path ~\proxy.txt) {
[WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy = [WebProxy]::new((Get-Content -Path ~\proxy.txt))
[WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy.Credentials = [CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
<# this proved too slow to run every time
if (($n=Find-PackageProvider -Name NuGet).Version -gt (Get-PackageProvider -Name NuGet).Version) {
[void]($n | Install-PackageProvider -Scope CurrentUser -Force)
if (($p=Find-PackageProvider -Name PowerShellGet).Version -gt (Get-PackageProvider -Name PowerShellGet).Version) {
[void]($p | Install-PackageProvider -Scope CurrentUser -Force)
Import-Module -Force -ErrorAction Ignore -Name @(
) -Scope global -DisableNameChecking 4>$null #got tired of -vb output of Pester
<# also pretty slow, modules don't update that often
Update-Module -AcceptLicense#>
Add-Type -Path ~\roslyn\lib\net45\Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.dll
Invoke-Expression -Command @'
class RoslynCompilerSettings : ICompilerSettings
[string] get_CompilerFullPath()
return (Get-Item -Path ~\roslyn\tools\RoslynLatest\csc.exe).FullName
[int] get_CompilerServerTimeToLive()
return 10
$PSDefaultParameterValues = @{
'Disabled' = $false
'Add-Type:CodeDomProvider' = [CSharpCodeProvider]::new([RoslynCompilerSettings]::new())
'Add-Type:ReferencedAssemblies' = [hashtable].Assembly.Location
# Accept any certs
class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
[bool] CheckValidationResult([ServicePoint] $a, [X509Certificate] $b, [WebRequest] $c, [int] $d) {
return $true
[ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = [TrustAllCertsPolicy]::new()
# Support the latest SSL protocols
[ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 'Tls'
Where({ $_ -gt [Math]::Max([ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol.value__, [SecurityProtocolType]::Tls.value__) }).
ForEach({ if (-not [ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol.HasFlag($_)) { [ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol += $_ } })
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
function Test-Credential {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]
[ValidateScript({ $_.UserName.Contains('\') -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.GetNetworkCredential().Password) })]
$d, $u = $Credential.UserName -split '\\'
try {
$principalContext = [PrincipalContext]::new([ContextType]::Domain, $d)
return $principalContext.ValidateCredentials($u, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
finally {
if ($null -ne $principalContext) {
function Invoke-Assignment {
[psobject[]] $InputObject
function private:eval($item) {
if ($null -ne $item) {
if ($item -is [scriptblock]) {
return &$item
return $item
return $null
## Ternary
if ($InputObject.Contains('?') -and $InputObject.Contains(':') -and $InputObject.Count -eq 5) {
if (eval($InputObject[0])) {
return eval($InputObject[2])
else {
return eval($InputObject[4])
## Null-coalescing
elseif ($InputObject.Contains('??') -and $InputObject.Count -eq 3) {
if ($null -ne ($r = eval($InputObject[0]))) {
return $r
else {
return eval($InputObject[2])
## Bad input
else {
return $null
function Send-Note {
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[string[]] $Note,
[int] $Tempo,
[switch] $PassThru
begin {
$SendNote = [string]::Empty
$NoteIndex = @{
'C' = @{ '1' = 32.7; '2' = 65.41; '3' = 130.8; '4' = 261.6; '5' = 523.3; '6' = 1047; '7' = 2093; '8' = 4186 }
'C#' = @{ '1' = 34.65; '2' = 69.3; '3' = 138.6; '4' = 277.2; '5' = 554.4; '6' = 1109; '7' = 2217; '8' = 4435 }
'D' = @{ '1' = 36.71; '2' = 73.42; '3' = 146.8; '4' = 293.7; '5' = 587.3; '6' = 1175; '7' = 2349; '8' = 4699 }
'Eb' = @{ '1' = 38.89; '2' = 77.78; '3' = 155.6; '4' = 311.1; '5' = 622.3; '6' = 1245; '7' = 2489; '8' = 4978 }
'E' = @{ '1' = 41.2; '2' = 82.41; '3' = 164.8; '4' = 329.6; '5' = 659.3; '6' = 1319; '7' = 2637; '8' = 5274 }
'F' = @{ '1' = 43.65; '2' = 87.31; '3' = 174.6; '4' = 349.2; '5' = 698.5; '6' = 1397; '7' = 2794; '8' = 5588 }
'F#' = @{ '1' = 46.25; '2' = 92.5; '3' = 185; '4' = 370; '5' = 740; '6' = 1480; '7' = 2960; '8' = 5920 }
'G' = @{ '1' = 49; '2' = 98; '3' = 196; '4' = 392; '5' = 784; '6' = 1568; '7' = 3136; '8' = 6272 }
'G#' = @{ '1' = 51.91; '2' = 103.8; '3' = 207.7; '4' = 415.3; '5' = 830.6; '6' = 1661; '7' = 3322; '8' = 6645 }
'A' = @{ '1' = 55; '2' = 110; '3' = 220; '4' = 440; '5' = 880; '6' = 1760; '7' = 3520; '8' = 7040 }
'Bb' = @{ '1' = 58.27; '2' = 116.5; '3' = 233.1; '4' = 466.2; '5' = 932.3; '6' = 1865; '7' = 3729; '8' = 7459 }
'B' = @{ '1' = 61.74; '2' = 123.5; '3' = 246.9; '4' = 493.9; '5' = 987.8; '6' = 1976; '7' = 3951; '8' = 7902 }
'R' = '0'
$NoteTypes = @{
'W' = 1600; 'W.' = 2000
'H' = 1000; 'H.' = 1500
'Q' = 400; 'Q.' = 600
'E' = 200; 'E.' = 300
'S' = 100; 'S.' = 150
process {
if ($Note.Count -eq 1 -and $Note[0].Contains(',')) {
foreach ($n in $Note -split ',') {
$null = $n -match '(?<Pitch>[A-G][#|b]?|[R])(?<Octave>[0-8])?(?<NoteType>[w|h|q|e|s]\.?)?'
$Pitch, $Octave, $NoteType = $matches['Pitch'], $matches['Octave'], $matches['NoteType']
$Frequency = $NoteIndex[$Pitch][$Octave]
$Duration = if ($NoteType) {
if ($Tempo) {
100 / $Tempo * $NoteTypes[$NoteType]
else {
else {
if ($Tempo) {
100 / $Tempo * 400
else {
if ($PassThru.IsPresent) {
"$Pitch$Octave$NoteType - $Duration - $Frequency"
if ($Pitch -eq 'R' -or $Octave -notin '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8') {
$SendNote += "Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $Duration;"
else {
$SendNote += "[console]::Beep($Frequency, $Duration);"
else {
$null = $Note -match '(?<Pitch>[A-G][#|b]?|[R])(?<Octave>[0-8])?(?<NoteType>[w|h|q|e|s]\.?)?'
$Pitch, $Octave, $NoteType = $matches['Pitch'], $matches['Octave'], $matches['NoteType']
$Frequency = $NoteIndex[$Pitch][$Octave]
$Duration = if ($NoteType) {
if ($Tempo) {
100 / $Tempo * $NoteTypes[$NoteType]
else {
else {
if ($Tempo) {
100 / $Tempo * 400
else {
if ($PassThru.IsPresent) {
"$Pitch$Octave$NoteType - $Duration - $Frequency"
if ($Pitch -eq 'R' -or $Octave -notin '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8') {
$SendNote += "Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $Duration;"
else {
$SendNote += "[console]::Beep($Frequency, $Duration);"
end {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $SendNote.Count; $i++) {
Invoke-Expression -Command $SendNote
# Set all our encoding to UTF8
Set-Variable -Name OutputEncoding -Value ([UTF8Encoding]::new()) -Option AllScope -Scope global -Force
# note: breaks
[Console]::InputEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding = $OutputEncoding
# Add access to all defined type accelerators
Add('accelerators', [psobject].Assembly.GetType('System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators'))
if ($Host.Name -ne 'Visual Studio Code Host') {
$Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::Black
[TokenClassification].GetEnumValues().ForEach({ Set-PSReadlineOption -BackgroundColor Black -TokenKind $_ })
# cope with encoding; stop using Function:\help
Set-Alias -Name man -Value Get-Help -Option AllScope -Scope global -Force
Write-Information -infa 2 -Msg ('Windows PowerShell v{0}.{1}' -f $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major, $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor)
function disapprove{-join[char[]](40,3232,95,3232,41)|Set-Clipboard}
function smile{[char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F643)|Set-Clipboard}
function shrug{'¯\_(ツ)_/¯'}
function prompt {
$private:stamp = Get-Date -UFormat "`n%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
$private:path = ($PWD.ProviderPath -replace '^H', '~' -replace '\\', '/' -replace '(\w+)?:' -replace '/$') + '/'
$private:arrow = '>' * ($NestedPromptLevel + 1)
$private:count = ((Get-History).Count + 1).ToString('000')
# as of writing, conemu supports VTY, but does not update $Host
if ($Host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal -or (Get-ChildItem -Path Env:\ConEmu*)) {
$e = [char]27 #backwards compatibility
$r, $b, $u = "$e[m", "$e[1m", "$e[4m"
$yellow = "$e[38;2;148;152;0m"
$blue = "$e[38;5;21m"
$orange = "$e[38;5;208m"
$purple = "$e[38;5;92m"
${blue}PS $r$b$u $private:count $r $orange$private:path$purple$private:arrow $r
else {
$private:stamp | Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
"/$($PWD.Drive.Name.ToUpper())/" | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan
'PS ' | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue -NoNewline
"[$private:count] " | Write-Host -NoNewline
$private:path | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray -NoNewline
$private:arrow | Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta -NoNewline
' '
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