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Last active September 23, 2016 16:54
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  • Save HallM/3834ea537681deb9e34342e6f69a36a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HallM/3834ea537681deb9e34342e6f69a36a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a simple, easy-level sudoku solver (missing many techniques, but a start...)
// see
// first 4 bits are allocated for the value (1-9)
// next 9 bits are used for the "pencil marks"
const ONE = 1 << 4;
const TWO = 1 << 5;
const THREE = 1 << 6;
const FOUR = 1 << 7;
const FIVE = 1 << 8;
const SIX = 1 << 9;
const SEVEN = 1 << 10;
const EIGHT = 1 << 11;
const NINE = 1 << 12;
const emptyPuzzle = [
[/**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL/**/],
[/**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL/**/],
[/**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL/**/],
[/**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL/**/],
[/**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL/**/],
[/**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL/**/],
[/**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL/**/],
[/**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL/**/],
[/**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL, /**/ALL, ALL, ALL/**/],
// TODO: get a starting puzzle
const startingPuzzle = [
[/**/5, 0, 0, /**/0, 0, 1, /**/0, 6, 0/**/],
[/**/0, 7, 1, /**/0, 0, 0, /**/4, 0, 2/**/],
[/**/0, 2, 0, /**/0, 0, 0, /**/0, 8, 0/**/],
[/**/0, 6, 5, /**/7, 0, 4, /**/0, 3, 9/**/],
[/**/1, 0, 0, /**/2, 0, 6, /**/0, 0, 4/**/],
[/**/7, 4, 0, /**/9, 0, 3, /**/6, 1, 0/**/],
// /*****************************************/
[/**/0, 8, 0, /**/0, 0, 0, /**/0, 2, 0/**/],
[/**/3, 0, 9, /**/0, 0, 0, /**/7, 4, 0/**/],
[/**/0, 1, 0, /**/3, 0, 0, /**/0, 0, 5/**/],
const indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
const optimizers = [loneSingle, naked, hidden];
// generate a table of "lengths" of any bitfield subset
const subsetLengthTable = function generateSubsetLengthTable() {
var table = new Array(512);
table[0] = 0;
return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].reduce(
(a, n) => {
const combinations = generateCombinations(n, [ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE]);
return combinations.reduce((a, c) => {
const bitmask = c.reduce((p, v) => p | v, 0) >> 4;
a[bitmask] = c.length;
return a;
}, a);
, table);
function lengthOfSubset(subset) {
const bitmask = (subset >> 4) & 511;
return subsetLengthTable[bitmask];
function printSolveProgress(puzzle) {
console.log(, r) => {
const t = ((r+1) % 3 === 0 ? '\n|-----|-----|-----|' : '');
return '|' +, c) => {
const t = (c+1) % 3 === 0 ? '|' : ' ';
const str = value > 0 && value < 10 ? value.toString() : '-';
return str + t;
}).join('') + t;
function start(empty, start) {
return start.reduce((p, values, row) => {
return values.reduce((p, value, col) => {
if (value > 0) {
return assign(value)(row, col)(p);
} else {
return p;
}, p);
}, empty);
function doReductions(puzzle) {
// this map can kick off all optimizers concurrently, then later aggregate commands
const optimizerCommandSets = => fn(puzzle));
const commandsToRun = optimizerCommandSets.reduce((pc, c) => pc.concat(c), []);
return commandsToRun.reduce((p, command) => {
return command(p);
}, puzzle);
// don't have TCO in JS, so imperative loop it is
function solve(start) {
var puzzle = start;
while (1) {
const reduced = doReductions(puzzle);
if (isSolved(reduced)) {
return [null, reduced];
if (!checkConsistency(reduced)) {
return ['A cell has no value and no marks. The puzzle cannot be solved', reduced];
if (reduced === puzzle) {
return ['Unable to solve puzzle', reduced];
puzzle = reduced;
// due to how pencil marks are, it's easy to know
// if value is 0 or > 9, it's an unsolved spot
function isSolved(puzzle) {
return puzzle.reduce((b, values) => {
return values.reduce((b, value) => {
return b && (value > 0 && value < 10);
}, b);
}, true);
function checkConsistency(puzzle) {
return puzzle.reduce((b, values, row) => {
return values.reduce((b, value, col) => {
return b && (value > 0);
}, b);
}, true);
function valueToMark(value) {
return 1 << value + 3;
function blockUpperLeft(block) {
const startRow = Math.floor(block / 3) * 3;
const startCol = block % 3 * 3;
return [startRow, startCol];
function blockIndexToRowCol(block, index) {
const [startRow, startCol] = blockUpperLeft(block);
const r = Math.floor(index / 3);
const c = index % 3;
return [r+startRow, c+startCol];
function getAllBlockRowCols(block) {
const [startRow, startCol] = blockUpperLeft(block);
return [
[startRow, startCol],
[startRow, startCol+1],
[startRow, startCol+2],
[startRow+1, startCol],
[startRow+1, startCol+1],
[startRow+1, startCol+2],
[startRow+2, startCol],
[startRow+2, startCol+1],
[startRow+2, startCol+2]
function getBlockForRowCol(row, col) {
const br = Math.floor(row / 3) * 3;
const bc = Math.floor(col / 3);
return br + bc;
// blocks are numbered 0-8, top left is 0, top center is 1, bottom right is 8
function getBlockHouse(puzzle, block) {
const blockRowCols = getAllBlockRowCols(block);
return => puzzle[v[0]][v[1]]);
// using the 1-9 notation
function getRowHouse(puzzle, row) {
return puzzle[row].slice();
// using the A-I notation
function getColHouse(puzzle, col) {
return => puzzle[r][col]);
function getAllHouses(puzzle) {
return {
blocks: => getBlockHouse(puzzle, i)),
rows: => getRowHouse(puzzle, i)),
cols: => getColHouse(puzzle, i))
// this is a helper to keep the puzzle immutable
// by nature of setting values, it cannot be executed out of order
// unlike assign/removeMarks, it cannot be a command
function modifyCell(newValue, row, col, puzzle) {
// this is an invalid case. either bug or an invalid puzzle
if (newValue === 0) {
throw new Error(['tried to set 0', row, col, newValue, puzzle[row][col]].join(', '));
// if nothing changes, just return the puzzle
if (puzzle[row][col] === newValue) {
return puzzle;
return, r) => {
// we can share parts of the puzzle to reduce allocations
if (r !== row) {
return values;
// only allocate a new row if any part of the row changed
return, c) => {
return c === col ? newValue : oldValue;
// Commands
// All commands have a (rough) signature of
// value -> (row, col) -> puzzle
// or in ML/F# land, value -> row -> col -> puzzle
// once in F#, the partial application/curring is automatic
// value is first to make application of a value to multiple more functional
// puzzle is last to support deferred, idempotent application of a command
function assign(value) {
return function(row, col) {
return function(puzzle) {
// will erase all pencil marks as well
const changedPuzzle = modifyCell(value, row, col, puzzle);
const mark = valueToMark(value);
const removedAssignedMark = removeMarks(mark);
// reduce the value out of the row, these are col indices
const reducedRow = indices.reduce((p, cI) => {
return removedAssignedMark(row, cI)(p);
}, changedPuzzle);
// reduce the value out of the col, these are row indices
const reducedRowAndCol = indices.reduce((p, rI) => {
return removedAssignedMark(rI, col)(p);
}, reducedRow);
// reduce the value out of the block
const block = getBlockForRowCol(row, col);
const reducedRowAndColAndBlock = getAllBlockRowCols(block).reduce((p, i) => {
return removedAssignedMark(i[0], i[1])(p);
}, reducedRowAndCol);
return reducedRowAndColAndBlock;
// reducing removes possibles (marks) from a location
function removeMarks(marksToRemove) {
return function(row, col) {
return function(puzzle) {
// erases pencil marks if it exists, otherwise nothing happens
const inverseMarks = ~marksToRemove;
const safeInverseMarks = (inverseMarks | 0xF) & 0xFFFF;
const newValue = puzzle[row][col] & safeInverseMarks;
return modifyCell(newValue, row, col, puzzle);
/* Reducers */
Concurrent thoughts:
- Each algorithm receives the current puzzle state
- Each algorithm may internally use a different state (puzzle is immutable)
- Each algorithm produces a list of idempotent "commands" (assign, remove mark)
- The loop kicks off all algorithms at the same time
- The loop gathers the list of commands from all algorithms, then executes them
- The design of the commands allows for command order to not matter
and repeating a command has no effect.
- Lone Single: (this is a specialized Naked-1)
Any cell with a single mark must be that value
- Naked-N: (only processing where N is 2..4 inclusive)
N number of cells in a house have only the exact same N-length subset of pencil marks.
In this case, all other cells can remove all N elements
Collect information about cells in a house with shared pencil marks (just check bit-mark equality)
For each set less than 4, count the set bits of the shared mark bitfield
If the number of set bits is equal to the number of items in the set:
Then remove all marks from all others in the house (cell = cell & (~sharedMarkedBits))
Otherwise, skip
- Hidden-N: (only processing where N is 1..4 inclusive)
Only N-number of cells in a house contain the same N-length subset of pencil marks.
In this case, all other marks in these N cells may be removed
Find the common subset between N-length combinations (use bitwise AND)
Determine the unique portion of that subset (using bitwise AND, NEG the other cell)
If the length of the unique subset is equal to N
then all cells in the combination may set the marks in the unique subset
- Omissions:
If a block-house can prove a number must be in a row or col,
then the rest of the row or col can omit that pencil mark
If a row/col-house can prove a number must be in a block,
then the rest of the block can omit that pencil mark
More generally:
Suppose a sub-house is a subset of house A and house B,
If this subset is the only set which may contain a set of pencil marks in house A,
then house B may omit that set of pencil marks from all other cells which are not in the subset
For each row:
if particular mark occurs only inside a single block:
then the rest of that block can unmark that number
For each col: (same thing really)
if particular mark occurs only inside a single block:
then the rest of that block can unmark that number
For each block:
if a mark occurs only in a single row:
then the rest of that row can unmark that number
if a mark occurs only in a single col:
then the rest of that col can unmark that number
- Basic fish-N:
N number of rows/cols contain a pencil mark N times
AND an overlapping (cover) N-number of cols/rows exists
Then all candidates in the cols/rows of the cover houses can be removed.
Note: do not remove the candidate from all cells, only the ones in the "cover-house" col/row
- X-Wing
- Swordfish
- XY-Wing
- Unique Rectangle
function loneSingle(puzzle) {
return puzzle.reduce((commands, values, row) => {
return values.reduce((commands, value, col) => {
switch (value) {
case ONE:
return commands.concat(assign(1)(row, col));
case TWO:
return commands.concat(assign(2)(row, col));
case THREE:
return commands.concat(assign(3)(row, col));
case FOUR:
return commands.concat(assign(4)(row, col));
case FIVE:
return commands.concat(assign(5)(row, col));
case SIX:
return commands.concat(assign(6)(row, col));
case SEVEN:
return commands.concat(assign(7)(row, col));
case EIGHT:
return commands.concat(assign(8)(row, col));
case NINE:
return commands.concat(assign(9)(row, col));
return commands;
}, commands);
}, []);
function generateCombinations(n, house) {
if (n === 0) {
return [[]];
(v, x) => generateCombinations(n-1, house.slice(x+1)).map(i => [v].concat(i))
).reduce((a, v) => a.concat(v), []);
function commandForRowCol(row) {
return function(col) {
return function(fn) {
return fn(row, col);
function commandForColRow(col) {
return function(row) {
return function(fn) {
return fn(row, col);
function commandForBlock(block) {
return function(index) {
const [row, col] = blockIndexToRowCol(block, index);
return function(fn) {
return fn(row, col);
function mapToAllHouses(fn) {
return function(n, puzzle) {
const houses = getAllHouses(puzzle);
const blockReducer = fn(n, commandForBlock);
const bCommands =, c) => a.concat(c), []);
const rowColReducer = fn(n, commandForRowCol);
const rcCommands =, c) => a.concat(c), []);
const colRowReducer = fn(n, commandForColRow);
const crCommands =, c) => a.concat(c), []);
return bCommands.concat(rcCommands).concat(crCommands);
function hiddenNHouse(n, commandBuilder) {
return function(house, x) {
const unfilledCells = indices.filter(i => house[i] > 9);
const combinations = generateCombinations(n, unfilledCells);
return combinations.reduce((commands, combo) => {
const subsetBits = combo.reduce((p, v) => p & house[v], ALL);
// determine if there is a unique portion of this subset
const otherCellIndices = unfilledCells.filter(i => combo.indexOf(i) === -1);
const uniqueBits = otherCellIndices.reduce((p, v) => p & (~house[v]), subsetBits);
// if that unique portion is length N...
// if the length of the subset is not N, then it's not a hiddenN
if (lengthOfSubset(uniqueBits) !== n) {
return commands;
// we remove all other marks that are not the unique bits
const removeAllOtherMarks = removeMarks(~uniqueBits);
return commands.concat( => {
return commandBuilder(x)(y)(removeAllOtherMarks);
}, []);
const hiddenN = mapToAllHouses(hiddenNHouse);
function hidden(puzzle) {
const supportedLevels = [1, 2, 3, 4];
return supportedLevels.reduce((c, v) => c.concat(hiddenN(v, puzzle)), []);
function nakedNHouse(n, commandBuilder) {
return function(house, x) {
const unfilledCells = indices.filter(i => house[i] > 9);
const combinations = generateCombinations(n, unfilledCells);
return combinations.reduce((commands, combo) => {
// check length of marks in the first
const nakedMarks = house[combo[0]];
if (lengthOfSubset(nakedMarks) !== n) {
return commands;
// check if all cells in the combination have the exact same marks
if (!combo.every(v => house[v] === nakedMarks)) {
return commands;
// then we can remove these marks from all other cells
const otherCellIndices = unfilledCells.filter(i => combo.indexOf(i) === -1);
const removeNakedMarks = removeMarks(nakedMarks);
return commands.concat( => {
return commandBuilder(x)(y)(removeNakedMarks);
}, []);
const nakedN = mapToAllHouses(nakedNHouse);
function naked(puzzle) {
// N=1 is a special case handled by loneSingle
const supportedLevels = [2, 3, 4];
return supportedLevels.reduce((c, v) => c.concat(hiddenN(v, puzzle)), []);
const myPuzzle = start(emptyPuzzle, startingPuzzle);
const [error, result] = solve(myPuzzle);
if (error) {
} else {
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