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Last active July 28, 2016 22:43
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First pass for a template bytecode / vm
{fn (p1 p2)
{def c {fn (p3 p4)
{* {+ p1 p3} {- p4 p2}}
{c 1 2}
fns immediately executed in the same scope do not need special closure style
using the stack works just fine.
also, fns which do not access external things, only params and locals
can use the stack without any issues
any function which reads from an identifier not local to the function itself
AND that function is not called inside the same scope it is created
(either called in a different scope OR passed as a parameter)
must use a closure
closures are two pointers, one to the fn, one to the environment that gets created
inside the function that originated the closure
a caller would have to know if it is calling a closure or not
to simplify, could always use the fat/double ptr
even for standard function ptrs, they just have NULL env ptr
an example is a subcomponent being called with a function, how does it know if its a closure or not?
it can't and it shouldnt deal with knowing the ENV ptr as well. should just be part of it
fn ptrs will be double-wides:
higher half: the env ptr (could be 0/null for non-closures or improperly called closures)
lower half: the address of the function
debate: which way should it be? either way could be fine...
acc would have to fit an entire fnptr in order to operate on it...
unless an fnptr was really like a tuple internally
then acc is just a pointer to the fnptr (probably on the stack)
in that case, it doesn't matter what the fnptr is
still TODO:
strings (string table with addresses?)
linker? (Lisplate has no include per se, only passing execution to a subcomponent)
reading from arrays
reading from objects/associative arrays
handling {data::value}
handling {}
or is it {get value {get to {get path obj}}}
maybe internally, but really the dot notation is easier to work with. compiler could translate
calling external functions in data, viewmodel, strings, or internal/runtime
lookups (find {value} in some namespace)
writing to the chunk to be returned
handling async
strings table:
each starts with the length, followed by the string itself
a pointer/address in the code points to the length
stored at the end, after all the instructions
the downside? requires a step to go through and assign all addresses
or, string addresses are just table[offset] in the code, then only the table address needs to be known
code gen time cannot know the address of strings until after all code is generated
storing strings at the beginning:
a bytecode file will have to specify where it begins execution (skip the data/tables)
doesn't need a linker step
location of a string can be determined during the compile process
if there were ever other tables, this doesnt pan out as nicely
acc (accumulator)
sp (stack pointer)
bp (base pointer)
f (flags: carry, overflow, negative, zero)
ep (env pointer?)
ip (instruction pointer)
access modes:
access data in register
access indexed assuming register is a ptr to a list
just a literal number
byte offset in the bytecode of where something is
assumes an array starts at address, then just add # to the address
could address be a pointer to somewhere else?
special, assembly only things:
not really an access mode, not used in the bytecode/VM at all
just something for readable "assembly", gets translated to what it should be (address or branch-offset)
for branch, translates to an offset
for everything else, translates to address
exec label? How to specify the function to be called
execute an external function
call reg
call reg[]
call address
call address+#
call address[]
source could be a register, or indexed. cannot be a label or const_literal
already understands that acc should be a pointer to the fnptr (addr+env)
sets up the ep, pushes return to stack, jumps
consequently, the compiler must create fnptr's from just function addresses/labels
it must also understand that an address must be shifted left ptr-size to become an fnptr
pop return address, jump to it
the return of a function deals with the chunk system
push reg
push reg[]
push address
push address+#
push address[]
push const
pop reg
mov reg, reg
mov reg, reg[]
mov reg, address
mov reg, address+#
mov reg, address[]
mov reg, const
mov reg[], reg
mov reg[], reg[]
mov reg[], address
mov reg[], address+#
mov reg[], address[]
mov reg[], const
in theory, addresses should be immutable, so we should not need these:
~~mov address, reg~~
~~mov address, reg[]~~
~~mov address, address~~
~~mov address, address+#~~
~~mov address, address[]~~
~~mov address, const~~
~~mov address+#, reg~~
~~mov address+#, reg[]~~
~~mov address+#, address~~
~~mov address+#, address+#~~
~~mov address+#, address[]~~
~~mov address+#, const~~
~~mov address[], reg~~
~~mov address[], reg[]~~
~~mov address[], address~~
~~mov address[], address+#~~
~~mov address[], address[]~~
~~mov address[], const~~
add reg, reg
add reg, reg[]
add reg, const
sub reg, reg
sub reg, reg[]
sub reg, const
outs reg[]
outs address
outs address+#
outs address[]
outn reg
outn reg[]
outn address
outn address+#
outn address[]
outn const
Note: all stack/index references are in "units" not bytes.
Real ASM would use bytes, but a VM may not need to. Plus, "units" are easy to work with for an example
; stack setup:
; p4 < bp[+3]
; p3 < bp[+2]
; return address < bp[+1]
; previous_base < bp[+0]
; **garbage** <- sp
; make_stack_frame
push bp
mov bp, sp
; we dont need scratch space
push ep[+1]
push bp[+3]
exec subtract
push acc
push bp[+2]
push ep[+0]
exec addition
exec multiply
; pop_stack_frame
mov sp, bp
pop bp
ret; acc is already the value we want
; stack setup:
; p2 < bp[+3]
; p1 < bp[+2]
; return address < bp[+1]
; previous_base < bp[+0]
; __c__env <- bp[-1]
; __c__addr <- bp[-2]
; **garbage** <- sp
; make_stack_frame, need 1 because __c__env
push bp
mov bp, sp
sub sp, 2 ; 2 items, because fnptr is 2 items
; creating an env to attach to an fnptr
; create an entry in the env-segment (like a heap) for the env
; sets the values from the stack into the array in the env-segment
; sets the higher half of the fnptr to the ptr to that env array
push bp[+4] ; p2
push bp[+3] ; p1
push 2 ; because we have 2 items in the env
exec make_env ; acc is the ptr to the env in the heap
mov bp[-1], acc
mov bp[-2], c
; stack cleanup for cdecl call
; we make the caller do it, since the caller knows how many params it passed
add sp, 3
push 2
push 1
call bp[-2]
add sp, 3 ; clean up stack
; pop_stack_frame
mov sp, bp
pop bp
; we dont return anything, so no worries on acc
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