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Created August 31, 2016 20:25
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What can I do with a language?

  • Domain Specific Language (DSL) for sharing data or making a task simpler
  • template language (dust, handlebars, lisplate)
  • maybe you want your own ES2017 to ES5
  • port a language/environment (porting Smallbasic to a browser)
  • create a whole new langauge

Should I make my own?

  • "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should."
  • A task may require a custom DSL to process data from a 3rd party API
  • It can be a learning experience to better understand how languages you use work, thus becoming better
  • Just please don't fill the world with DSLs for everything
    • why do people use NodeJS? Is it because they don't want to use different languages? People aren't going to learn a very specific DSL if they don't have to

Compilers, Transpilers, whatapiler

  • what is a compiler? compilers use some magic to take my code and make an executable, right?
  • no. they are just programs too
  • compilers just transform some input into some output
  • think of a compiler as a giant "map" function
  • sound just like every other program you wrote?

Compiler vs Transpilers?

  • Technically, a transpiler is a compiler. The definition of a compiler is a program which transforms a source language into a destination language.
  • the term "compiler" is generally used when the end result is machine code, bytecode, assembly-like
  • "transpiler" is generally used when the end result is another high level language

compiler steps

  • there are 4 main steps to processing
  • parsing -> AST -> transform -> output code


  • the parsing step makes sense of source code and turns it into something that can be manipulated later
  • generally, there's another step (tokenizing), but some parsers do this at the same time
  • PEG (Parsing Expression Grammer) is a language to describe languages
  • PEGjs is a tool to take PEG syntax with embedded JS and generate a parser for you
  • Each statement defined in PEGjs will have a return which specifies the AST

Some demos of PEGjs

  • Dust?
  • lisplate
  • Smallbasic


  • Abstract Syntax Trees store information at nodes about what the user wanted
  • an AST can be represented in many ways. Objects, arrays, it's all up to you
    • the critical thing is you have a consistent method and a way to differentiate "If" from "For"
  • A Literal knows it has a literal which may be an Integer
  • A block knows it has a list of things to do
  • An If node knows it has a condition, a block, and it may have an else block
  • A For node knows it has an initial, a condition, a step, and a block


  • Transformations take a tree and produce a new tree
  • Recursion becomes your friend as you dive through the nodes
  • Optimizations (dead code elimination, using a more efficient form like x*2 == x << 1, etc)
  • Reducing complex nodes into a combination of simpler nodes
  • This is an optional step, not everyone will require transforms


  • output code can just about be anything

  • This is somewhat like a transform step where we produce code instead of a new tree

  • machine code / assembly

  • JavaScript ES5 / ES6

  • Some horribly looking form of JS that runs in a browser by unreadable to anyone

  • Some other "Intermediate language" for another thing to process

  • think about what nodes you have. Maybe you have an If node. What does If look like in your target language?

  • ['if', [myCondition, thenBlock, elseBlock]] -> if (myCondition) { outputBlock(thenBlock) } else { outputBlock(elseBlock) }

  • turn that into a function like "outputIfStatement(astNode: AST): String"

  • we also would need an "outputBlock(astNode: AST): String" that is called

What's next? Standard library

  • A group of functions that your end users use to do things
  • string.length, Date functions, look at MDN at how big the standard library is
  • you may compile to a language (such as JS) and just pass through to that language's standard library.
  • you may have a combination, some pass through, and some you extend what is available
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