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Created May 19, 2017 11:33
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  • Save Hallmanac/5db9e8fa4c258c664cf2c1d0d1d65ed4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Hallmanac/5db9e8fa4c258c664cf2c1d0d1d65ed4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A PowerShell script that can be used in a VSTS Build to get a filtered list of file changes and have those files copied to the Staging directory.
# FileChangesForRelease.ps1
# Gets the list of .rdl files that were added or modified since the previous commit (based on the PR) and copies them to the staging directory
$accessToken = $env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN;
$auth = "Bearer $accessToken";
$accept = "application/json";
$headers = @{authorization=$auth;accept=$accept};
# Call the API to get the commit changes object of the lastMergeCommit which is the source of this build
$commitChangesUrl = $urlBase + "git/repositories/" + $env:BUILD_REPOSITORY_NAME + "/commits/" + $env:BUILD_SOURCEVERSION + "/changes?api-version=1.0";
$commitChanges = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $commitChangesUrl -Method Get -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json";
# Enumerate the $commitChanges.changes array and filter down -> blobs -> only the added/modified .rdl files -> "select/foreach" into an array of paths
[string[]]$rdlFilePaths = $commitChanges.changes `
| Where-Object {$_.item.gitObjectType -eq "blob" -and $_.item.path.EndsWith(".rdl") -and ($_.changeType -eq "edit" -or $_.changeType -eq "add" -or $_.changeType -eq "edit, rename")} `
| Select-Object item `
| ForEach-Object {$_.item.path};
Write-Host "rdlFilePaths are: $rdlFilePaths";
# Enumerate the array of paths and copy each file into the staging directory under a sub-folder called release package
for($i=0; $i -lt $rdlFilePaths.Length; $i++){
[string]$pathItem = [string]$rdlFilePaths[$i];
Write-Host "Iteration $i || The pathItem is $pathItem";
# Get the file name and replace all spaces with dashes to make it more path friendly
[int]$fileIndex = $pathItem.LastIndexOf('/');
[string]$fileName = $pathItem.Substring($fileIndex + 1);
$fileName = $fileName.Replace(' ', '-').Trim();
# Replace all the forward slashes (/) with back slashes (\) because Windows
$pathInstance = $env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY + $pathItem.Replace("/", "\");
Write-Host "Iteration $i || The Path Instance: $pathInstance";
# Establish the destination file name and path
$destination = $env:BUILD_STAGINGDIRECTORY + "\release-package\" + $fileName;
Write-Host "Iteration $i || The Destination staging directory is: $destination";
# If the desitnation doesn't exist create it
if(!(Test-Path -Path $destination)) {New-Item $destination};
# Makin' Copies!
Copy-Item "$pathInstance" -Destination "$destination" -Force;
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