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Last active May 19, 2017 11:33
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  • Save Hallmanac/e5de6ab074ed6f86fb168e51da6a8e61 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Hallmanac/e5de6ab074ed6f86fb168e51da6a8e61 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A PowerShell file for local development against the VSTS API. This specifically works with a Git commit and filters out certain files. Replace the place holder values with what's appropriate for you.
# Place for local script to be developed
# Please note that all place holders are in all caps
$urlBase = "https://{YOUR_VSTS_ACCOUNT}{PROJECT_NAME}/_apis/";
# You can leave the username blank
$username = "";
# Need to Base 64 Encode the username password combination in the form that a "Basic Authorization" Http header expects
$base64authinfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $username, $password)));
# Value of the Authorization Http header to be sent with the request
$auth = "Basic {0}" -f $base64authinfo;
# Value of the accept header
$accept = "application/json";
# set the headers into one object
$headers = @{authorization=$auth;accept=$accept};
# Form the URL including the commit ID
$commitChangesUrl = $urlBase + "git/repositories/{NAME_OF_REPO}/commits/{COMMIT_HASH_ID}/changes?api-versio=1.0";
# Get the changes from the commit
$commitChanges = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $commitChangesUrl -Method Get -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json";
# Filter the changes down to blob files and only .rdl file types
[string[]]$rdlFilePaths = $commitChanges.changes `
| Where-Object {$_.item.gitObjectType -eq "blob" -and $_.item.path.EndsWith(".rdl") -and ($_.changeType -eq "edit" -or $_.changeType -eq "add" -or $_.changeType -eq "edit, rename")} `
| Select-Object item `
| ForEach-Object {$_.item.path};
# Uncomment the lines below to see different outputs to the console
#$jsonOutput = $rdlFilePaths | ConvertTo-Json
#Write-Host "rdlFilePaths are: " $rdlFilePaths;
for($i=0; $i -lt $rdlFilePaths.Length; $i++){
[string]$pathItem = [string]$rdlFilePaths[$i];
Write-Host "Iteration $i || The pathItem is $pathItem";
# Get the file name and replace all spaces with dashes to make it more path friendly
[int]$fileIndex = $pathItem.LastIndexOf('/');
[string]$fileName = $pathItem.Substring($fileIndex + 1);
$fileName = $fileName.Replace(' ', '-').Trim();
$pathInstance = "Test-Directory" + $pathItem.Replace("/", "\");
Write-Host "Iteration $i || The Path Instance: $pathInstance";
Write-Host "Iteration $i || The Destination file name is: $fileName";
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