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Created May 5, 2024 13:07
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Example code for webcrypto.hmac.dart
import 'package:webcrypto/webcrypto.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
Future<void> main() async {
// Generate a new key using SHA-256 and an optional length parameter.
final key = await HmacSecretKey.generateKey(Hash.sha256, length: 256);
// Sign the message.
final signature = await key.signBytes(utf8.encode('Hello World!'));
// Verify the signature.
final verified = await key.verifyBytes(signature, utf8.encode('Hello World!'));
assert(verified == true, 'Signature should be valid');
// Sign a stream of data.
final signatureStream = await key.signStream(Stream.fromIterable([
utf8.encode('Hello, '),
// Verify the signature.
final verifiedStream = await key.verifyStream(signatureStream, Stream.fromIterable([
utf8.encode('Hello, '),
assert(verifiedStream == true, 'Signature should be valid');
// Export the key as raw bytes.
final rawKey = await key.exportRawKey();
// Export the key as a JSON Web Key.
final jwk = await key.exportJsonWebKey();
print('Signature: $signature');
print('Signature verified: $verified');
print('Signature Stream: $signatureStream');
print('Signature Stream verified: $verifiedStream');
print('Raw key: $rawKey');
print('JSON Web Key: $jwk');
Signature: [88, 74, 54, 182, 155, 248, 154, 227, 81, 159, 198, 185, 54, 137, 100, 88, 92, 209, 232, 134, 16, 11, 244, 22, 117, 77, 47, 124, 219, 94, 91, 149]
Signature verified: true
Signature Stream: [199, 161, 4, 221, 183, 159, 228, 12, 38, 131, 48, 86, 74, 199, 7, 233, 145, 16, 108, 181, 166, 8, 206, 8, 143, 97, 218, 151, 70, 57, 211, 194]
Signature Stream verified: true
Raw key: [102, 85, 5, 77, 3, 243, 191, 43, 174, 88, 169, 154, 216, 5, 245, 54, 113, 51, 166, 118, 215, 204, 220, 180, 140, 164, 95, 143, 212, 70, 210, 135]
JSON Web Key: {kty: oct, use: sig, alg: HS256, k: ZlUFTQPzvyuuWKma2AX1NnEzpnbXzNy0jKRfj9RG0oc}
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