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Created October 30, 2017 23:38
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license: mit
letter frequency
0 2017-02-15 165.67
1 2017-02-16 39.81
2 2017-02-17 133.36
3 2017-02-18 98.79
4 2017-02-19 11.75
5 2017-02-23 22.99
6 2017-03-06 100.0
7 2017-03-13 9.99
8 2017-03-14 165.03
9 2017-03-18 262.5
10 2017-03-22 262.0
11 2017-03-29 261.38
12 2017-03-31 1187.41
13 2017-04-08 4.99
14 2017-04-16 129.34
15 2017-04-21 254.04
16 2017-04-22 254.04
17 2017-05-05 257.48
18 2017-05-07 25.16
19 2017-05-08 40.97
20 2017-05-09 3.28
21 2017-05-10 10.1
22 2017-05-11 109.92
23 2017-05-12 86.34
24 2017-05-13 33.01
25 2017-05-14 9.45
26 2017-05-16 63.0
27 2017-05-17 4.4
28 2017-05-18 159.76
29 2017-05-19 61.71
30 2017-05-20 86.58
31 2017-05-21 37.46
32 2017-05-23 2.1
33 2017-05-26 146.35
34 2017-05-27 43.99
35 2017-05-28 18.0
36 2017-05-29 12.5
37 2017-05-30 39.44
38 2017-06-01 73.8
39 2017-06-06 39.97
40 2017-06-07 4.7
41 2017-06-08 13.05
42 2017-06-09 9.0
43 2017-06-12 61.55
44 2017-06-14 5.0
45 2017-06-16 5.0
46 2017-06-18 3.13
47 2017-06-21 399.01
48 2017-06-22 24.75
49 2017-06-23 75.1
50 2017-06-24 17.94
51 2017-06-25 27.32
52 2017-06-26 13.93
53 2017-06-27 32.17
54 2017-06-28 10.29
55 2017-06-29 33.43
56 2017-06-30 3.19
57 2017-07-01 124.32
58 2017-07-03 41.08
59 2017-07-04 19.36
60 2017-07-05 22.21
61 2017-07-06 127.71
62 2017-07-07 18.16
63 2017-07-08 24.39
64 2017-07-09 4.65
65 2017-07-10 11.5
66 2017-07-14 8.5
67 2017-07-15 3.08
68 2017-07-17 14.29
69 2017-07-20 9.02
70 2017-07-21 44.65
71 2017-07-22 3.91
72 2017-07-23 18.53
73 2017-07-24 6.93
74 2017-07-26 4.33
75 2017-07-27 29.25
76 2017-07-28 3.11
77 2017-07-29 9.85
78 2017-07-30 3.74
79 2017-07-31 7.28
80 2017-08-01 3.76
81 2017-08-02 26.69
82 2017-08-03 12.83
83 2017-08-09 21.59
84 2017-08-12 38.63
85 2017-08-13 11.64
86 2017-08-15 7.91
87 2017-08-20 23.11
88 2017-08-21 31.89
89 2017-08-22 12.49
90 2017-08-23 7.82
91 2017-08-24 11.82
92 2017-08-26 95.32
93 2017-08-27 7.78
94 2017-08-28 3.61
95 2017-08-29 31.22
96 2017-08-30 120.5
97 2017-09-01 25.57
98 2017-09-02 43.29
99 2017-09-04 18.36
100 2017-09-05 53.69
101 2017-09-07 1.44
102 2017-09-08 29.68
103 2017-09-09 36.04
104 2017-09-10 45.46
105 2017-09-12 11.97
106 2017-09-15 1.98
107 2017-09-16 7.89
108 2017-09-17 11.97
109 2017-09-19 3.79
110 2017-09-20 11.85
111 2017-09-22 3.34
112 2017-09-23 20.98
113 2017-09-25 96.82
114 2017-09-26 46.73
115 2017-09-28 354.61
116 2017-09-30 27.2
117 2017-10-06 6.91
118 2017-10-07 11.16
119 2017-10-08 6.44
120 2017-10-09 68.19
121 2017-10-10 7.05
122 2017-10-14 5.84
123 2017-10-15 21.66
124 2017-10-16 227.87
125 2017-10-17 3.45
126 2017-10-18 4.76
127 2017-10-19 23.56
128 2017-10-20 5.42
129 2017-10-21 170.35
130 2017-10-25 95.21
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var margin = {top: 40, right: 20, bottom: 30, left: 40},
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var x = d3.scale.ordinal()
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var tip = d3.tip()
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.html(function(d) {
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function type(d) {
d.frequency = +d.frequency;
return d;
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