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Created March 25, 2020 20:52
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class Node:
def __init__(self, val=None, p=None, l=None, r=None):
self.key = val
self.parent = p
self.left_child = l
self.right_child = r
self.balance_factor = 0
def __repr__(self):
s = str(self.key)
if self.is_root():
return s + " root"
return s
def is_leaf(self):
return not self.left_child and not self.right_child
def is_root(self):
return not self.parent
def is_balanced(self):
return self.balance_factor == 0
class AVLTree:
Self-balancing tree implemented using python
rotation algorithms were implemented based on wikipedia
def __init__(self):
Constructor for AVLTree
self.root = None
self.count = 0
def __repr__(self):
Return string representation of the tree
l = self.inorder(self.root)
s = ""
for item in l:
s += "Key : {}, BF : {}\n".format(item[0], item[1])
return s
def inorder(self, node, l=None):
Flatten the tree using inorder traversal
if l is None:
l = []
if node:
self.inorder(node.left_child, l)
l.append((node.key, node.balance_factor))
self.inorder(node.right_child, l)
return l
def contains(self, v):
Search for v and return True if found, False otherwise
if not self.root:
return False
return self.contains_aux(self.root, v)
def contains_aux(self, node, v):
Helper function for contains method
if not node:
return False
elif node.key == v:
return True
elif v < node.key:
return self.contains_aux(node.left_child, v)
return self.contains_aux(node.right_child, v)
def insert(self, v):
Insert a new value to the tree
# tree is empty
if not self.root:
self.root = Node(v)
print("{} now root".format(self.root.key))
# tree is not empty
# insert new node and retrieve the pointer to the newly created node
new_node = self.insert_aux(self.root, v)
if new_node:
print("{} insertion successful!".format(new_node.key))
# readjust the balance factor and rebalance if needed
print("something went wrong...")
def insert_aux(self, node, v):
Helper function to insert a new node recursively
if v < node.key:
if not node.left_child:
n = Node(v, node)
node.left_child = n
# return pointer to the new node
return n
return self.insert_aux(node.left_child, v)
if not node.right_child:
n = Node(v, node)
node.right_child = n
# return pointer to the new node
return n
return self.insert_aux(node.right_child, v)
def update_balance_factor(self, node):
Recursively traverse up to the root and update the balance factor
If balance factor is < -1 or > 1, rebalancing is neeeded
if node:
# rebalance
if node.balance_factor < -1 or node.balance_factor > 1:
print("rebalancing at {}...".format(node.key))
if node.parent:
if node == node.parent.right_child:
node.parent.balance_factor += 1
if node == node.parent.left_child:
node.parent.balance_factor -= 1
# current node's parent is unbalanced, might have
# screwed up the balance above, go to the parent and check
if node.parent.balance_factor != 0:
def rebalance(self, node):
Rebalance the tree by rotating the subtree about 'node'
if right heavy: rotate left or rotate right then left
if left heavy: rotate right or rotate left then right
# pointer to parent, used later to reassign parent
cur_node_parent = node.parent
root = not cur_node_parent
# right heavy
if node.balance_factor == 2:
# zig-zag, must first rotate right
if node.right_child.balance_factor == -1:
new_node = self.rotate_right_left(node, node.right_child)
if root:
self.root = new_node
new_node.parent = None
# reassign parent pointers
new_node.parent = cur_node_parent
cur_node_parent.right_child = new_node
# zig-zig, just rotate to left
new_node = self.rotate_left(node, node.right_child)
if root:
self.root = new_node
new_node.parent = None
# reasssign parent pointers
new_node.parent = cur_node_parent
cur_node_parent.right_child = new_node
# zig-zag, must first rotate left
if node.left_child.balance_factor == 1:
new_node = self.rotate_left_right(node, node.left_child)
if root:
self.root = new_node
new_node.parent = None
# reassign parent pointers
new_node.parent = cur_node_parent
cur_node_parent.left_child = new_node
# zig-zig, just rotate to right
new_node = self.rotate_right(node, node.left_child)
if root:
self.root = new_node
new_node.parent = None
# reassign parent pointers
new_node.parent = cur_node_parent
cur_node_parent.left_child = new_node
def rotate_left(self, x, z):
Rotate subtree about node x
x is the original parent of z
after rotation, z is the parent of x
# x := parent of z
# z := right child of z
# y := left child of z
y = z.left_child
x.right_child = y
if y:
y.parent = x
z.left_child = x
x.parent = z
if z.balance_factor == 0:
x.balance_factor = 1
z.balance_factor = -1
x.balance_factor = 0
z.balance_factor = 0
return z
def rotate_right(self, x, z):
Rotate the subtree about node x
x is the original parent of z
after rotation z is the parent of x
# x := parent of z
# z := left child of z
# y := right child of z
y = z.right_child
x.left_child = y
if y:
y.parent = x
z.right_child = x
x.parent = z
if z.balance_factor == 0:
x.balance_factor = -1
z.balance_factor = 1
x.balance_factor = 0
z.balance_factor = 0
return z
def rotate_right_left(self, x, z):
Rotate right first about z and then rotate left about x
x is the original parent of z
after rotation y (z's left child) is the parent of both
x and z
y = z.left_child
t3 = y.right_child
z.left_child = t3
if t3:
t3.parent = z
y.right_child = z
z.parent = y
t2 = y.left_child
x.right_child = t2
if t2:
t2.parent = x
y.left_child = x
x.parent = y
if y.balance_factor > 0:
x.balance_factor = -1
z.balance_factor = 0
elif y.balance_factor == 0:
x.balance_factor = 0
z.balance_factor = 0
x.balance_factor = 0
z.balance_factor = 1
y.balance_factor = 0
return y
def rotate_left_right(self, x, z):
Rotate left first about z and then rotate right about x
x is the original parent of z
after rotation y (z's right child) is the parent of both
x and z
y = z.right_child
t3 = y.left_child
z.right_child = t3
if t3:
t3.parent = z
y.left_child = z
z.parent = y
t2 = y.right_child
x.left_child = t2
if t2:
t2.parent = x
y.right_child = x
x.parent = y
if y.balance_factor < 0:
x.balance_factor = 1
z.balance_factor = 0
elif y.balance_factor == 0:
x.balance_factor = 0
z.balance_factor = 0
x.balance_factor = 0
z.balance_factor = -1
y.balance_factor = 0
return y
def main():
a = AVLTree()
if __name__ == "__main__":
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