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Created August 27, 2023 13:45
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The not working, but insanely fun writeup for the "run of the mill" challenge from the dragon sector ctf quals 2022(?).
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i python -p python39Packages.termcolor
import sys
from termcolor import colored, cprint
DragonSector CTF 2021 - Run of the Mill
This was an awesome challenge, although this script is what is left over of a
not-so-successful by nevertheless amazing eavening in which we tried
something that didn't work.
Let's start with the challenge: We can input some stuff, (64 bytes in total).
The input is stored in memory and is then manipulated in a stage we called
the "blackbox" stage. During this stage, there are 6 operations done on the
- add, sub
- rol (roll left), ror (roll right)
- xor
- mov
At the end of the blackbox phase, the mutated input is checked against a
stored output, if they are the same, "well done" or so is printed, otherwise
we are informed that we didn't enter the right thing.
Now this alone would hint that we could just throw angr or so at the problem
(which we did and that's how we solved the challenge in the end), but we
decided that while angr was running (which took some time, as we didn't get
it to run as we wanted directly), we could use the time do try something fun:
actually reversing.
Now reversing by hand is quite simple and works well on small binaries, but
this blackbox phase consists of about 7000 instructions that look like
complete garbage; nothing you'd like to reverse by hand. So we came to the
conclusion that we could probably automate this.
Now you might ask yourself: how? Well, you can't just execute code
"backwards", or can you?
Well, we started by executing the code using qiling hooking to the memory of
our input, so that everytime the memory get's accessed, we can view it, in
the end, we got a listing of the memory after every step of the blackbox
phase. Using this, we had some kind of reference that we could follow, as we
now knew how the input should look after each step... ...or before:
We started writing a (at that time) small python script that would emulate
the binary blackbox backwards. Starting at the bottom, we used the output we
knew we'd get with a given input and tried building an execution enging that
would just implenet the instruction that might appear one by one.
Now this might work fine for simple stuff, but this ain't so simple... As
there are some parts where we'd for example xor with registers where we don't
know what's in them, we had to implement some weird telescoping stuff so that
we could look ahead into what value might be inside some registers. This all
worked quite well, it wasn't nice, but kind of functional. As we continued,
we got a pretty messy python script which you can admire below, but as we got
to the 12th instruction, a teammate came around and distributed a welcome
message; he had solved the challenge using angr...
At the same time, we were struggling with a `rol` instruction which rolls
some data bitwise. This was quite frustrating, as the roll instruction is
kind of simple and shouldn'y be all to much trouble. We had solved some
larger problems such as the telescoping and has thought we'd be over the
harder parts, but this seemd (and still seems) unlogical.
I'm writing this at 03:10 in the morning after being kind of done with the
challenge, I'm really motivated to build a simmilar challenge for the ALLES!
CTF 2022.
Whatever, here some ugly CTF that grew quite organically over a weekend (I
added a lot of comments afterwards, so you might get a better understanding
of how this is supposed to work):
# color definitions for having a nicer debugging experience
blue = "blue"
red = "red"
green = "green"
cyan = "cyan"
yellow = "yellow"
# The offset of our input in memory
base_offset = 0x412000
# Read the blackbox instructions, inverted
with open("blackbox.raw_instr") as data:
content = data.readlines()[::-1]
# Read the goals we want to reach (these are used as assertions for checking if
# we are doing the right thing)
with open("lifegoals.txt") as data:
lifegoals = data.readlines()[::-1]
# Convert our lifegoals to a bytearray, so that we can manipulate it
goal = bytearray(bytes.fromhex(lifegoals[0]))
# Strip the beginning of the content, as there is some pre/post code that isn't
# part of the blackbox
content = content[22:]
# Recursive look ahead for getting a value for the variable `var` at the
# instruction with the index `i`.
def telescope(i, var):
print("\n========== telescoping further ==========")
The following block contains some instructions the we don't know the
value of (mm0). In (1), the dst value of mm0 is not known. In order to
get it, we need to look ahead in order to find it's value like this:
mm0 in (dst 1)
→ [0x412090] in (src 2)
→ r9 in (src 3)
→ 0xcb0c99d5b6d7daaf in (src 4)
1 | pxor mm0, qword [segment.LOAD2]
| instr dst size src
2 | movq mm0, qword [0x412090]
| instr dst size src
3 | mov qword [0x412090], r9
| instr size dst src
4 | movabs r9, 0xcb0c99d5b6d7daaf
| instr dst src
src = "" # the value we want to find
x = 0 # the amount of instructions we're looking ahead
while True:
arr = content[i+x].strip().split(" ") # the components of the instruction
# local variables used for the instruction that is currently being looked at
l_instr = arr[0]
l_dst = ""
l_src = ""
l_size = ""
# parse the components
if arr[1] not in ["qword", "dword"]:
l_dst = arr[1]
l_size = arr[1]
if arr[2] not in ["qword", "dword"]:
if len(arr) == 4:
l_dst = arr[2]
l_src = arr[2]
size = arr[2]
if len(arr) == 4:
l_src = arr[3]
# If the local source contains some hex, set the source to the local
# source, as we've found a constant value and break the loop, as we
# don't need to recurse deeper or even look further.
if l_src[:2] == "0x":
src = l_src
# If the destination of the current operation is equal to the variable
# we're searching a value for, recurse deeper using the source for
# that.
# For example: if we've got:
# mov a b
# and we're searching for a and b isn't a constant, we'd need to
# telescope further for finding a concrete value for b.
if l_dst == var:
return telescope(i+x, l_src)
print(colored(f"{i=} | {x=} | {l_instr=} {l_dst=} {l_src=} {l_size=} | {len(arr)}\n", blue))
# increase x, which is the amount of instructions we're looking ahead
x += 1
print(f"========== Telescoping result: {src} ==========\n")
return src
# helper function for rotating a given string
def rot_left(l, n):
return l[-n % len(l):] + l[:-n % len(l)]
# helper function for converting a bitstring to bytes (duh)
def bitstring_to_bytes(s):
v = int(s, 2)
b = bytearray()
while v:
b.append(v & 0xff)
v >>= 8
return bytes(b[::-1])
# Iterate over each line in the blackbox, starting at the bottom, trying to
# execute the instruction
i = 0
while i < len(content):
# Print the goal (this is what we extracted using qiling). This is sort of
# a reference to work on, so after each step, we want to reach this goal.
print(colored(f"\n---> {i} {goal.hex()}", green, attrs=['reverse', 'bold']))
# Get the "line" (instruction), clean it up and split it up into the
# individual components
line = content[i]
line = line.strip()
arr = line.split(" ")
print(colored(arr, green))
# implementations of the individual instructions
if arr[0] == "pxor":
if arr[1][1] != "[":
print(colored(f"{i} | skipped due to reg in dst", yellow))
elif arr[0] == "xor":
if arr[1] == "byte":
# convert the address provided (for example [0x00410304]) to an offset
# in our array (e.g. 4)
addr = int(arr[2][3:-1], 16) - base_offset
# extract the value that should be xored
val = int(arr[3][2:], 16)
print(colored(f"{i} | {arr[0]} [{addr}] {val} | {arr}", blue))
# execute the instruction using the parsed values
goal[addr] = goal[addr] ^ val
elif arr[1] == "word":
# convert the address provided (for example [0x00410304]) to an offset
# in our array (e.g. 4)
addr = int(arr[2][3:-1], 16) - base_offset
# extract the value that should be xored
val = int(arr[3][2:], 16)
print(colored(f"{i} | {arr[0]} [{addr}] {val} | {arr}", blue))
# this xors the word (2 bytes), by first xoring the first byte and
# then the second one
a = goal[addr] ^ (val % (0xff+1))
b = goal[addr+1] ^ (val >> 8)
goal[addr] = a
goal[addr+1] = b
elif arr[2] == "qword":
if arr[1][1] != "[":
#i += 1
print(colored(f"{i} | skipped due to reg in dst", yellow))
## convert the address provided (for example [0x00410304]) to an offset
## in our array (e.g. 4)
#addr = int(arr[3][3:-1], 16) - base_offset
## extract the value that should be xored
#val = telescope(i, arr[1][2:])
#print(colored(f"{i} | {arr[0]} [{addr}] {val} | {arr}", blue))
#a = goal[addr:addr+8]
#b = bytearray(bytes.fromhex(val[2:]))
#c = bytearray([x^y for x, y in list(zip(a, b))])
## execute the instruction using the parsed values
##goal[addr:addr+8] = c
# skip rol/ror that don't do anything (rotate by 0)
elif arr[0] == "rol" and arr[3] == "0":
print(colored(f"{i} | {arr}", blue))
# rotate left implementation (we're skipping this for now)
elif arr[0] == "rol":
if arr[1] == "dword":
print(colored(f"{i} | {arr}", blue))
#addr = int(arr[2][3:-1], 16) - base_offset
#amount = -int(arr[3][2:], 16)
#a = goal[addr:addr+4].hex()
#b = bin(int(a, 16))[2:]
#c = rot_left(b, amount)
#e = bitstring_to_bytes(c)
##e = bytes.fromhex(d)
##goal[addr:addr+4] = e
#print(colored(f"{i} | rol {addr} {amount} | {arr}", blue))
# skip the rotate right stuff
elif arr[0] == "ror" and arr[3] == "0":
print(colored(f"{i} | {arr}", blue))
# if we've got a mov that uses qwords and the address is out of our range
# (idk why this happend, but it does, so we need to handle this...)
elif arr[0] == "mov":
if arr[1] == "qword":
addr = int(arr[2][3:-1], 16) - base_offset
if addr > 64:
print(colored(f"{i} | skipped due addr out of scope (>64)", yellow))
# Handle movq + pxor, they are kind of always present together, so we'll
# handle them together
# In the end, all this does is something like `a = a ^ b`
elif arr[0] == "movq":
# values from the movq instruction
# → movq qword [segment.LOAD2], mm0
instr = arr[0]
size = arr[1]
dst = arr[2]
src = arr[3]
print(colored(f"{i} | {instr} {size} {dst} | {src}", blue))
# get the next instruction
nxt = content[i+1].strip().split(" ")
if nxt[0] == "pxor":
# pxor mm0, qword [segment.LOAD2]
instr = nxt[0]
left = nxt[1]
size = nxt[2]
right = nxt[3]
# we're on instruction `i` and have no value for `"left"`,
val = telescope(i, left)
addr = int(right[3:-1], 16) - base_offset
# calculate the xor value needed by zipping the two lists
a = goal[addr:addr+8]
b = bytearray(bytes.fromhex(val[2:])[::-1])
c = bytearray([x^y for x, y in list(zip(a, b))])
# update the goal using the value we've calculated above
goal[addr:addr+8] = c
# just skip movabs
elif arr[0] == "movabs":
if arr[1][1] != "[":
print(colored(f"{i} | skipped due to reg in dst", yellow))
#elif arr[0] == "movq":
# if arr[3] == "mm0":
# print("\nLOOK AHEAD:")
# print(f" ✓ {content[i-2]}", end="")
# print(f" ✓ {content[i-1]}", end="")
# print(f" → {content[i+0]}", end="")
# for j in range(1, 20):
# print(f" {content[i+j]}", end="")
# handle "not implemented" cases
print(colored(f"not implemented: {arr}", red))
print(colored(goal.hex(), red))
print(colored(lifegoals[i+1], red))
# ok, this is kind of awesome: we're comparing at the goal we've calculated
# until now with the output we're supposed to get...
a = lifegoals[i+1].strip()
b = goal.hex()
if a != b:
print(colored("\n==========] ASSERTION ERROR [==========", red))
print(colored(f"got : {goal.hex()}", red))
print(colored(f"wanted: {lifegoals[i+1]}", red), end="")
print(" ", end="")
for k in range(0, len(goal.hex())):
if str(goal.hex())[k] == str(lifegoals[i+1])[k]:
print(" ", end="")
print("^", end="")
# and exit if there is an error
# increment i (this just loads the next instruction in the next iteration
# of the loop)
i += 1
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