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Last active May 5, 2024 21:36
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Portable Pure Python .eml/HTML parser
Portable Pure Python .eml/HTML parser (no dependencies, just download (modify) and run)
Current extraction paths: extracts data from Lyft ride reciept emails
python3 -m eml_html_parser <DIRECTORY WITH EML FILES>
MIT License
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from datetime import datetime, time
from glob import glob
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from typing import Callable, Optional
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
import email
import os
import quopri
import re
def eml_filepath_to_html(eml_file_path: str) -> str:
"""Given the path of an `.eml` file, return the html content in the file."""
# Read the .eml file
with open(eml_file_path, 'rb') as eml_file:
eml_data =
# Parse the email
msg = email.message_from_bytes(eml_data)
# Iterate through email parts
html_content = ""
for part in msg.walk():
if part.get_content_type() == "text/html":
# Decode the HTML content (if encoded)
charset = part.get_content_charset() or 'utf-8'
decoded= quopri.decodestring(part.get_payload()).decode(charset)
html_content += decoded
return html_content
class HtmlToDict(HTMLParser):
def __init__(self, extractions:Dict[str, Tuple[str, 'StringToValue']], verbose:bool=False):
"""An HTML Parser for extracting values out of html.
Implements a simple x-path alternative since xml.etree.ElementTree ET (allows X-Path) vomits on < tag />-type tags in html.
LXML or beautifulsoup would probably be better for this, but using them would violate the pure-python constraint.
extractions (Dict[str, Tuple[str, StringToValue]]): `{'htmlpath': ('dict_key', str_to_value)}`. For each value to extract, the path, value name, and the extractor which extracts the value.
verbose (bool, optional): If `True`, prints all discovered data along with the html path it was discovered at, so you can define an extraction dict. Defaults to False.
Finding html paths for your html data:
>>> h2d = HtmlToDict(extractions={}, verbose=True)
>>> h2d.feed("<html> ... </html>")
Access Fee
>>> h2d = HtmlToDict(extractions={
... '': ('fee_name', Extractor()),
... '': ('fee_cost', Extractor(transformer=lambda s: float(s[1:]))),
... })
>>> h2d.feed("<html> ... </html>")
>>> h2d.extracted
{'fee_name':'Access Fee', 'fee_cost':5.99}
self.path = ''
self.extractions = extractions
self.extracted = {}
self.verbose = verbose
def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs):
self.path += '.'
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
self.path += '.'+tag
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
if tag in self.path:
self.path = self.path[:self.path.rindex(tag)]
def handle_data(self, data):
if self.verbose and data.strip():
if data.strip() and self.path in self.extractions:
key, extractor = self.extractions[self.path]
self.extracted[key] = extractor(data.strip())
# helper class for extracting/parsing values out of text
class StringToValue:
def __init__(self, validator:Optional[Callable]=None, transformer:Optional[Callable]=None):
"""Turn strings into values with some basic validation, if desired.
validator (Optional[Callable], optional): An optional function which returns `True` if the string represenation of the data is valid, `False` otherwise. Defaults to no validation.
transformer (Optional[Callable], optional): An optional function which transforms the string into actual values. Defaults to returning the string as-is.
self.validator = validator
self.transformer = transformer
def __call__(self, data:str):
"""Validate and extract a value from `data`."""
# validate if desired
if self.validator is not None:
if not self.validator(data):
raise ValueError(f"The data '{data}' did not pass validation check.")
# extract value if desired
if self.transformer is not None:
data = self.transformer(data)
return data
# Lyft Ride Reciept - specific code
# value parsing functions
def parse_time(s:str) -> time:
hours, min_ampm = s.split(':')
minutes, ampm = min_ampm.split(' ')
hours = int(hours)
minutes = int(minutes)
add_hours = 12 if ampm=='PM' and hours != 12 else 0
return time(hour=hours+add_hours, minute=minutes)
def parse_datetime(s:str) -> datetime:
return datetime.strptime(s, "%B %d, %Y AT %I:%M %p")
def parse_receipt_num(s:str) -> str:
return s.replace('Receipt ','')
# define extractors
dollar_amount = StringToValue(validator=lambda s: s.startswith('$'), transformer=lambda s: float(s[1:]))
time_value = StringToValue(validator=lambda s: re.match('[\d]{1,2}:[\d]{2} [AP]M',s) is not None, transformer=parse_time)
datetime_value = StringToValue(transformer=parse_datetime)
trip_distance = StringToValue(transformer=lambda s: float(s[11:s.index(',')-2]))
receipt_no = StringToValue(transformer=parse_receipt_num)
as_is = StringToValue()
LYFT_RECEIPT_EXTRACTIONS: Dict[str, Tuple[str, StringToValue]] = {
'': ('datetime', datetime_value),
'': ('trip_miles', trip_distance),
'': ('fare_dollars', dollar_amount),
'': ('other_dollars', dollar_amount),
'': ('tip_dollars', dollar_amount),
'': ('total', dollar_amount),
'': ('receipt_no', receipt_no),
'': ('pickup', as_is),
'': ('pickup_time', time_value),
'': ('dropoff', as_is),
'': ('dropoff_time', time_value),
# general script
parser = ArgumentParser('EML Data Extractor for Lyft Ride Reciepts')
parser.add_argument('data_dir', help="the root directory to start the recursive search for .eml files.")
def main(data_dir, extractions):
all_data = []
glob_pattern = os.path.join(data_dir, '**/*.eml')
for email_fp in glob(glob_pattern, recursive=True):
html_msg = eml_filepath_to_html(email_fp)
h2d = HtmlToDict(extractions=extractions)
except Exception as e:
return all_data
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parser.parse_args()
all_lyft_data = main(data_dir=args.data_dir, extractions=LYFT_RECEIPT_EXTRACTIONS)
# add your own data processing here
print("Lyft data:")
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elias@elias-desktop:~/Documents/Rideshare Expenses$ python3 -m eml_html_parser "."
The data '-$3.41' did not pass validation check.
Lyft data:
    'datetime': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 8, 19, 16), 
    'trip_miles': 8.22, 
    'fare_dollars': 17.99, 
    'other_dollars': 2.32, 
    'tip_dollars': 4.06, 
    'total': 24.37, 
    'pickup_time': datetime.time(19, 16), 
    'pickup': ...

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