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Last active June 22, 2018 12:29
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Ordinal_forest_caret (Work in Progress)
# install.packages("ordinalForest")
# start by naming my method to pass to train
ordinalForest <- list(type = "Classification",
library = "ordinalForest",
loop = NULL)
# define the tuning parameters
prm <- data.frame(parameter = c("nsets", "ntreeperdiv", "ntreefinal", "npermtrial", "nbest"),
class = rep("numeric", 5),
label = c("Score sets", "Number of Trees (small)", "Number of Trees (final)", "Tried score sets" ,"Best score sets" ))
# append them to the list
ordinalForest$parameters <- prm
# define the default training grid. some models can do
# a random search, but I wont implement that
ordinalForestGrid <- function(x, y, len = NULL, search = grid) {
if(search == grid) {
out <- expand.grid(nsets = 1000,
ntreeperdiv = 100,
ntreefinal = 5000,
npermtrial = 500,
nbest = 10)
} else {
stop('random search not yet implemented')
# append to list
ordinalForest$grid <- ordinalForestGrid
# define the fitting function. Here, it is the
# ordfor constructor function ordfor()
# I notice that the function doesnt allow for ordfor(x, y, ...), so I have to get around that
function(x, y, param, lev, last, classProbs, ...) {
data <- data.frame(x, Class = y)
ordfor(depvar = "Class", data, nsets = param$nsets,
ntreeperdiv = param$ntreeperdiv, ntreefinal = param$ntreefinal,
perffunction = c("equal"), classimp,
classweights, nbest = param$nbest, naive = FALSE, num.threads = NULL,
npermtrial = param$npermtrial, permperdefault = FALSE)
# append to list
ordinalForest$fit <- ordinalForestFit
# define the levels of the outcome.
# they are held in the classes slot of objects of
# class ordfor
ordinalForest$levels <- function(x) x@classes
# define the classification prediction with the
# predict generic
ordinalForestPred <- function(modelFit, newdata, preProc = NULL, submodels = NULL) {
predict(modelFit, newdata)
# append to list
ordinalForest$predict <- ordinalForestPred
# define the class probability with the
# predict generic
ordinalForestProb <- function(modelFit, newdata, preProc = NULL, submodels = NULL) {
predict(modelFit, newdata, type = "prob")
# append to list
ordinalForest$prob <- ordinalForestProb
# define the sort function, i.e. how the tuning parameters
# are ordered in case similar performance obtained
ordinalForestSort <- function (x) x[order(x$nsets, x$ntreeperdiv, x$ntreefinal,
x$npermtrial, x$nbest), ]
# append to list
ordinalForest$sort <- ordinalForestSort
# TEST TEST TEST ----------------------------------------------------------
# load caret and doParallel library
# register cores for parallel processing
# train control options. want repeated 10-fold CV
# define grid of parameter values
tuneGrid <- expand.grid(nsets = 1000,
ntreeperdiv = 100,
ntreefinal = 5000,
npermtrial = 500,
nbest = 10)
OFTune <- train(x = hearth[,-11],
y = hearth[,11],
method = ordinalForestFit,
tuneGrid = tuneGrid)
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