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# File: SmartAnalyze.tcl
# Author: Hanlin Dong
# Create: 2019-06-28 10:42:19
# Version: 4.0.2 alpha
# Last update: 2020-06-11 19:58:00
# License: MIT License (
# (The latest version can be found on
# Readme:
# Introduction
# ------------
# The SmartAnalyze provides OpenSees users a easier way to conduct analyses.
# There are two main functions defined in this .tcl file. SmartAnalyzeTransient & SmartAnalyzeStatic.
# SmartAnalyzeTransient is used to conduct time history analyses.
# The arguments must be specified are
# `dt`: delta t
# `npts`: number of points.
# SmartAnalyzeStatic is used to conduct static analyze.
# Users provide a loading protocol with displacement targets.
# Then SmartAnalyze will run DisplacementControl analyses accordingly.
# The arguments that must be specified are
# `node`: the node tag in the displacement control
# `dof`: the dof in the displacement control
# `maxStep`: the maximum step length in the displacement control
# `targets`: a list of target displacements.
# (E.g. {1 -1 1 -1 0} will result in cyclic load of disp amplitude 1 twice.)
# Note: the first element must be positive.
# If the control array is not specified, all the default values will be used.
# If you want to change the control parameters, pass it as an array delegate.
# Example
# -------
# Example 1: Basic usage for Transient
# source SmartAnalyze.tcl
# constraints Transformation
# numberer Plain
# system BandGeneral
# integrator Newmark 0.5 0.25
# SmartAnalyzeTransient $dt $npts
# Example 2: Basic usage for Static
# source SmartAnalyze.tcl
# constraints Transformation
# numberer Plain
# system BandGeneral
# set protocol {1 -1 1 -1 0}
# SmartAnalyzeStatic $node $dof $maxStep $protocol
# Example 3: change control parameters
# set control(printPer) 20
# set control(tryAlterAlgoTypes) True
# set control(algoTypes) {20 30}
# SmartAnalyzeTransient $dt $npts control
# Example 4: define user algorithm
# proc UserAlgorithm0 {
# algorithm KrylovNewton -increment initial -maxDim 10
# }
# set control(algoTypes) {80}
# SmartAnalyzeTransient $dt $npts control
# The work flow
# -------------
# 1. Start
# 2. Set initial step length, algorithm method and test (You don't need to specify them in your model.)
# 3. Divide the whole analysis into pieces. For Static, use maxStep. For Transient, use dt.
# 4. Loop by each piece and analyze recursively with RecursiveAnalyze, in the following way
# 4.1 Trail analyze for one step, if converge, continue loop 4.
# 4.2 If not converge, if tryAddTestTimes is True, if the last test norm is smaller than normTol, recursively set a larger test time.
# 4.3 If not converge, if tryAlterAlgoTypes is True, recursively loop to the next algo type.
# 4.4 If not converge, divide the current step into two steps. The first one equals to the current step times relaxation.
# 4.5 If either step is smaller than minStep:
# 4.5.1 If tryLooseTestTol is True, loose test tolerance to looseTestTolTo.
# 4.5.2 Else, return not converge code. Exit.
# 4.6 If both steps are not smaller than minStep, divide the current piece into two and re-run loop 4.
# 5. If converge, return success message.
# Control Parameters
# ------------------
# `testType` : string. Identical to the testType in OpenSees test command. Default is "EnergyIncr".
# Choices see
# `testTol` : float. The initial test tolerance set to the OpenSees test command. Default is 1.0e-6.
# If tryLooseTestTol is set to True, the test tolerance can be loosen.
# `testIterTimes` : integer. The initial number of test iteration times. Default is 7.
# If tryAddTestTimes is set to True, the number of test times can be enlarged.
# `testPrintFlag` : integer. The test print flag in OpenSees Test command. Default is 0.
# Choices see
# `tryAddTestTimes` : boolean. Default is True If this is set to True,
# the number of test times will be enlarged if the last test norm is smaller than `normTol`,
# the enlarged number is specified in `testIterTimesMore`.
# Otherwise, the number of test times will always be equal to `testIterTimes`.
# `normTol` : float. Only useful when tryAddTestTimes is True. Default is 1.0e3.
# If unconverge, the last norm of test will be compared to `normTol`.
# If the norm is smaller, the number of test times will be enlarged.
# `testIterTimesMore` : integer. Only useful when tryaddTestTimes is True. Default is 50.
# If unconverge and norm is ok, the test iteration times will be set to this number.
# `tryLooseTestTol` : boolean. If this is set to True, if unconverge at minimum step,
# the test tolerance will be loosen to the number specified by `looseTestTolTo`.
# the step will be set back.
# Default is True.
# `looseTestTolTo` : float. Only useful if tryLooseTestTol is True.
# If unconvergance at the min step, the test tolerance will be set to this value.
# Default is 1.
# `tryAlterAlgoTypes` : boolean. Default is False.
# If True, different algorithm types specified in `algoTypes` will be tried during unconvergance.
# If False, the first algorithm type specified in `algoTypes` will be used.
# `algoTypes` : list of integer. A list of flags of the algorithms to be used during unconvergance.
# The integer flag is documented in the following section.
# Only useful when tryAlterAlgoTypes is True.
# The first flag will be used by default.
# The algorithm command in the model will be ignored.
# Default is { 40 }
# If you need other algorithm, try a user-defined algorithm. See the following section.
# `initialStep` : float. Default is equal to $dt.
# Specifying the initial Step length to conduct analysis.
# `relaxation` : float, between 0 and 1. Default is 0.5.
# A factor that is multiplied by each time the step length is shortened.
# `minStep` : float. Default is 1.0e-6.
# The step tolerance when shortening the step length.
# If step length is smaller than minStep, special ways to converge the model will be used according to `try-` flags.
# `printPer` : integer. Print to the console every several trials. Default is 1.
# `debugMode` : boolean. Print as much information as possible.
# `tryForceConverge` : Using force converge will always give bad results.
# `reorderAlgoTypes` : The algorithm types should not be reorded.
# The script author should be responsible in providing the order.
# Algorithm type flag reference
# -----------------------------
# 0: Linear
# 1: Linear -initial
# 2: Linear -factorOnce
# 10: Newton
# 11: Newton -initial
# 12: Newton -initialThenCurrent
# 20: NewtonLineSearch
# 21: NewtonLineSearch -type Bisection
# 22: NewtonLineSearch -type Secant
# 23: NewtonLineSearch -type RegulaFalsi
# 30: ModifiedNewton
# 31: ModifiedNewton -initial
# 40: KrylovNewton
# 41: KrylovNewton -iterate initial
# 42: KrylovNewton -increment initial
# 43: KrylovNewton -iterate initial -increment initial
# 44: KrylovNewton -maxDim 6
# 50: SecantNewton
# 51: SecantNewton -iterate initial
# 52: SecantNewton -increment initial
# 53: SecantNewton -iterate initial -increment initial
# 60: BFGS
# 70: Broyden
# 80: User-defined0
# 81: User-defined1
# 82: User-defined2
# About User-defined algoType:
# If special algorithm is to be used, SmartAyalize provides 3 user-defined algorithms.
# The script author should specify the algorithm as a procedure in the script.
# The script name must be `UserAlgorithm0`, `UserAlgorithm1`, `UserAlgorithm2`.
# Example see section Example No. 4.
# Change Log:
# 2019-06-28 10:42:19 v0.0
# Create file.
# 2019-06-28 18:04:52 v1.0
# Created the main transient function SmartAnalyzeTransient
# 2019-07-03 12:27:06 v2.0
# Created the main static fuction SmartAnalyzeStatic
# 2019-07-10 13:12:21 v2.1
# Improve user interface and robustness
# 2019-07-12 16:11:26 v2.2
# Add force converge report at the end of analysis
# 2020-03-31 00:48:57 v3.0
# Add a parameter on whether reorder algoTypes on convergence.
# Bug fix on finish percent.
# 2020-05-30 22:33:48 v4.0 alpha
# Wholely refactor. Use mixed recurrance and recursive function.
# Deprecate tryForceConverge and reorderAlgoTypes
# Use array instead of dict to setup control parameters.
# Reorganize documentation. Make code cleaner.
# 2020-06-01 10:22:28 v4.0.1 alpha
# Bug fixes and output improvement.
# 2020-06-11 19:58:00 v4.0.2 alpha
# Bug fix on setting default initialStep and return code.
proc SmartAnalyzeTransient { dt npts {ud ""} } {
# default control parameters
set control(analysis) "Transient"
set control(testType) "EnergyIncr"
set control(testTol) 1.0e-6
set control(testIterTimes) 7
set control(testPrintFlag) 0
set control(tryAddTestTimes) True
set control(normTol) 1.0e3
set control(testIterTimesMore) 50
set control(tryLooseTestTol) True
set control(looseTestTolTo) 1.
set control(tryAlterAlgoTypes) False
set control(algoTypes) { 40 }
set control(initialStep) $dt
set control(relaxation) 0.5
set control(minStep) 1.0e-6
set control(printPer) 10
set control(debugMode) False
# set user control parameters
if {$ud != ""} {
upvar $ud userControl
array set control [array get userControl]
puts "Control parameters:"
puts [array get control]
# initialize analyze commands
test $control(testType) $control(testTol) $control(testIterTimes) $control(testPrintFlag)
setAlgorithm [lindex $control(algoTypes) 0]
analysis Transient
# set an array to store current status.
set current(startTime) [clock clicks -millisec]
set current(algoIndex) 0
set current(testIterTimes) $control(testIterTimes)
set current(testTol) $control(testTol)
set current(counter) 0
set current(progress) 0
set current(segs) $npts
# divide the whole process into segments.
for {set seg 1} {$seg <= $npts} {incr seg} {
set ok [RecursiveAnalyze $control(initialStep) 0 $control(testIterTimes) $control(testTol) control current]
if {$ok < 0} {
puts ">>> SmartAnalyze: Analyze failed. Time consumption: [expr ([clock clicks -millisec]-$current(startTime)) / 1000.]s."
return $ok
set current(progress) $seg
if {$control(debugMode)} {
puts "*** SmartAnalyze: progress $current(progress)/$current(segs)"
puts ">>> SmartAnalyze: Successfully finished! Time consumption: [expr ([clock clicks -millisec]-$current(startTime)) / 1000.]s."
proc SmartAnalyzeStatic { node dof maxStep targets {ud ""} } {
# set initial step
if {$maxStep > [lindex $targets 0]} {
set initialStep [lindex $targets 0]
} else {
set initialStep $maxStep
# default control parameters
set control(analysis) "Static"
set control(testType) "EnergyIncr"
set control(testTol) 1.0e-6
set control(testIterTimes) 7
set control(testPrintFlag) 0
set control(tryAddTestTimes) True
set control(normTol) 1.0e3
set control(testIterTimesMore) 50
set control(tryLooseTestTol) True
set control(looseTestTolTo) 1.
set control(tryAlterAlgoTypes) False
set control(algoTypes) { 40 }
set control(initialStep) $initialStep
set control(relaxation) 0.5
set control(minStep) 1.0e-6
set control(printPer) 10
set control(debugMode) False
# set user control parameters
if {$ud != ""} {
upvar $ud userControl
array set control [array get userControl]
puts "Control parameters:"
puts [array get control]
# initialize analyze commands
test $control(testType) $control(testTol) $control(testIterTimes) $control(testPrintFlag)
setAlgorithm [lindex $control(algoTypes) 0]
integrator DisplacementControl $node $dof $initialStep
analysis Static
# set an array to store current status.
set current(startTime) [clock clicks -millisec]
set current(algoIndex) 0
set current(testIterTimes) $control(testIterTimes)
set current(testTol) $control(testTol)
set current(counter) 0
set current(progress) 0
set current(step) $initialStep
set current(node) $node
set current(dof) $dof
# calcuate whole distance; divide the whole process into segments.
set distance 0
set segs [list ]
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $targets]} {incr i} {
if {$i == 0} {
set section [lindex $targets 0]
set positive True
} else {
set section [expr [lindex $targets $i] - [lindex $targets $i-1]]
if {$section >= 0} {
set positive True
} else {
set positive False
set distance [expr $distance + abs($section)]
if {$positive} {
for {set j 0} {[expr $section - $j*$maxStep] > $maxStep} {incr j} {
lappend segs $maxStep
lappend segs [expr $section - [expr $j*$maxStep]]
} else {
for {set j 0} {[expr -$section - $j*$maxStep] > $maxStep} {incr j} {
lappend segs [expr -$maxStep]
lappend segs [expr $section + [expr $j*$maxStep]]
set current(segs) [llength $segs]
# Run recursive analysis
foreach seg $segs {
set ok [RecursiveAnalyze $seg 0 $control(testIterTimes) $control(testTol) control current]
if {$ok < 0} {
puts ">>> SmartAnalyze: Analyze failed. Time consumption: [expr ([clock clicks -millisec]-$current(startTime)) / 1000.]s."
return $ok
incr current(progress)
if {$control(debugMode)} {
puts "*** SmartAnalyze: progress $current(progress)/$current(segs)"
puts ">>> SmartAnalyze: Successfully Finished! Time consumption: [expr ([clock clicks -millisec]-$current(startTime)) / 1000.]s."
proc RecursiveAnalyze {step algoIndex testIterTimes testTol vcontrol vcurrent} {
upvar $vcontrol control $vcurrent current
if {$control(debugMode)} {
puts "*** SmartAnalyze: Run Recursive: step=$step, algoI=$algoIndex, times=$testIterTimes, tol=$testTol"
if {$algoIndex != $current(algoIndex)} {
puts ">>> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to [lindex $control(algoTypes) $algoIndex]"
setAlgorithm [lindex $control(algoTypes) $algoIndex]
set current(algoIndex) $algoIndex
if {$testIterTimes != $current(testIterTimes) || $testTol != $current(testTol)} {
if {$testIterTimes != $current(testIterTimes)} {
puts ">>> SmartAnalyze: Setting test iteration times to $testIterTimes"
set current(testIterTimes) $testIterTimes
if {$testTol != $current(testTol)} {
puts ">>> SmartAnalyze: Setting test tolerance to $testTol"
set current(testTol) $testTol
test $control(testType) $testTol $testIterTimes $control(testPrintFlag)
if {$control(analysis) == "Static" && $current(step) != $step} {
puts ">>> SmartAnalyze: Setting step to $step"
integrator DisplacementControl $current(node) $current(dof) $step
set current(step) $step
# trial analyze once
if {$control(analysis) == "Static"} {
set ok [analyze 1]
} else {
set ok [analyze 1 $step]
set current(counter) [expr $current(counter) + 1]
if {$ok == 0} {
if {$current(counter) >= $control(printPer)} {
puts "* SmartAnalyze: progress $current(progress)/$current(segs). Time consumption: [expr ([clock clicks -millisec]-$current(startTime)) / 1000.]s."
set current(counter) 0
return 0
# Add test iteration times. Use current step, algorithm and test tolerance.
if {$control(tryAddTestTimes) && $testIterTimes != $control(testIterTimesMore)} {
set norm [testNorms]
if { [lindex $norm end] < $control(normTol) } {
puts ">>> SmartAnalyze: Adding test times to $control(testIterTimesMore)."
return [RecursiveAnalyze $step $algoIndex $control(testIterTimesMore) $testTol control current]
} else {
puts ">>> SmartAnalyze: Not adding test times for norm [lindex $norm end]."
# Change algorithm. Set back test iteration times.
if {$control(tryAlterAlgoTypes) && [incr algoIndex] < [llength $control(algoTypes)]} {
puts ">>> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to [lindex $control(algoTypes) $algoIndex]."
return [RecursiveAnalyze $step $algoIndex $testIterTimes $testTol control current]
# If step length is too small, try add test tolerance. set algorithm and test iteration times back.
if {[expr abs($step)] < [expr 2*$control(minStep)]} {
puts ">>> SmartAnalyze: current step $step is too small!"
if {$control(tryLooseTestTol) && $current(testTol) != $control(looseTestTolTo)} {
puts "!!! SmartAnalyze: Warning: Loosing test tolerance "
return [RecursiveAnalyze $step 0 $control(testIterTimes) $control(looseTestTolTo) control current]
# Here, all methods have been tried. Return negative value.
return -1
# Split the current step into two steps.
set stepNew [expr $step * $control(relaxation)]
if {$stepNew > 0 && $stepNew < $control(minStep)} {
set stepNew $control(minStep)
if {$stepNew < 0 && $stepNew > [expr -$control(minStep)]} {
set stepNew [expr -$control(minStep)]
set stepRest [expr $step - $stepNew]
puts ">>> SmartAnalyze: Dividing the current step $step into $stepNew and $stepRest"
set ok [RecursiveAnalyze $stepNew 0 $testIterTimes $testTol control current]
if {$ok < 0} {
return -1
set ok [RecursiveAnalyze $stepRest 0 $testIterTimes $testTol control current]
if {$ok < 0} {
return -1
return 1
proc setAlgorithm { type } {
switch $type {
0 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to Linear ..."
algorithm Linear
1 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to -initial ..."
algorithm -initial
2 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to -factorOnce ..."
algorithm -factorOnce
10 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to Newton ..."
algorithm Newton
11 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to Newton -initial ..."
algorithm Newton -initial
12 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to Newton -initialThenCurrent ..."
algorithm Newton -initialThenCurrent
20 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to NewtonLineSearch ..."
algorithm NewtonLineSearch
21 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to NewtonLineSearch -type Bisection ..."
algorithm NewtonLineSearch -type Bisection
22 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to NewtonLineSearch -type Secant ..."
algorithm NewtonLineSearch -type Secant
23 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to NewtonLineSearch -type RegulaFalsi ..."
algorithm NewtonLineSearch -type RegulaFalsi
30 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to Modified Newton ..."
algorithm Modified Newton
31 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to ModifiedNewton -initial ..."
algorithm ModifiedNewton -initial
40 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to KrylovNewton ..."
algorithm KrylovNewton
41 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to KrylovNewton -iterate initial ..."
algorithm KrylovNewton -iterate initial
42 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to KrylovNewton -increment initial ..."
algorithm KrylovNewton -increment initial
43 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to KrylovNewton -iterate initial -increment initial ..."
algorithm KrylovNewton -iterate initial -increment initial
44 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to KrylovNewton -maxDim 50"
algorithm KrylovNewton -maxDim 50
45 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to KrylovNewton -iterate initial -increment initial -maxDim 50"
algorithm KrylovNewton -iterate initial -increment initial -maxDim 50
50 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to SecantNewton ..."
algorithm SecantNewton
51 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to SecantNewton -iterate initial ..."
algorithm SecantNewton -iterate initial
52 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to SecantNewton -increment initial ..."
algorithm SecantNewton -increment initial
53 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to SecantNewton -iterate initial -increment initial ..."
algorithm SecantNewton -iterate initial -increment initial
60 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to BFGS ..."
algorithm BFGS
70 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Setting algorithm to Broyden ..."
algorithm Broyden
80 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Using user defined algorithm UserAlgorithm0."
81 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Using user defined algorithm UserAlgorithm1."
82 {
puts "> SmartAnalyze: Using user defined algorithm UserAlgorithm2."
default {
puts "!!! SmartAnalyze: ERROR! WRONG Algorithm Type!"
puts " ********************************************************************** "
puts " * WELCOME TO * "
puts " * _____ _ ___ _ * "
puts " * / ___| | | / _ \\ | | * "
puts " * \\ `--. _ __ ___ __ _ _ __| |_/ /_\\ \\_ __ __ _| |_ _ _______ * "
puts " * `--. \\ '_ ` _ \\ / _` | '__| __| _ | '_ \\ / _` | | | | |_ / _ \\ * "
puts " * /\\__/ / | | | | | (_| | | | |_| | | | | | | (_| | | |_| |/ / __/ * "
puts " * \\____/|_| |_| |_|\\__,_|_| \\__\\_| |_/_| |_|\\__,_|_|\\__, /___\\___| * "
puts " * __/ | * "
puts " * |___/ * "
puts " * Author: Hanlin DONG ( * "
puts " * License: MIT ( * "
puts " ********************************************************************** "
puts "Smart Analyze version 4.0.1 alpha loaded. Enjoy!"
puts "For transient analyze, call SmartAnalyzeTransient dt npts"
puts "For static analyze, call SmartAnalyzeStatic node dof targets maxStep"
puts " "
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