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Created November 2, 2019 12:46
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  • Save HansF/e96c0c874afcdf3c131e1f23b3a7692a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HansF/e96c0c874afcdf3c131e1f23b3a7692a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
~/work/eth2/prysm$ bazel run //beacon-chain -- --clear-db --datadir=/tmp/prysm-data
WARNING: Ignoring JAVA_HOME, because it must point to a JDK, not a JRE.
INFO: Writing tracer profile to '/home/hans/.cache/bazel/_bazel_hans/7b8b7dfbb118cd2126b88899a55fefcd/command.profile.gz'
DEBUG: Rule 'graknlabs_bazel_distribution' indicated that a canonical reproducible form can be obtained by modifying arguments shallow_since = "1569509514 +0300"
DEBUG: Call stack for the definition of repository 'graknlabs_bazel_distribution' which is a git_repository (rule definition at /home/hans/.cache/bazel/_bazel_hans/7b8b7dfbb118cd2126b88899a55fefcd/external/bazel_tools/tools/build_defs/repo/git.bzl:195:18):
- /home/hans/work/eth2/prysm/WORKSPACE:49:1
INFO: Analyzed target //beacon-chain:beacon-chain (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
Target //beacon-chain:beacon-chain up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.208s, Critical Path: 0.00s
INFO: 0 processes.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
INFO: Build completed successfully, 1 total action
2019/11/02 13:38:23 maxprocs: Leaving GOMAXPROCS=4: CPU quota undefined
[2019-11-02 13:38:23] INFO node: Using custom chain parameters config=demo
[2019-11-02 13:38:23] WARN node: This will delete your beacon chain data base stored in your data directory. Your database backups will not be removed - do you want to proceed? (Y/N)
>> y
[2019-11-02 13:41:52] WARN node: Removing database
[2019-11-02 13:41:52] INFO node: Checking DB database-path=/tmp/prysm-data/beaconchaindata
[2019-11-02 13:41:52] INFO node: Fetching testnet cluster address endpoint=
[2019-11-02 13:41:54] INFO node: Starting beacon node version=Git commit: 103bdfc688d90a447bf691372a5943ce13d02579. Built at: 2019-11-02T13:38:23+01:00
[2019-11-02 13:41:54] INFO registry: Starting 8 services: [*p2p.Service *powchain.Service *operations.Service *blockchain.Service *initialsync.InitialSync *sync.RegularSync *rpc.Service *prometheus.Service]
[2019-11-02 13:41:54] INFO powchain: Connected to eth1 proof-of-work chain endpoint=wss://
[2019-11-02 13:41:54] INFO rpc: RPC-API listening on port port=:4000
[2019-11-02 13:41:54] WARN rpc: You are using an insecure gRPC connection! Provide a certificate and key to connect securely
[2019-11-02 13:41:54] INFO prometheus: Collecting metrics at endpoint endpoint=:8080
[2019-11-02 13:41:54] INFO blockchain: Waiting to reach the validator deposit threshold to start the beacon chain...
[2019-11-02 13:41:54] INFO p2p: Node started p2p server multiAddr=/ip4/
[2019-11-02 13:41:56] INFO p2p: New peer connected peer=16Uiu2HAmBmY6hYLosLBZCcr9mADSrvxXiFbZPU5Bg6Jm6y23aqAq
[2019-11-02 13:41:56] INFO p2p: New peer connected peer=16Uiu2HAmT4Sz9ArPyxLVruTHaaHWN2PBDZhpKTiXZJrkapNJd718
[2019-11-02 13:41:56] INFO p2p: New peer connected peer=16Uiu2HAmEi24LuwXmXXi9o7z2t82voszrbwf9Fgo1LN8UqYEDozi
[2019-11-02 13:41:56] INFO p2p: New peer connected peer=16Uiu2HAmFywoLdduvVG1Q1mRQeV9m613aADTSLdB37UCHYBryjU5
[2019-11-02 13:41:56] INFO p2p: New peer connected peer=16Uiu2HAmS8qKhCrZe9saV6q1GZ3HW6Lcte2YDG5bRysJuCWvwj2W
[2019-11-02 13:41:57] INFO powchain: Minimum number of validators reached for beacon-chain to start ChainStartTime=2019-10-17 18:05:36 +0200 CEST
[2019-11-02 13:41:57] INFO blockchain: Genesis time reached, starting the beacon chain
[2019-11-02 13:41:58] INFO initial-sync: Starting initial chain sync...
[2019-11-02 13:42:01] INFO initial-sync: Processing block 2/228364 - estimated time remaining 1268h40m40s blocksPerSecond=0.1 peers=5/5
panic: could not process block from fork choice service: pre state of slot 2 does not exist
goroutine 230 [running]:*InitialSync).Start(0xc0008dc600)
beacon-chain/sync/initial-sync/service.go:106 +0x97d
created by*ServiceRegistry).StartAll
shared/service_registry.go:44 +0x23e
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