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HansNewbie / CMAKE
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02


INSTALL( TARGETS [library name]

In Windows, this will give error install Library Targets given no DESTINATION.

You only install the LIBRARY but not the ARCHIVE (the static import lib automatically created when you export functions from a lib on windows). A static library is also treated as ARCHIVE by cmake on windows. So either remove LIBRARY or add a destination for ARCHIVE. Another thing which comes to my mind is that a library is treated as RUNTIME - but I'm unsure atm :)

So best is - remove 'LIBRARY' and you'll be fine.

HansNewbie / Building PyIlmBase for PyAlembic on
Created June 9, 2014 01:31
Troubles that I find on building PyIlmBase for PyAlembic on Windows. I have not succeeded and I am not continuing as someone else has successfully build so. For the CMAKE of PyIlmBase, I use the one which was in pull request of the repo.
  • Python must be 64 bit Python to build Boost 64 bit (I didn't realize the Python I had was 32 bit)
  • Need Boost DLL instead of static library
  • Since I did not configure my CMAKE, I feed the find packages library manually from command line
  • In PyIex, I keep getting dllimport error since it is supposedly dllexport. Define the condition as preprocessor directives in PyIex
  • need to build IexMath; it was not in the VC of IlmBase, I build my own
  • Boost 1.53 and 1.52 did not work on compiling PyImath module (PyIex compiles and links just fine)
HansNewbie / Windows Program Not
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
Windows Program not Sharp
  1. RMB on the program button
  2. Choose Compatibility
  3. Tick Disable display scaling on high DPI settings
  4. ???
  5. Profit!!!
HansNewbie /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
GF Markdown Bug

[ ] a [ ] b

  • c
  • d

If user is careless, forgetting to put "- " before "[ ]", TODO list could get buggy.

Steps to reproduce bug:

  • on parsed MD page of list above, tick "c" to note that "c" is done.
  • Now, edit the file.
from maya import cmds
from math import *
def euler(x, dt, dxdt):
x_new = [0, 0, 0]
# TODO: implement the Euler method here
for i in range(0,3):
x_new[i] = x[i] + dt*dxdt[i]
HansNewbie / GUIManager.cs
Last active August 5, 2016 23:29
Improvements to Unity Endless Runner tutorial from; Find more information about my version at
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class GUIManager : MonoBehaviour {
public GUIText boostsText,
HansNewbie / Python Turtle Fractal
Last active July 18, 2021 20:09
Python Turtle Fractal Plant
# As described in
import turtle
ruleInput = ['F', 'X']
ruleOutput = ["FF", "F-[[X]+X]+F[+FX]-X"]
start = "X"
front = 5
turn = 30
stack = []