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Last active August 4, 2022 09:48
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python pretty print a dict
# Color print
def color_str(s, level="info"):
msg_level_D = {
"shell": "1;36;40", # cyan
"success": "1;32;40", # green
"info": "1;34;40", # blue
"warn": "1;35;40", # magenta
"error": "1;31;40", # red
"hint": "1;33;40", # yellow
"mark": "1;37;42", # white + green
cb = "\x1b[{}m"
ce = "\x1b[0m"
cb = cb.format(msg_level_D[level])
return f"{cb}{s}{ce}"
def color_print(s, level="info"):
print(color_str(s, level=level))
# Pretty print dict
class DictPrettifier:
def disp_dict(data, indent=4, level=0, indent_key=False, brace=True, max_key_len=0, depth=20, item_idx=True, compact=True, compact_limit=80):
if indent_key:
max_key_len = len(max(data, key=len))
max_key_len = 0
dict_str = ""
brace_indent_str = ' '*((level)*indent)
if brace:
if level>0:
dict_str += "\n"
dict_str += color_str(f"{brace_indent_str}{{", "warn")
if level < 0:
indent_str = ""
indent_str = " " * ((level+1) * indent)
if level <= depth-1:
for idx, (k, v) in enumerate(data.items()):
k_str = color_str(f"{k:{max_key_len+1}}", "warn")
if isinstance(v,
params = get_func_params()
params["data"] = v
params["level"] += 1
v_str = disp_dict(**params)
v_str = color_str(f"{v}", "info")
colon_str = color_str(":", "hint")
dict_str += f"\n{indent_str}{k_str}{colon_str} {v_str}"
if brace:
dict_str += color_str(f"\n{brace_indent_str}}}", "warn")
if level == 0:
keys_str = ','.join(data.keys())
if compact and len(keys_str) > compact_limit:
keys_str = keys_str[:compact_limit] + "..."
keys_num = len(data.keys())
if keys_num < 3:
keys_num_str = ""
keys_num_str = f"({keys_num} items)"
dict_str = f"{keys_num_str} {{{keys_str}}}"
return dict_str
# Pretty print list of dict
def disp_dict_list(lst, item_idx=True, **kwargs):
for idx, item in enumerate(lst):
if item_idx:
print(f"\n(Item: {idx+1}/{len(lst)})")
dict_str = disp_dict(item, **kwargs)
# print(dict_str)
# def pprint_dict(d, indent=2, width=80):
# pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=indent)
# pp.pprint(d)
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