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Last active March 7, 2024 12:05
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Install Python latest version in Linux without sudo access

See this link before you really want to install pure Python by yourself instead of miniconda:

Method 1: (Recommend) Use Pyenv

  • Note: If pyenv install <version> connect to time out
    • Visit this secret gist to setup proxies: Hansimov/

Download pyenv-installer and run it:

bash pyenv-installer

Add following lines to ~/.bashrc:

export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
  eval "$(pyenv init -)"

Relauch the shell to make it work:

bash # Or exec "$SHELL"

Then run the commands:

# Install the latest Python from source code
pyenv install 3.9.6
pyenv versions

# Switch Python version
pyenv global 3.9.6

# Check where Python is actually installed
pyenv prefix
# > /home/admin/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6

# Check the current Python version
python -V
# > Python 3.9.6


Method 2: (Backup) Use .tgz located in npmmirror

Visit following link to get latest Python

Download the .tgz via Chrome browser and drag & drop to target path in server via MobaXterm.

tar -zxvf Python-3.9.6.tgz
# find ./Python-3.9.6/Python -type d | xargs chmod 0755
cd Python-3.11.3
./configure --prefix=$PWD/Python-3.9.6/Python
make install
mv ~/Python-3.9.6 ~/bin/

Add Python to path by adding this line to .bashrc:

export PATH=~/bin/Python-3.9.6:$PATH

or add alias to .bash_aliases:

alias python="~/bin/Python-3.9.6/python"

Do not forget to relauch bash to make the path work:


If create Python venv,

python -m venv ~/bin/pyvenv

remove the above export and alias for root python, replace with the following ones:

# .bashrc
export PATH=~/bin/pyvenv/bin:$PATH
export pv=~/bin/pyvenv
# .bash_aliases
alias python="~/bin/pyvenv/bin/python"

Activate python venv:

source $pv/bin/activate

or use alias:

alias sv="source ~/bin/pyvenv/bin/activate"

See the following link for more setup:


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