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Last active September 13, 2016 04:32
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MVVMCross Binding


Binds Android.Views
Text Text,Number (can be formatted: Ex local:MvxBind="Text Format('Now: {0:hhmmss}', Time)"); // TimeSpan Time
Click ICommand
Value DateTime, Time
ItemsSource MvxSpinner, MvxListView, MvxLinearLayout, MvxFrameLayout, MvxRadioGroup
ItemClick MvxListView Item
SelectedItem MvxSpinner Item, MvxRadioGroup Item
Progress SeekBar (binds with a number)

####MvxNotifyPropertyChanged A class extends MvxNotifyPropertyChanged will be able to raise property changed (RaisePropertyChanged) ex: // In ViewModel

    public class PersonViewModel : MvxNotifyPropertyChanged
        private string _firstName;
        public string FirstName
            get { return _firstName; }
            set { _firstName = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => FirstName); }
        private string _lastName;
        public string LastName
            get { return _lastName; }
            set { _lastName = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => LastName); }
      private PersonViewModel _firstPerson = new PersonViewModel()
          FirstName = "Fred",
          LastName = "Flintstone"
      public PersonViewModel FirstPerson
          get { return _firstPerson; }
          set { _firstPerson = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => FirstPerson); }

####ValueConverter - binding XXXValueConverter : MvxValueConverter

  • Define:
    • override Convert
    • override ConvertBack
  • Usage:
    • local:MvxBind="Text Value, Converter=PlusTen

####If - binding local:MvxBind="Text If(TestVal1 > TestVal2, 'First', 'Second')" // TestVal1 and TestVal2 are other bindings on other views

####Math - binding local:MvxBind="Text TestVal1 + '+' + TestVal2 + '=' + (TestVal1 + TestVal2)" // TestVal1 and TestVal2 are other bindings on other views

####RatingBar - binding local:MvxBind="NumStars OutOf; Rating Rating; StepSize StepSize"; // In ViewModel OutOf: Number of stars Rating: rating StepSize: step size

####Mvx.MvxListview - binding

    local:MvxBind="ItemsSource MenuItems" />
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