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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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  • Save Happsson/8db098491245ecc0ec74 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Happsson/8db098491245ecc0ec74 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include "LedControlMS.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define NBR_MTX 2
LedControl lc=LedControl(12,11,10, NBR_MTX);
int speed = 100;
//numbers 0-9. Kan kombineras genom att förskjuta 4 steg i x-led
int n[11][8][8] = {{
const int LRin = A0; //left / right
const int UDin = A1; //up / down.
bool blinkCandy = true; //switch every loop to blink candy.
int moveDir = 0; //0 = höger, 1 = upp, 2 = vänster, 3 = ner.
int length = 1;
int last[64][2]; //plats för en orm som tar upp alla lampor
int x = 3;
int y = 3;
int lastId = 0; //Id i arrayen.
int c = 0; //autoplayer counter
bool collision = false; //Set to true if collision.
bool incLength = false;
int candyPos[2];
bool candyOnScreen = false;
void setup() {
Serial.begin (9600);
for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++){ //Sätt alla punkter utanför spelplanen
last[i][0] = -1;
last[i][1] = -1;
pinMode(5, INPUT);
for (int i=0; i< NBR_MTX; i++){
/* Set the brightness to a medium values */
/* and clear the display */
int looper = 0;
//The int looper is used instead of a delay(), so I can check the input for the controller more often without having to deal with
void loop() {
looper = looper % speed;
if(looper==0) DoMove();
//c++; //not used in actual game. Used to generate a perfect game.
if(looper==0) checkCollision();
if(collision) { //vid kollision är spelet över
candyCollision(); //kolla om man tagit godisen
while(!candyOnScreen) createCandy(); //radnomiza fram ny godis om det behövs. loopa tills det dyker upp en
if(looper % 100 == 0) candyBlink();
void GameOver(void){
//Spelet slut, fastna i oändlig loop.
PS(length-1); //length-1 is the same as number of candies collected. This is the score.
//print score
void PS(int a){
int nr1;
int nr2;
if(a > 10){
nr1 = a / 10;
nr2 = a - (nr1 * 10);
else if(a==10){
nr1 = 1;
nr2 = 0;
nr1 = 10;
nr2 = a;
for(int x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++){
for(int y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++){
if(n[nr1][x1][y1] == 1) lc.setLed(0,y1,7-x1,true);
for(int x1 = 0; x1 < 8; x1++){
for(int y1 = 0; y1 < 8; y1++){
if(n[nr2][x1][y1] == 1) lc.setLed(0,y1+4,7-x1,true);
void candyBlink(void){
if(blinkCandy) lc.setLed(0,candyPos[0],candyPos[1],true);
else lc.setLed(0,candyPos[0],candyPos[1],false);
blinkCandy = !blinkCandy;
void Led(int x, int y){
lc.setLed(0,last[0][0], last[0][1],false); //släck längst bak, endast om vi inte ska göra ormen längre.
//Bygg om listan med tända lampor varje gång. index [0] är alltid sista lampan i svansen, index [length] är alltid "huvudet"
//om ormen ska bli längre skippas denna loop.
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
last[i][0] = last[i+1][0];
last[i][1] = last[i+1][1];
else{ //ormen ska göras längre, incrementera positionen length med 1 bara.
incLength = false;
last[length][0] = x;
last[length][1] = y;
lc.setLed(0,last[length][0],last[length][1],true); // tänd ny pos
void CheckMove(void){
//perfect game.
/*c = c%64;
if(c == 0 || c == 15 || c == 29 || c == 43) moveDir = 0; //höger
if(c == 7 || c == 14 || c == 21 || c == 28 || c == 35 || c == 42 || c == 49) moveDir = 3; //ner
if(c == 8 || c == 22 || c == 36 || c == 50) moveDir = 2; //vänster
if(c == 57) moveDir = 1; //upp
int LR = analogRead(LRin);
int UD = analogRead(UDin);
if(LR > 600 && moveDir != 0) moveDir = 2; //höger, bara om man inte för tillfället kör åt vänster
if(LR < 100 && moveDir != 2) moveDir = 0; //vänster, om man inte kör åt höger.
if(UD > 600 && moveDir != 3) moveDir = 1; //Ner
if(UD < 100 && moveDir != 1) moveDir = 3; //upp
void DoMove(void){
if(moveDir == 0) MoveRight();
if(moveDir == 1) MoveUp();
if(moveDir == 2) MoveLeft();
if(moveDir == 3) MoveDown();
speed = 0 - 670 + analogRead(A3); //also check speed
void IncrementLength(void){
incLength = true;
void MoveRight(void){
void MoveLeft(void){
void MoveUp(void){
void MoveDown(void){
//create candy
void createCandy(void){
int xR = rand() % 8;
int yR = rand() % 8;
for(int i = 0; i <= length; i++){
if(xR == last[i][0] && yR == last[i][1]){
candyOnScreen = false;
candyPos[0] = xR;
candyPos[1] = yR;
candyOnScreen = true;
void candyCollision(){
if(last[length][0] == candyPos[0] && last[length][1] == candyPos[1]){
candyOnScreen = false;
// checks collision with snake and wall.
void checkCollision(){
int xP = last[length][0];
int yP = last[length][1];
if(xP == -1 || xP == 8 || yP == -1 || yP == 8){
collision = true;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
if(last[i][0] == xP && last[i][1] == yP){
collision = true;
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