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Last active June 13, 2024 04:22
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Vue.js composable for consuming Vest suites and receiving reactive references to the result and classes. Written in TypeScript and JavaScript.
<!-- Form.vue -->
<script setup lang="ts">
import { reactive } from 'vue'
import { useSuite } from '~/composables/useSuite'
import { suite } from '~/suites/example'
const { res, classes, validate, reset } = useSuite(suite)
const formData = reactive({
email: '',
password: ''
function validateField(field: string) {
validate(formData, field)
function resetForm() { = ''
formData.password = ''
/* - - - */
function handleSubmit() {
// check if form is invalid before submitting
if (!res.value.isValid()) {
/* ... */
<form @submit.prevent="handleSubmit">
<button type="submit" :disabled="!res.isValid()">Submit Form</button>
<button type="button" @click="resetForm">Clear Form</button>
/* useSuite.ts */
import type { Suite } from 'vest'
import type { CB } from 'vest-utils'
import { computed, ref } from 'vue'
import classnames from 'vest/classnames'
// Duplicate of unexported `SupportedClasses` interface
interface Classes {
valid?: string
tested?: string
invalid?: string
warning?: string
untested?: string
// Replace `undefined` with your class names of choice!
const DEFAULT_CLASSES: Classes = {
valid: undefined,
tested: undefined,
invalid: undefined,
warning: undefined,
untested: undefined
* Vue composable for interacting with [Vest]( validation suites.
* @param {Suite} suite - The Vest validation suite
* @param {Classes} [_classes] - The user-defined state-validity class names
export function useSuite<T extends CB>(suite: Suite<T>, _classes?: Classes) {
// reactive reference to the suite result
const res = ref(suite.get())
// method which returns respective classes depending on field's validity status;
// here, we merge the user's input class names with the default class names
// defined above
const classes = computed(() => {
return classnames(res.value, { ...DEFAULT_CLASSES, ..._classes })
// the suite validation method
function validate(...args: Parameters<T>) {
res.value = suite(...args)
// the suite reset method
function reset() {
res.value = suite.get()
// the suite reset method for a single field
function resetField(field: string) {
res.value = suite.get()
return { res, classes, validate, reset, resetField }
/* useSuite.js */
// Replace `undefined` with your class names of choice!
valid: undefined,
tested: undefined,
invalid: undefined,
warning: undefined,
untested: undefined
* Vue composable for interacting with [Vest]( validation suites.
* @param suite - The Vest validation suite
* @param [_classes] - The user-defined state-validity class names
export function useSuite(suite, _classes) {
// reactive reference to the suite result
const res = ref(suite.get())
// method which returns respective classes depending on field's validity status;
// here, we merge the user's input class names with the default class names
// defined above
const classes = computed(() => {
return classnames(res.value, { ...DEFAULT_CLASSES, ..._classes })
// the suite validation method
function validate(...args) {
res.value = suite(...args)
// the suite reset method
function reset() {
res.value = suite.get()
// the suite reset method for a single field
function resetField(field) {
res.value = suite.get()
return { res, classes, validate, reset, resetField }
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ealush commented Mar 9, 2023

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Thanks so much for featuring it @ealush!!

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