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Created March 23, 2016 01:03
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Save Haraguroicha/fb175444b05828f5d00e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
alternative function of showModalDialog for Chrome
/// showModalDialog.js
/// Created by Haraguroicha 2014-10-06
(function() {
window._smdName = window._smdName || Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000);
window.spawn = window.spawn || function(gen) {
function continuer(verb, arg) {
var result;
try {
result = generator[verb](arg);
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
if (result.done) {
return result.value;
} else {
return Promise.resolve(result.value).then(onFulfilled, onRejected);
var generator = gen();
var onFulfilled = continuer.bind(continuer, 'next');
var onRejected = continuer.bind(continuer, 'throw');
return onFulfilled();
window.showModalDialog = window.showModalDialog || function(url, arg, opt) {
url = url || ''; // URL of a dialog
arg = arg || null ; // arguments to a dialog
opt = opt || 'dialogWidth: 300px; dialogHeight: 200px'; // options: dialogTop;dialogLeft;dialogWidth;dialogHeight or CSS styles
opt = opt
.replace(/dialog/gi, '') // remove all of dialog strings
.replace(/ /g, '') // remove all blank characters
.replace(/:/g, '= ') // replace all of ':' to '= '
.replace(/,|;/g, ', ') // replace all of ',' or ';' to ', '
.replace(/width/gi, 'width') // replace all 'width' to lowercase
.replace(/height/gi, 'height') // replace all 'height' to lowercase
.replace(/(\d+)px/g, '$1'); // remove all of 'px'
var caller = showModalDialog.caller.toString();
var dialog =, 'smd_dialog_' + window._smdName, opt, false);
dialog.dialogArguments = arg;
dialog.addEventListener('unload', function(e) {
// if using yield
if (caller.indexOf('yield') >= 0) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
dialog.addEventListener('unload', function() {
var returnValue = dialog.returnValue;
// if using eval
var isNext = false;
var nextStmts = caller
.replace(/(window\.)?showModalDialog\([^)]+\)/g, 'showModalDialog(%%%%%%%)')
.filter(function(stmt) {
if (isNext || stmt.indexOf('showModalDialog(') >= 0)
return isNext = true;
return false;
var unloadEventHandler = function() {
if (dialog.location.href == 'about:blank') {
return setTimeout(function() { dialog.addEventListener('unload', unloadEventHandler); }, 250);
var returnValue = dialog.returnValue;
nextStmts[0] = nextStmts[0].replace(/(window\.)?showModalDialog\(%%%%%%%\)/g, JSON.stringify(returnValue));
eval('{\n' + nextStmts.join('\n'));
dialog.addEventListener('unload', unloadEventHandler);
throw 'Execution stopped until showModalDialog is closed';
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after returning true or closing the modal, I have this error.

showModalDialog.js:65 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined
at unloadEventHandler (showModalDialog.js:65)

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