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Created September 20, 2018 08:43
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SVG Icon
import React from 'react'
import Svg, { Path } from 'react-native-svg'
const icons = {
'confirm': 'm503 127l-46-45c-12-12-32-12-45 0l-217 226l-82-82c-12-13-33-13-45 0l-45 45c-13 12-13 33 0 45l150 150c12 13 32 13 45 0l68-68l217-225c6-7 9-15 9-23l0 0c0-8-3-16-9-23z',
'dismiss': 'm439 363l-102-102l102-102c12-12 12-33 0-45l-46-45c-12-13-32-13-45 0l-102 102l-102-102c-12-13-32-13-45 0l-45 45c-12 12-12 33 0 45l102 102l-102 102c-12 12-12 33 0 45l45 45c13 13 33 13 46 0l101-101l102 101c13 13 33 13 45 0l46-45c12-12 12-33 0-45z',
'notifications-on': 'm384 288c0-58 0-169-97-189c0-1 1-2 1-3c0-18-14-32-32-32c-18 0-32 14-32 32c0 1 1 2 1 3c-97 20-97 131-97 189c0 64-64 96-64 96l0 32l384 0l0-32c0 0-64-32-64-96z m-160 192l64 0c18 0 32-14 32-32l-128 0c0 18 14 32 32 32z',
'notifications-off': 'm352 107c-15-19-35-34-65-40c0-1 1-2 1-3c0-18-14-32-32-32c-18 0-32 14-32 32c0 1 1 2 1 3c-97 20-97 131-97 189c0 64-64 96-64 96l0 32l11 0z m32 149l-128 128l192 0l0-32c0 0-64-32-64-96z m-185 185c6 8 15 13 25 13l64 0c18 0 32-14 32-32l-102 0z m-156 30l411-412l35 36l-410 411z'
export default ({ which, size, fill = 'white', style = {} }) => (
<Svg width={size} height={size} style={style} viewBox="0 0 512 512">
<Path d={icons[which]} fill={fill} />
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