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Created June 7, 2024 10:50
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YAML - Yet Another Markup Language

YAML is used for configuration by many technologies as it's easier and cleaner to read and write than JSON / XML.

Worth a read:

YAML Linting

Always lint your YAML to catch otherwise hard to spot whitespace errors such as inconsistent indentation or tabs vs spaces.

I use YAMLLint which is automatically installed by DevOps-Bash-tools and you can run the script in that repo to recurse the current or given directory and check all the YAML files.

I run this automatically in all my GitHub repos via CI/CD.

Advanced YAML

Anchors and References

Use & prefix anchor to mark a section and * to reference to it later in the same YAML to reduce duplication.

Override / Extend - Anchors and References

Prefix the *<name> reference with <<: to allow you to add more fields underneath it. Same name fields are overridden.

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