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Last active June 25, 2024 20:40
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  • Save HariSekhon/ce441e7479a55c596261d01f4ceedb2a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save HariSekhon/ce441e7479a55c596261d01f4ceedb2a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. from HariSekhon/Knowledge-Base repo:


Remote Desktop

You can find your corporate workspace by downloading Remote Desktop app from the Apple Store and then Add Workspace and entering this URL:

You'll be prompted for your Microsoft login, enter your company corporate email and password, and your RDP session will be seen as an icon to click through to.

This icon will remain under Workspaces, not PCs when you are starting RDP again to connect.

This conveniently also reconnects if you leave the app running and move locations / wifi as a digital nomad or even just going home.

On Mac use the Cmd key as the Windows key.


Screenshots can be tricky when using WVD above from a Mac as the Print Screen key isn't available on Mac and shortcuts like Windows-Shift-S don't work.

Pull up the Snipping Tool from the task search and use that to take a screenshot of a given area.

On Mac hit the Cmd key which is equivalent of the Windows key inside the WVD session to bring up the task bar search and then typesnip and enter.

Once the Snipping Tool is up, click New and then drag a selection window and save it as a screenshot file to share.


Show the current time:

time /t

(without the /t switch it prompts to set a new time)


See Networking doc.

List Volumes

fsutil volume list | findstr :

Get Free Disk Space on All Volumes

powershell "Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Select-Object Name, @{Name='FreeSpace(GB)';Expression={($_.Free/1GB).ToString('F2')}}, @{Name='UsedSpace(GB)';Expression={((($_.Used)/1GB).ToString('F2'))}}, @{Name='TotalSize(GB)';Expression={($_.Used+$_.Free/1GB).ToString('F2')}}"

Disk Check Analysis

chkdsk c:


Windows has scanned the file system and found no problems.
No further action is required.

  51796991 KB total disk space.
  30478208 KB in 771533 files.
    438244 KB in 283686 indexes.
         0 KB in bad sectors.
   1194783 KB in use by the system.
     55232 KB occupied by the log file.
  19685756 KB available on disk.

      4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
  12949247 total allocation units on disk.
   4921439 allocation units available on disk.

Find the location of a binary in the %PATH%

where bash


C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe

List Disk Space

fsutil volume diskfree c:

File Permissions

Set owner of file administrator:

icacls "D:\test\test.txt" /setowner "administrator"

Recursively change /app directory and its contents be readable by all users

icacls "D:\test\test.txt" /grant "users:(R)" /t

Grant full control permission to administrator:

icacls "D:\test\test.txt" /grant "administrator:(F)"

Grant read and execute to all users:

icacls "D:\test\test.txt" /grant "users:(RX)"
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