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Last active July 22, 2024 11:15
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Hashicorp Vault

The leading open source secrets manager.

  • stores credentials / secrets / keys / passwords / certificates / API keys
  • detailed audit log
  • key rolling
  • encrypts before writing to disk / consul
  • dynamic secrets - AWS backend generates IAM access keys on demand for accessing S3 bucket + revoke them after script finishes - Database backend generates on-demand, time-limited credentials
  • data encryption - standard call for apps to encrypt without worrying about the mechanism, eg. before storing to SQL
  • revocation - revoke single or whole tree of secrets, or all keys accessible by a user or all keys of a type (useful for leavers, rolling, intrusion lock downs)
  • HA - takes lock on storage - Consul (recommended) - ZooKeeper - Etcd
  • Auth - AWS, GCP, K8S, Github, Okta, Radius, Tokens, TLS Certs, Username + Pw
  • Authz policies
  • Audit - file, socket, syslog - at least one configured audit device must succeed to complete request
  • single static binary (put in $PATH eg. /usr/local/bin)


  • cross DC replication
  • UI
  • Hashicorp Sentinel policies integration
  • AWS / GCP KMS auto unseal
  • HSM support

Install on Mac

brew tap hashicorp/tap
brew install hashicorp/tap/vault

Install Autocomplete

Adds the entry complete -C /opt/homebrew/bin/vault vault to your ~/.bash_profile:

complete -C /opt/homebrew/bin/vault vault

Restart your shell as a full login shell:

exec bash -l

If the VAULT_* environment variables are set, the autocompletion will automatically query the Vault server and return helpful argument suggestions.

CLI Settings

Set the following environment variables

export VAULT_ADDR="https://vault.$MYDOMAIN"
export VAULT_TOKEN=...

Local Test Server

Run in RAM without TLS (still encrypts data):

vault server -dev

Prints out root token + unseal key + VAULT_ADDR environment variable.


vault status
  • secret/ prefix handler tells Vault which secret engine to route to (secret/ => kv engine)

For prod use files or STDIN to avoid storing secret values in shell history:

vault write secret/blah value=test value2=test2
vault list secrets
vault read secret/blah
vault read -format=json | jq -r .data.value2
vault read -field=value2 secret/blah
vault delete secret/blah

Default <handler>/ path is same as secrets engine name:

vault secrets enable [-path=kv] kv
vault secrets list

Show's vault's contents:

vault list kv

Disable by <handler>/ path:

vault disable /kv
vault login "$VAULT_TOKEN"
vault auth enable [-path=github] github

Auth backends are always prefix with auth/<name>

Configure backend to auth to hashicorp GitHub organisation:

vault write auth/github/config organisation=hashicorp
vault auth list

Show config options:

vault auth help github
vault auth help aws
vault auth help userpass
vault auth help token
vault login -method=github

Revoke logins from GitHub:

vault token revoke -mode path auth/github

Remove GitHub authentication completely

vault auth disable github

Secret Integrations

GitHub Actions CI/CD


Create an ACL policy in Vault at $VAULT_URL/ui/vault/policies/acl with the following contents (HCL format):

path "<engine_name>/data/<folders>/<secret>" {
  capabilities = ["read", "list"]

(the /data/ part of the path is important and part of the API call, you cannot omit it otherwise you will get API errors like forbidden or not found)

Then reference it in the Kubernetes deployment.yaml with the following annotations:

      annotations: <VAULT_HTTPS_URL> </path/to/secret> <role_you_created> "true"  # try not to do this

or rather Helm templated out via values-<env>.yamlbecause this is likely to be different per environment.

Ported from private Knowledge Base page 2018+
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