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Created January 4, 2021 08:48
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Prometheus with SQL (Postgres) using Promscale and running Promscale on docker

install timescaledb (includes promscale extension)

docker run --name promscale-extension-image -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret -d -p 5431:5432 timescaledev/promscale-extension:latest-pg12 postgres -csynchronous_commit=off

get the IP address of the container running timescaledb

docker inspect {container-ID}

copy the above output

install promscale

docker run --name promscale -d -p 9202:9201 timescale/promscale:0.1.4 -db-password=secret -db-port=5432 -db-name=postgres -db-host={the above copied output of IP address} -db-ssl-mode=allow

this should make your life easier and in prometheus config, add the following options:


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