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Created December 16, 2021 11:27
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This Gist explains Prometheus's tsdb index layout along with some implementation details at various steps.
STEP 1: When AddSymbol() is called

remarks: "alenblen" is the space reserved for symbol table metadata, like size of the symbol table, and number of symbols.
This is overwritten in the finishSymbol().

STEP 2: When finishSymbol() is called

This is then flused to the disk and loaded into memory by NewSymbols() for later faster access.


STEP 3: When AddSeries(ref, lset, chunks) is called to insert as series_1
<series_1_chunk_1_mint>;<series_1_chunks_1_range>;<series_1_chunks_1_reference_number>;....series_1 ends....;<hash_for_series_1_contents>

STEP 4: When AddSeries(ref, lset, chunks) is called to insert as series_2
<series_1_chunk_1_mint>;<series_1_chunks_1_range>;<series_1_chunks_1_reference_number>;....series_1 ends....;<hash_for_series_1_contents>;<number_of_bytes_in_current_series_added>\
<series_2_chunk_1_mint>;<series_2_chunks_1_range>;<series_2_chunks_1_reference_number>;....series_2 ends....;<hash_for_series_2_contents>


in short, for each series added


STEP 5: writePostings() is called after all series are added to the SERIES TABLE

--------------------------------START A TEMPERARY FILE, SAY POT (a file that represents Postings Offet Table)

--------------------------------START A TEMPORARY FILE, SAY P (a file that represents Postings)

STEP 6: writeLabelIndices() is called after finishing writing the POT & P files. writeLabelIndices() uses the POT
reads from the POT file and forms a list of "label_name: [array of value indexes]" and writes into the main index file


STEP 7: writePostings() takes the file P and writes to main index file

STEP 8: writeLabelIndexesOffsetTable() writes the names for the values that were written in writeLabelIndices().
At that time, offsets of these written values were stored with the label name which is used here.

STEP 9: writePostingsOffsetTable() opens the POT file and writes the data from there into the main index file.

STEP 10: writeTOC() writes the autual byte position for each table
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