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Last active September 12, 2022 01:55
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Host a single binary file without needing administrative privileges
Function Invoke-HostFile {
Hosts a base64 string representation of a binary file or a given
$FilePath on the specified $Port. Any HTTP request to the given
host/port will return the binary data of the specified file.
Base64 string of a binary file.
Path of local file to host.
Port to host the file on, defaults to 8000.
.PARAMETER ServerSleep
Time (in seconds) to sleep before killing the webserver.
Switch. Add/remove a local firewall rule (needs local admin).
Invoke-HostFile -Base64File "UEs..." -Port 80
Host the base64 encoded file on port 80.
Invoke-HostFile -FilePath file.exe -Port 8000 -FireWallRule
Host the specified local file encoded file on port 8000, adding/removing
a local firewall rule.
param (
[ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ })]
$Port = 8000,
$ServerSleep = 60,
begin {
# add a temporary firewall rule if specified
if($FireWallRule) {
if (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) {
Write-Output "[!] Warning: user is not an administrator, firewall rule can't be added"
throw "[!] Warning: user is not an administrator, firewall rule can't be added"
Write-Output "[*] Setting inbound firewall rule for port: $Port"
$FW = New-Object -ComObject hnetcfg.fwpolicy2
$Rule = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.FWRule
$Rule.Name = "Updater32"
$Rule.Protocol = 6
$Rule.LocalPorts = $Port
$Rule.Direction = 1
$Rule.Enabled = $true
$Rule.Grouping = "@firewallapi.dll,-23255"
$Rule.Profiles = 7
$Rule.Action = 1
if(!$Base64File) {
[byte[]] $FileBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($FilePath)
$Base64File = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($FileBytes)
Write-Output "[*] Hosting file: $FilePath"
else {
Write-Output "[*] Using base64 string file for hosting"
$WebserverScriptblock = {
param($Port, $Base64File)
[byte[]] $FileBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Base64File)
try {
$EndPoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint([IPAddress]::any, $Port)
$Listener = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener $EndPoint
# block until a TCP connection is received
$Data = $Listener.AcceptTcpClient()
# Write-Output "[*] Connection from: $($Data.Client.RemoteEndPoint)"
$Stream = $Data.GetStream()
catch [exception] {
# Write-Output "[!] Exception: $_"
process {
Write-Output "[*] Starting hosting on port: $Port"
# start hosting the webserver
$Null = Start-Job -Name "WebServer" -Scriptblock $WebserverScriptblock -ArgumentList $Port,$Base64File
Start-Sleep -Seconds $ServerSleep
# kill the webserver off
Write-Output "[*] Killing off server"
Get-Job -Name "WebServer" | Stop-Job
Write-Output "[*] Server killed"
end {
if($FireWallRule) {
# remove the firewall rule if specified
Write-Verbose "[*] Removing inbound firewall rule"
Write-Output "[*] Removing inbound firewall rule"
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