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Created July 4, 2016 20:47
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Save HarmJ0y/e9daa76c7888e24b5e3943b82f1d1d4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Finds and parses any KeePass.config.xml (2.X) and KeePass.ini (1.X) files.
function Find-KeePassconfig {
Finds and parses any KeePass.config.xml (2.X) and KeePass.ini (1.X) files.
Author: @harmj0y
License: BSD 3-Clause
Required Dependencies: None
Optional Dependencies: None
This function searches for any KeePass.config.xml (KeePass 2.X) and KeePass.ini (1.X) files in C:\Users\
and C:\Program Files[x86]\ by default, or any path specified by -Path. For any files found, it will
parse the XML and output information relevant to the database location and keyfile/user master key information.
Optional path to a KeePass.config.xml/KeePass.ini file or specific folder to search for KeePass config files.
PS C:\> Find-KeePassconfig
DefaultDatabasePath : C:\Users\testuser\Desktop\Database2.kdb
SecureDesktop :
LastUsedFile : C:\Users\testuser\Desktop\Database3.kdb
DefaultKeyFilePath : C:\Users\testuser\Desktop\k.bin
DefaultUserAccountData :
RecentlyUsed : {C:\Users\testuser\Desktop\Database3.kdb, C:\Users\testuser\Desktop\k2.bin}
KeePassConfigPath : C:\Users\testuser\Desktop\blah\KeePass-1.31\KeePass.ini
DefaultDatabasePath : C:\Users\testuser\Desktop\NewDatabase.kdbx
SecureDesktop : False
LastUsedFile : C:\Users\testuser\Desktop\NewDatabase.kdbx
DefaultKeyFilePath : C:\Users\testuser\Desktop\blah\KeePass-2.34\KeePass.chm
DefaultUserAccountData : @{UserDomain=TESTLAB; UserKeePassDPAPIBlob=C:\Users\testuser\AppData\Roaming\KeePass\Protected
UserKey.bin; UserSid=S-1-5-21-456218688-4216621462-1491369290-1210; UserName=testuser; UserMas
RecentlyUsed : {C:\Users\testuser\Desktop\NewDatabase.kdbx}
KeePassConfigPath : C:\Users\testuser\Desktop\blah\KeePass-2.34\KeePass.config.xml
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
[ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ })]
function local:Get-IniContent {
This helper parses an .ini file into a proper PowerShell object.
Author: 'The Scripting Guys'
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ })]
ForEach($TargetPath in $Path) {
$IniObject = @{}
Switch -Regex -File $TargetPath {
"^\[(.+)\]" # Section
$Section = $matches[1].Trim()
$IniObject[$Section] = @{}
$CommentCount = 0
"^(;.*)$" # Comment
$Value = $matches[1].Trim()
$CommentCount = $CommentCount + 1
$Name = 'Comment' + $CommentCount
$IniObject[$Section][$Name] = $Value
"(.+?)\s*=(.*)" # Key
$Name, $Value = $matches[1..2]
$Name = $Name.Trim()
$Values = $Value.split(',') | ForEach-Object {$_.Trim()}
if($Values -isnot [System.Array]) {$Values = @($Values)}
$IniObject[$Section][$Name] = $Values
function Local:Get-KeePassINIFields {
# helper that parses a 1.X KeePass.ini into a custom object
Param (
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ })]
$KeePassINIPath = Resolve-Path -Path $Path
$KeePassINIPathParent = $KeePassINIPath | Split-Path -Parent
$KeePassINI = Get-IniContent -Path $KeePassINIPath
$RecentlyUsed = @()
try {
if($KeePassINI.KeePass.KeeLastDb) {
$LastUsedFile = Resolve-Path -Path "$KeePassINIPathParent\$($KeePassINI.KeePass.KeeLastDb)" -ErrorAction Stop
catch {}
try {
if($KeePassINI.KeePass.KeeKeySourceID0) {
$DefaultDatabasePath = Resolve-Path -Path $KeePassINI.KeePass.KeeKeySourceID0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
catch {}
try {
if($KeePassINI.KeePass.KeeKeySourceValue0) {
$DefaultKeyFilePath = Resolve-Path -Path $KeePassINI.KeePass.KeeKeySourceValue0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
catch {}
# grab any additional cached databases/key information
$KeePassINI.KeePass.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -match 'KeeKeySourceID[1-9]+'} | Foreach-Object {
try {
$ID = $_[-1]
$RecentlyUsed += $KeePassINI.Keepass["KeeKeySourceID${ID}"]
$RecentlyUsed += $KeePassINI.Keepass["KeeKeySourceValue${ID}"]
$KeePassINIProperties = @{
'KeePassConfigPath' = $KeePassINIPath
'SecureDesktop' = $Null
'LastUsedFile' = $LastUsedFile
'RecentlyUsed' = $RecentlyUsed
'DefaultDatabasePath' = $DefaultDatabasePath
'DefaultKeyFilePath' = $DefaultKeyFilePath
'DefaultUserAccountData' = $Null
$KeePassINIInfo = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $KeePassINIProperties
$KeePassINIInfo.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'KeePass.Config')
function Local:Get-KeePassXMLFields {
# helper that parses a 2.X KeePass.config.xml into a custom object
Param (
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ })]
$KeePassXMLPath = Resolve-Path -Path $Path
$KeePassXMLPathParent = $KeePassXMLPath | Split-Path -Parent
[Xml]$KeePassXML = Get-Content -Path $KeePassXMLPath
$LastUsedFile = ''
$RecentlyUsed = @()
$DefaultDatabasePath = ''
$DefaultKeyFilePath = ''
$DefaultUserAccountData = $Null
if($KeePassXML.Configuration.Application.LastUsedFile) {
$LastUsedFile = Resolve-Path -Path "$KeePassXMLPathParent\$($KeePassXML.Configuration.Application.LastUsedFile.Path)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($KeePassXML.Configuration.Application.MostRecentlyUsed.Items) {
$KeePassXML.Configuration.Application.MostRecentlyUsed.Items | Foreach-Object {
Resolve-Path -Path "$KeePassXMLPathParent\$($_.ConnectionInfo.Path)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Foreach-Object {
$RecentlyUsed += $_
if($KeePassXML.Configuration.Defaults.KeySources.Association.DatabasePath) {
$DefaultDatabasePath = Resolve-Path -Path "$KeePassXMLPathParent\$($KeePassXML.Configuration.Defaults.KeySources.Association.DatabasePath)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($KeePassXML.Configuration.Defaults.KeySources.Association.KeyFilePath) {
$DefaultKeyFilePath = Resolve-Path -Path "$KeePassXMLPathParent\$($KeePassXML.Configuration.Defaults.KeySources.Association.KeyFilePath)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$DefaultUserAccount = $KeePassXML.Configuration.Defaults.KeySources.Association.UserAccount -eq 'true'
$SecureDesktop = $KeePassXML.Configuration.Security.MasterKeyOnSecureDesktop -eq 'true'
if($DefaultUserAccount) {
$UserPath = $Path.Split('\')[0..2] -join '\'
$UserMasterKeyFolder = Get-ChildItem -Path "$UserPath\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Protect\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty FullName
if($UserMasterKeyFolder) {
$UserSid = $UserMasterKeyFolder | Split-Path -Leaf
try {
$UserSidObject = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($UserSid))
$UserNameDomain = $UserSidObject.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
$UserDomain, $UserName = $UserNameDomain.Split('\')
catch {
Write-Warning "Unable to translate SID from $UserMasterKeyFolder , defaulting to user name"
$UserName = $UserPath.Split('\')[-1]
$UserDomain = $Null
$UserMasterKeyFiles = @(, $(Get-ChildItem -Path $UserMasterKeyFolder -Force | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName) )
else {
$UserSid = $Null
$UserName = $Null
$UserDomain = $Null
$UserKeePassDPAPIBlob = Get-Item -Path "$UserPath\AppData\Roaming\KeePass\ProtectedUserKey.bin" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
$UserMasterKeyProperties = @{
'UserSid' = $UserSid
'UserName' = $UserName
'UserDomain' = $UserDomain
'UserKeePassDPAPIBlob' = $UserKeePassDPAPIBlob
'UserMasterKeyFiles' = $UserMasterKeyFiles
$DefaultUserAccountData = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $UserMasterKeyProperties
$KeePassXmlProperties = @{
'KeePassConfigPath' = $KeePassXMLPath
'SecureDesktop' = $SecureDesktop
'LastUsedFile' = $LastUsedFile
'RecentlyUsed' = $RecentlyUsed
'DefaultDatabasePath' = $DefaultDatabasePath
'DefaultKeyFilePath' = $DefaultKeyFilePath
'DefaultUserAccountData' = $DefaultUserAccountData
$KeePassXmlInfo = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $KeePassXmlProperties
$KeePassXmlInfo.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, 'KeePass.Config')
if($PSBoundParameters['Path']) {
$XmlFilePaths = $Path
else {
# possible locations for KeePass configs
$XmlFilePaths = @("$($Env:WinDir | Split-Path -Qualifier)\Users\")
$XmlFilePaths += "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\"
$XmlFilePaths += "${env:ProgramFiles}\"
$XmlFilePaths | Foreach-Object { Get-ChildItem -Path $_ -Recurse -Include @('KeePass.config.xml', 'KeePass.ini') -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } | Where-Object { $_ } | Foreach-Object {
Write-Verbose "Parsing KeePass config file '$($_.Fullname)'"
if($_.Extension -eq '.xml') {
Get-KeePassXMLFields -Path $_.Fullname
else {
Get-KeePassINIFields -Path $_.Fullname
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