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Forked from tesch1/circ_shift.h
Created April 12, 2021 02:10
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Eigen circShift and fftshift and ifftshift
// circ_shift.h
// this file implements circShift, fftshift, and ifftshift for Eigen vectors/matrices.
#pragma once
#include <Eigen/Core>
template <bool B> using bool_constant = std::integral_constant<bool, B>;
namespace helper
namespace detail
template <typename T>
constexpr std::true_type is_matrix(Eigen::MatrixBase<T>);
std::false_type constexpr is_matrix(...);
template <typename T>
constexpr std::true_type is_array(Eigen::ArrayBase<T>);
std::false_type constexpr is_array(...);
template <typename T>
struct is_matrix : decltype(detail::is_matrix(std::declval<std::remove_cv_t<T>>()))
template <typename T>
struct is_array : decltype(detail::is_array(std::declval<std::remove_cv_t<T>>()))
template <typename T>
using is_matrix_or_array = bool_constant<is_array<T>::value || is_matrix<T>::value>;
* Index something if it's not an scalar
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<is_matrix_or_array<T>::value, int>::type = 0>
auto index_if_necessary(T&& thing, Eigen::Index idx)
return thing(idx);
* Overload for scalar.
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_scalar<std::decay_t<T>>::value, int>::type = 0>
auto index_if_necessary(T&& thing, Eigen::Index)
return thing;
namespace Eigen
template <typename XprType, typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices>
class CircShiftedView;
namespace internal
template <typename XprType, typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices>
struct traits<CircShiftedView<XprType, RowIndices, ColIndices>>
: traits<XprType>
RowsAtCompileTime = traits<XprType>::RowsAtCompileTime,
ColsAtCompileTime = traits<XprType>::ColsAtCompileTime,
MaxRowsAtCompileTime = (RowsAtCompileTime != Dynamic
? int(RowsAtCompileTime)
: int(traits<XprType>::MaxRowsAtCompileTime)),
MaxColsAtCompileTime = (ColsAtCompileTime != Dynamic
? int(ColsAtCompileTime)
: int(traits<XprType>::MaxColsAtCompileTime)),
XprTypeIsRowMajor = (int(traits<XprType>::Flags) & RowMajorBit) != 0,
IsRowMajor = ((MaxRowsAtCompileTime == 1 && MaxColsAtCompileTime != 1) ? 1
: (MaxColsAtCompileTime == 1 && MaxRowsAtCompileTime != 1) ? 0
: XprTypeIsRowMajor),
FlagsRowMajorBit = IsRowMajor ? RowMajorBit : 0,
FlagsLvalueBit = is_lvalue<XprType>::value ? LvalueBit : 0,
Flags = (traits<XprType>::Flags & HereditaryBits) | FlagsLvalueBit | FlagsRowMajorBit
template <typename XprType, typename RowShift, typename ColShift, typename StorageKind>
class CircShiftedViewImpl;
template <typename XprType, typename RowShift, typename ColShift>
class CircShiftedView : public CircShiftedViewImpl<XprType, RowShift, ColShift,
typename internal::traits<XprType>::StorageKind>
typedef typename CircShiftedViewImpl<XprType, RowShift, ColShift,
typename internal::traits<XprType>::StorageKind>::Base Base;
typedef typename internal::ref_selector<XprType>::non_const_type MatrixTypeNested;
typedef typename internal::remove_all<XprType>::type NestedExpression;
template <typename T0, typename T1>
CircShiftedView(XprType& xpr, const T0& rowShift, const T1& colShift)
: m_xpr(xpr), m_rowShift(rowShift), m_colShift(colShift)
for (auto c = 0; c < xpr.cols(); ++c)
assert(std::abs(helper::index_if_necessary(m_rowShift, c)) < m_xpr.rows()); // row shift must be within +- rows()-1
for (auto r = 0; r < xpr.rows(); ++r)
assert(std::abs(helper::index_if_necessary(m_colShift, r)) < m_xpr.cols()); // col shift must be within +- cols()-1
/** \returns number of rows */
Index rows() const { return m_xpr.rows(); }
/** \returns number of columns */
Index cols() const { return m_xpr.cols(); }
/** \returns the nested expression */
const typename internal::remove_all<XprType>::type&
nestedExpression() const { return m_xpr; }
/** \returns the nested expression */
typename internal::remove_reference<XprType>::type&
nestedExpression() { return m_xpr.const_cast_derived(); }
Index getRowIdx(Index row, Index col) const
Index R = m_xpr.rows();
assert(row >= 0 && row < R && col >= 0 && col < m_xpr.cols());
Index r = row - helper::index_if_necessary(m_rowShift, col);
if (r >= R)
return r - R;
if (r < 0)
return r + R;
return r;
Index getColIdx(Index row, Index col) const
Index C = m_xpr.cols();
assert(row >= 0 && row < m_xpr.rows() && col >= 0 && col < C);
Index c = col - helper::index_if_necessary(m_colShift, row);
if (c >= C)
return c - C;
if (c < 0)
return c + C;
return c;
MatrixTypeNested m_xpr;
RowShift m_rowShift;
ColShift m_colShift;
// Generic API dispatcher
template <typename XprType, typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices, typename StorageKind>
class CircShiftedViewImpl
: public internal::generic_xpr_base<CircShiftedView<XprType, RowIndices, ColIndices>>::type
typedef typename internal::generic_xpr_base<CircShiftedView<XprType, RowIndices, ColIndices>>::type Base;
namespace internal
template <typename ArgType, typename RowIndices, typename ColIndices>
struct unary_evaluator<CircShiftedView<ArgType, RowIndices, ColIndices>, IndexBased>
: evaluator_base<CircShiftedView<ArgType, RowIndices, ColIndices>>
typedef CircShiftedView<ArgType, RowIndices, ColIndices> XprType;
CoeffReadCost = (evaluator<ArgType>::CoeffReadCost
+ NumTraits<Index>::AddCost /* for comparison */
+ NumTraits<Index>::AddCost) /* for addition */,
Flags = (evaluator<ArgType>::Flags & HereditaryBits),
Alignment = 0
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC explicit unary_evaluator(const XprType& xpr) : m_argImpl(xpr.nestedExpression()), m_xpr(xpr)
typedef typename XprType::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename XprType::CoeffReturnType CoeffReturnType;
CoeffReturnType coeff(Index row, Index col) const
return m_argImpl.coeff(m_xpr.getRowIdx(row, col), m_xpr.getColIdx(row, col));
CoeffReturnType coeff(Index idx) const
if (m_xpr.cols() == 1)
return m_argImpl.coeff(m_xpr.getRowIdx(idx, 1), 1);
if (m_xpr.rows() == 1)
return m_argImpl.coeff(1, m_xpr.getColIdx(1, idx));
assert(m_xpr.cols() == 1 || m_xpr.rows() == 1);
// default no-assert case - assume col vector
return m_argImpl.coeff(m_xpr.getRowIdx(idx, 1), 1);
Scalar& coeffRef(Index row, Index col)
assert(row >= 0 && row < m_xpr.rows() && col >= 0 && col < m_xpr.cols());
return m_argImpl.coeffRef(m_xpr.getRowIdx(row, col), m_xpr.getColIdx(row, col));
evaluator<ArgType> m_argImpl;
const XprType& m_xpr;
} // end namespace internal
} // end namespace Eigen
template <typename XprType, typename RowShift, typename ColShift>
auto circShift(Eigen::DenseBase<XprType>& x, RowShift r, ColShift c)
return Eigen::CircShiftedView<XprType, RowShift, ColShift>(x.derived(), r, c);
template <typename XprType>
auto fftshift(Eigen::DenseBase<XprType>& x)
Eigen::Index rs = x.rows() / 2;
Eigen::Index cs = x.cols() / 2;
return Eigen::CircShiftedView<XprType, Eigen::Index, Eigen::Index>(x.derived(), rs, cs);
template <typename XprType>
auto ifftshift(Eigen::DenseBase<XprType>& x)
Eigen::Index rs = (x.rows() + 1) / 2;
Eigen::Index cs = (x.cols() + 1) / 2;
return Eigen::CircShiftedView<XprType, Eigen::Index, Eigen::Index>(x.derived(), rs, cs);
// main.cpp
#include "circ_shift.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Core>
using namespace Eigen;
int main()
ArrayXXf x(4, 2);
x.transpose() << 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 20, 30, 40;
Vector2i rowShift;
rowShift << 3, -3; // rotate col 1 by 3 and col 2 by -3
Index colShift = 1; // flip columns
std::cout << "original: " << std::endl << x << std::endl;
auto shifted = circShift(x, rowShift, colShift);
std::cout << "shifted: " << std::endl << shifted << std::endl;
shifted.block(2,0,2,1) << -1, -2; // will appear in row 3 and 0.
shifted.col(1) << 2,4,6,8; // shifted col 1 is col 0 of the original
std::cout << "modified original:" << std::endl << x << std::endl;
MatrixXf m(3,4);
m << 1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12;
std::cout << "m:" << std::endl << m << std::endl;
std::cout << "fftshift(m):" << std::endl << fftshift(m) << std::endl;
std::cout << "ifftshift(m):" << std::endl << ifftshift(m) << std::endl;
auto mm = fftshift(m);
std::cout << "ifftshift(fftshift(m)):" << std::endl << ifftshift(mm) << std::endl;
return 0;
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