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Interfaces and Abstract Classes

Abstract Classes documentation

Abstract classes are classes that cannot be instantiated (is not able use to create new instance of itself) but which can be subclassed, the subclasses have access to the fields and methods declared in the abstract class. This is useful to extend functionality across a set of sub-classes that share commonalities in their structure and function.

Abstract classes can have both abstract and concrete methods

  • Abstract methods need to be overrided in a subclass to provide custom functionality. The subclass must implement any abstract methods, or be declared abstract itself, otherwise the compiler will generate an error.
  • Concrete methods perform preset operations outlined in the abstract class, but can be overridden.


public abstract class Person // access modifier abstract modifier class name
    protected String name;  // class fields access modifier type name
    protected int age;

    // an empty constructor can be used if subclass are in charge of all
    // field initialization

    abstract void makeNoise(); // abstract method functionality is defined
                               // in subclass

    public void setName(String name) // concrete method functionality is
                                     // defined here
    { = name;

    public String getName()
      return name;

Extending a concrete subclass from an abstract base

public class Adult extends Person // declare class extending abstract class
  public Adult(String name, int age) // constructor
  { = name; // references fields af abstract base class
    this.age = age;

 // override abstract method to perform task specific to subclasses it is
 // necessary to override every abstract method on the abstract class if
 // the subclass is not itself abstract
  @Override public void makeNoise()

Example 2:

public class Baby extends Person

  public Baby(String name, int age)
  { = name;
    this.age = age;

  @Override public void makeNoise()

Interfaces documentation

Interfaces are a type which defines a collection of methods with empty bodies hat define a general purpose but allow one to implement them in a custom manner according to the requirements of the situation in which they are used. Classes can implement them to guarantee that their internal methods (which describe actually functionally) conform to the method names and signatures defined in the interface. A method's signature is it's name and return type combined with the names, types, and ordering of it's parameters.


public interface Person
    void makeNoise();
    String getName();
    void setName(String name);

Interface implementation

// declare class and implement interface
public class Adult implements Person
    // unlike abstract classes interfaces may not have fields, and
    // implementing classes must declare for themselves any fields they
    // require to aid in the implementation
    private String name;
    private int age;

    public Adult(String name, int age)
    { = name;
        this.age = age;

    // unless the implementing class is declared abstract, it must implement
    // all interface methods. Abstract classes implementing an interface
    // should declare any unimplemented interface methods as abstract
    public void setName(String name)
    { = name;

    public String getName()
        return name;

    public void makeNoise()

Interfaces can also be to declared to provide some form of general functionality across an application

Declaration 2

// declare filter interface which provides generalized filter methods
public interface Filter
    boolean filterStrings(String s);
    boolean filterInt(int i);


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class MainClass // set up main class with main method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // declare and set values on a list of strings
        List<String> strList = new ArrayList();

        // Here we call the below defined method filterStringList. It is
        // is called to facilitate filtering a list of strings it is
        // called above and given the string list as the first argument
        // the second arguement implement the Filter interface and define
        // a custom operation that conforms to the expectations of the
        // filter methods on the Filter interface (returns a boolean
        // takes in one parameter of a specific type)
        List<String> aAndB = filterStringList(strList, str -> str == 'a' || str == 'b');

    // Function which implements Filter. Filter utilizes a callback
    // function whose specific operation is defined in the lambda
    // expression in the field aAndB assigned above
    public static List<String> filterStringList(List<String> strList, Filter filter)

        // declares empty list to contain filtered elements
        List<String> filteredList = new ArrayList<>();

        for(String str: strList) // iterates through incoming list
            // uses interface method that takes in correct type
                // if elements pass test add to filter list

        return filteredList; // return filtered collection of elements
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