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Created May 24, 2019 11:49
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BLS signatures for Python / Ethereum (WIP)
from functools import reduce
import binascii
from os import urandom
from py_ecc.bn128 import *
from sha3 import keccak_256
Implements BLS signatture aggregation as described at:
Roughly based on the following code:
>>> from py_ecc.bn128 import *
>>> from random import randint
>>> sk1, sk2 = randint(1,curve_order-1), randint(1, curve_
... order-1)
>>> pk1, pk2 = multiply(G2, sk1), multiply(G2, sk2)
>>> H = multiply(G1, randint(1, curve_order-1))
>>> sig1, sig2 = multiply(H, sk1), multiply(H, sk2)
>>> aggpk = add(pk1, pk2)
>>> aggsig = add(sig1, sig2)
>>> pairing(aggpk, H) == pairing(G2, aggsig)
addmodp = lambda x, y: (x + y) % field_modulus
mulmodp = lambda x, y: (x * y) % field_modulus
safe_ord = lambda x: x if isinstance(x, int) else ord(x)
bytes_to_int = lambda x: reduce(lambda o, b: (o << 8) + safe_ord(b), [0] + list(x))
def int_to_big_endian(lnum):
if lnum == 0:
return b'\0'
s = hex(lnum)[2:].rstrip('L')
if len(s) & 1:
s = '0' + s
return binascii.unhexlify(s)
zpad = lambda x, l: b'\x00' * max(0, l - len(x)) + x
tobe256 = lambda v: zpad(int_to_big_endian(v), 32)
def randn():
return int.from_bytes(urandom(64), 'big') % curve_order
def hashs(*x):
data = b''.join(map(tobe256, x))
return bytes_to_int(keccak_256(data).digest())
def evalcurve_g1(x):
a = 5472060717959818805561601436314318772174077789324455915672259473661306552146
beta = addmodp(mulmodp(mulmodp(x, x), x), 3)
y = pow(beta, a, field_modulus)
return (beta, y)
def isoncurve_g1(x, y):
return mulmodp(y, y) == addmodp(mulmodp(mulmodp(x, x), x), 3)
def hash_to_g1(x):
# XXX: todo, re-hash on every round
assert isinstance(x, int)
x = x % curve_order
while True:
beta, y = evalcurve_g1(x)
if beta == mulmodp(y, y):
assert isoncurve_g1(x, y)
return FQ(x), FQ(y)
x = addmodp(x, 1)
def hash_g2(x):
xy_ints = [_.n for _ in (x[0].coeffs + x[1].coeffs)]
return hashs(*xy_ints)
def bls_keygen():
sk = randn()
pk = multiply(G2, sk)
return sk, pk
def bls_prove_key(sk):
pk = multiply(G2, sk)
msg = hash_g2(pk)
return bls_sign(sk, msg)
def bls_verify_key(pk, sig):
msg = hash_g2(pk)
return bls_verify(pk, msg, sig)
def bls_sign(sk, msg):
H_m = hash_to_g1(msg)
sig = multiply(H_m, sk)
return sig
def bls_verify(pk, msg, sig):
H_m = hash_to_g1(msg)
return pairing(pk, H_m) == pairing(G2, sig)
def bls_agg_verify(pks, msg, sigs):
H_m = hash_to_g1(msg)
agg_pk = reduce(add, pks)
agg_sig = reduce(add, sigs)
return pairing(agg_pk, H_m) == pairing(G2, agg_sig)
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