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Created May 15, 2014 14:30
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(* Copyright © 2014 G Roberts. All Rights Reserved *)
namespace MiniForum.Model
open System
open System.Threading.Tasks
open MiniForum
open MiniForum.Model
open Fredis
_ _ ____
| | | | ___ ___ _ __ | _ \ ___ _ __ ___
| | | |/ __| / _ \| '__|| |_) |/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \
| |_| |\__ \| __/| | | _ <| __/| |_) || (_) |
\___/ |___/ \___||_| |_| \_\\___|| .__/ \___/
type UserRepo (db: Connection) = class
let _db = db;
member x.Get (guid: string) =
assert User.IsValidGuid(guid)
async {
if guid = null then return None
let! user_json = !!_db.Hashes.Get(1, "User", guid)
return match user_json with
| null -> None
| _ -> User.fromJSON user_json |> Some
member x.Get (guid_list: string array) =
assert (guid_list.Length > 0)
async {
let! json_list = !!_db.Hashes.Get(1, "User", guid_list)
return [| for json in json_list do
yield match json with
| null -> None
| _ -> User.fromJSON(json) |> Some |]
member x.Save (user: User) =
assert User.IsValidGuid(user.Guid)
async {
let! user_exists = !!_db.Hashes.Exists(1, "User", user.Guid)
if user_exists then
let! did_set = _db.Hashes.Set(1, "User", user.Guid, user.toJSON())
|> Async.AwaitTask
(* false = key was overwritten... *)
return did_set = false
return false
member x.Create (user: User) =
assert (user.Guid = null)
(* Users are assigned a random GUID on creation *)
let rec trycreate (user: User) = async {
user.Guid <- "U" + GUID.Random(10)
let! was_created = !!_db.Hashes.SetIfNotExists(1, "User", user.Guid, user.toJSON())
if was_created then return user
else return! trycreate user
trycreate user
(* Delete a user *)
member x.Delete (guid: string) =
assert User.IsValidGuid(guid)
_db.Hashes.Remove(1, "User", guid)
|> Async.AwaitTask
member x.Delete (user: User) =
x.Delete user.Guid
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|_ _|___ _ __ (_) ___ | _ \ ___ _ __ ___
| | / _ \ | '_ \ | | / __|| |_) |/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \
| || (_) || |_) || || (__ | _ <| __/| |_) || (_) |
|_| \___/ | .__/ |_| \___||_| \_\\___|| .__/ \___/
|_| |_|
type TopicRepo (db: Connection) = class
let _db = db
member x.Create (topic: Topic) =
assert (topic.Guid = null)
(* Topics are assigned a random GUID on creation *)
let rec trycreate (topic: Topic) = async {
topic.Guid <- "T" + GUID.Random(10)
if topic.Created.IsNone then
topic.Created <- DateTime.UtcNow |> Some
let! was_created = !!_db.Hashes.SetIfNotExists(1, "Topic", topic.Guid, topic.toJSON())
if was_created then
(* XXX: the transaction could fail, gotta re-try the transaction until it returns true *)
do! using (_db.CreateTransaction()) (fun tx ->
tx.Hashes.Set(1, "Topics_PostCount", topic.Guid, "0") |> ignore
tx.SortedSets.Add(1, "Topics_Timestamp", topic.Guid, topic.Timestamp) |> ignore
tx.SortedSets.Add(1, "Topics_Created", topic.Guid, topic.Timestamp) |> ignore
tx.Execute() |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.Ignore
return topic
return! trycreate topic
trycreate topic
member x.Get (guid: string) =
assert Topic.IsValidGuid(guid)
async {
if guid = null then return None
let! json = !!_db.Hashes.Get(1, "Topic", guid.ToUpper())
return match json with
| null -> None
| _ -> Topic.fromJSON json |> Some
member x.Get (guid: string option) =
async {
match guid with
| None -> return None
| Some value -> return! x.Get(value)
* Retrieve one or more topics
member x.Get (guid_list: string array) =
assert (guid_list.Length > 0)
async {
let! json_list = !!_db.Hashes.Get(1, "Topic", guid_list)
return [| for json in json_list do
yield match json with
| null -> None
| _ -> Topic.fromJSON(json) |> Some |]
* Removes the topic and all posts
member x.Delete (guid: string) =
assert Topic.IsValidGuid(guid)
async {
let posts_key = "Topic_" + guid + "_Posts"
let! guid_score_pairs = !!_db.SortedSets.RangeString(1, posts_key, 0L, -1L)
return! using (_db.CreateTransaction()) (fun tx ->
tx.Keys.Remove(1, posts_key) |> ignore
tx.SortedSets.Remove(1, "Topics_Timestamp", guid) |> ignore
tx.SortedSets.Remove(1, "Topics_Created", guid) |> ignore
tx.Hashes.Remove(1, "Topic", guid) |> ignore
tx.Hashes.Remove(1, "Topics_LatestPost", guid) |> ignore
tx.Hashes.Remove(1, "Topics_PostCount", guid) |> ignore
if guid_score_pairs.Length > 0 then
let posts_guid_list = [| for KeyValue(guid,_) in guid_score_pairs -> guid |]
tx.Hashes.Remove(1, posts_key, posts_guid_list) |> ignore
tx.Execute() |> Async.AwaitTask
member x.Delete (topic: Topic) =
topic.Guid |> x.Delete
* Ensure that there are at most N topics
* Topics which have been updated recently are more likely to be kept
member x.GarbageCollect (maxTopics: int) =
assert (maxTopics > 0)
async {
let! guid_list = !!_db.SortedSets.RangeString(1, "Topics_Timestamp", int64(maxTopics), -1L, false)
(* XXX: could be made parallel? *)
for KeyValue(guid, _) in guid_list do
|> Async.Ignore
|> Async.RunSynchronously
return guid_list.Length
* Retrieve a slice of N topics on the site in ascending or descending order
member private x.Slice (table: string, offset: int64, limit: int64, ascending: bool) =
assert (offset > 0L)
assert (limit > 0L)
async {
let! guid_score_pair = !!_db.SortedSets.RangeString(1, table, offset, offset + (limit - 1L), ascending)
return! [| for KeyValue(guid,_) in guid_score_pair -> guid |] |> x.Get
(* Descending Order, newest first, top N *)
member x.NewestByCreation (offset: int64, limit: int64) =
x.Slice("Topics_Created", offset, limit, false)
(* Ascending Order, oldest first, bottom N *)
member x.OldestByCreation (offset: int64, limit: int64) =
x.Slice("Topics_Created", offset, limit, true)
(* Total number of Topics on the whole site *)
member x.Count () =
async {
return! !!_db.Hashes.GetLength(1, "Topic")
member x.PostCounts (topic_guids: string array) =
async {
let! counts = !!_db.Hashes.GetString(1, "Topics_PostCount", topic_guids)
let makeint (count: string) =
if count = null then 0
else try Convert.ToInt32(count)
with ex -> 0
return [| for count in counts -> makeint(count) |]
(* How many posts exist within a topic? *)
member x.PostCount (topic_guid: string) =
assert Topic.IsValidGuid(topic_guid)
async {
let! postcount = !!_db.Hashes.Get(1, "Topics_PostCount", topic_guid)
return match postcount with
| null -> 0
| _ -> postcount
|> System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString
|> Convert.ToInt32
member x.PostCount(topic: Topic) =
member x.LatestPostGuids (topic_guids: string array) =
assert (topic_guids.Length > 0)
async {
let! guids = !!_db.Hashes.GetString(1, "Topics_LatestPost", topic_guids)
return [| for guid in guids ->
match guid with
| null -> None
| _ -> guid |> Some |]
____ _ ____
| _ \ ___ ___ | |_ | _ \ ___ _ __ ___
| |_) |/ _ \ / __|| __|| |_) |/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \
| __/| (_) |\__ \| |_ | _ <| __/| |_) || (_) |
|_| \___/ |___/ \__||_| \_\\___|| .__/ \___/
type PostRepo (db : Connection) = class
let _db = db
(* Creates a post with a random GUID
* Also maintains indexes for:
* - When topics were last updated
* - Latest posts for topics
member x.Create (post: Post) =
assert (post.Guid = null)
assert Topic.IsValidGuid(post.Topic)
let posts_key = "Topic_" + post.Topic + "_Posts"
if post.Created.IsNone then
post.Created <- DateTime.UtcNow |> Some
let rec trycreate (post: Post) = async {
post.Guid <- "P" + GUID.Random(10)
let! was_created = !!_db.Hashes.SetIfNotExists(1, "Post", post.Guid, post.toJSON())
if was_created then
(* Update indexes and counters for topic & site *)
using (_db.CreateTransaction()) (fun tx ->
tx.SortedSets.Add(1, posts_key, post.Guid, post.Timestamp) |> ignore
tx.SortedSets.Add(1, "Topics_Timestamp", post.Topic, post.Timestamp) |> ignore
tx.SortedSets.Add(1, "Posts_Timestamp", post.Guid, post.Timestamp) |> ignore
tx.Hashes.Increment(1, "Topics_PostCount", post.Topic) |> ignore
tx.Hashes.Set(1, "Topics_LatestPost", post.Topic, post.Guid) |> ignore
tx.Execute() |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.Ignore |> Async.RunSynchronously
return post
else return! trycreate post
trycreate post
(* Get a single User object *)
member x.Get (guid: string) =
assert Post.IsValidGuid(guid)
async {
if guid = null then return None
let! post_json = !!_db.Hashes.Get(1, "User", guid.ToUpper()) in
return match post_json with
| null -> None
| _ -> Post.fromJSON post_json
|> Some
(* Retrieve an array of Posts *)
member x.Get (guids: string array) =
async {
let! post_jsons = !!_db.Hashes.Get(1, "Post", guids) in
return [| for json in post_jsons do
yield match json with
| null -> None
| _ -> Post.fromJSON(json) |> Some |]
(* Retrieve a slice of N posts made across any topic in ascending or descending order *)
member private x.Slice (offset: int64, limit: int64, ascending: bool) =
assert (offset > 0L)
assert (limit > 0L)
async {
let! guid_score_pair = !!_db.SortedSets.RangeString(1, "Posts_Timestamp", offset, offset + (limit - 1L), ascending)
return! [| for KeyValue(guid,_) in guid_score_pair -> guid |] |> x.Get
(* Descending Order, newest first, top N *)
member x.Newest (offset: int64, limit: int64) =
x.Slice(offset, limit, false)
(* Ascending Order, oldest first, bottom N *)
member x.Oldest (offset: int64, limit: int64) =
x.Slice(offset, limit, true)
member x.Count () =
async {
return! !!_db.SortedSets.GetLength(1, "Posts_Timestamp")
member x.Delete (post: Post) =
x.Delete(post.Guid, post.Topic)
member x.Delete (post_guid: string, topic_guid: string) =
* XXX: do we need to update the LatestPost for the Topic?
* Should be optional if we're doing bulk deletes?
assert (Post.IsValidGuid(post_guid))
assert (Topic.IsValidGuid(topic_guid))
let posts_key = "Topic_" + topic_guid + "_Posts"
async {
return! using (_db.CreateTransaction()) (fun tx ->
tx.Hashes.Remove(1, "Post", post_guid) |> ignore
tx.Hashes.Increment(1, "Topics_PostCount", topic_guid, -1) |> ignore
tx.SortedSets.Remove(1, posts_key, post_guid) |> ignore
tx.SortedSets.Remove(1, "Posts_Timestamp", post_guid) |> ignore
tx.Execute() |> Async.AwaitTask
(* Retrieve a slice of N posts on a topic in ascending or descending order *)
member x.SliceByTopic (topic_guid: string, offset: int64, limit: int64, ascending: bool) =
assert (offset >= 0L)
assert (limit > 0L)
assert Topic.IsValidGuid(topic_guid)
let posts_key = "Topic_" + topic_guid + "_Posts"
async {
let! guid_score_pair = !!_db.SortedSets.RangeString(1, posts_key, offset, offset + (limit - 1L), ascending)
return! [| for KeyValue(guid,_) in guid_score_pair -> guid |] |> x.Get
(* Descending order, newest first, top N *)
member x.NewestByTopic (topic: Topic, offset: int64, limit: int64) =
x.SliceByTopic (topic.Guid, offset, limit, false)
member x.NewestByTopic (topic_guid: string, offset: int64, limit: int64) =
x.SliceByTopic (topic_guid, offset, limit, false)
(* Ascending order, oldest first, bottom N *)
member x.OldestByTopic (topic: Topic, offset: int64, limit: int64) =
x.SliceByTopic (topic.Guid, offset, limit, true)
member x.OldestByTopic (topic_guid: string, offset: int64, limit: int64) =
x.SliceByTopic (topic_guid, offset, limit, true)
_____ ___ _
| ___|___ _ __ _ _ _ __ ___ / _ \ __ __ ___ _ __ __ __(_) ___ __ __
| |_ / _ \ | '__|| | | || '_ ` _ \ | | | |\ \ / // _ \| '__|\ \ / /| | / _ \\ \ /\ / /
| _|| (_) || | | |_| || | | | | || |_| | \ V /| __/| | \ V / | || __/ \ V V /
|_| \___/ |_| \__,_||_| |_| |_| \___/ \_/ \___||_| \_/ |_| \___| \_/\_/
type ForumOverview = {
Topic: Topic;
(* Owner may have been deleted *)
Owner: User option;
PostCount: int;
(* Post may have been deleted *)
Post: Post option;
(* Post or Post's.Owner may have been deleted *)
PostOwner: User option;
____ _ ___
| _ \ / \ / _ \
| | | | / _ \ | | | |
| |_| |/ ___ \| |_| |
|____//_/ \_\\___/
type DAO () = class
static let _redis = new Connection("localhost", allowAdmin=true)
static let _user = new UserRepo(_redis)
static let _topic = new TopicRepo(_redis)
static let _post = new PostRepo(_redis)
static member User = _user
static member Topic = _topic
static member Post = _post
static member FlushDB () =
static member Overview (topics : Topic array) =
async {
let topic_guids = [| for topic in topics -> topic.Guid |]
let topic_owner_guids = [| for topic in topics -> topic.Owner |]
(* Start tasks to retrieve everything we can get from the topics concurrently *)
let! featured_post_guids_task = _topic.LatestPostGuids(topic_guids) |> Async.StartChild
let! topic_owners_task = _user.Get(topic_owner_guids) |> Async.StartChild
let! topic_postcounts_task = _topic.PostCounts(topic_guids) |> Async.StartChild
let! featured_post_guids = featured_post_guids_task
let! featured_posts = _post.Get([| for post_guid in featured_post_guids do
if post_guid.IsSome then
yield post_guid.Value |])
(* If any of the posts are missing then there will be sections of the post owners list missing *)
let! featured_owners = _user.Get([| for post in featured_posts do
if post.IsSome then
yield post.Value.Owner |])
let! topic_owners = topic_owners_task
let! topic_postcounts = topic_postcounts_task
(* featured_post_guids may have None's
* featured_posts will have missing items relating to None's in featured_post_guids
* featured_owners will have missing items relating to missing items in featured_posts
* Somehow we have to output ForumOverview records with everything matched up
let rec outputfn (result, n, fp_offset, fo_offset) =
if n >= topics.Length then result
let mutable new_fp_offset = fp_offset
let mutable has_fp = featured_post_guids.[fp_offset].IsSome = true
if has_fp = false then
new_fp_offset <- new_fp_offset - 1
let mutable new_fo_offset = fo_offset
let mutable has_fo = has_fp && featured_owners.[fo_offset].IsSome = true
if has_fo = false then
new_fo_offset <- new_fo_offset - 1
let record = {
Topic = topics.[n];
Owner = topic_owners.[n];
PostCount = topic_postcounts.[n];
Post = if has_fp then featured_posts.[fp_offset] else None;
PostOwner = if has_fo then featured_owners.[fo_offset] else None;
outputfn (result @ [record], n + 1, new_fp_offset + 1, new_fo_offset + 1)
return outputfn ([], 0, 0, 0)
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