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Created September 7, 2019 05:21
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Generate Finite field operations using Montgomery reduction, outputs Rust code suitable for use with Zexe
Generates verbose code for montgomery operations
def mont_reduce(fp_bits, limb_bits=64):
assert fp_bits % limb_bits == 0
n_limbs = fp_bits // limb_bits
n_limbs2 = n_limbs * 2
args = ', '.join([f'{"&mut " if _ != 0 else ""}r{_}: u{limb_bits}' for _ in range(n_limbs2)])
yield "#[inline]"
yield f"fn mont_reduce(&self, {args}) {{"
yield "\t// The Montgomery reduction here is based on Algorithm 14.32 in"
yield "\t// Handbook of Applied Cryptography"
yield "\t// <>."
yield "\t"
for i in range(n_limbs):
yield f"\tlet k = r{i}.wrapping_mul(P::INV);"
yield "\tlet mut carry = 0;"
yield f"\tfa::mac_with_carry(r{i}, k, P::MODULUS.0[0], &mut carry);"
for j in range(1, n_limbs):
yield f"\tr{i+j} = fa::mac_with_carry(r{i+j}, k, P::MODULUS.0[{j}], &mut carry);"
yield f"\tr{i+j+1} = fa::adc(r{i+j+1}, {'carry2' if i != 0 else '0'}, &mut carry);"
if i != (n_limbs-1):
yield "\tlet mut carry2 = carry;"
yield "\t"
for i in range(n_limbs, n_limbs2):
a = n_limbs-(n_limbs2-i)
yield f"\t(self.0).0[{a}] = r{i};"
yield "\t"
yield "\tself.reduce();"
yield "}"
def mul_assign(fp_bits, limb_bits=64):
assert fp_bits % limb_bits == 0
n_limbs = fp_bits // limb_bits
n_limbs2 = n_limbs * 2
yield '#[inline]'
yield 'fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: &Self) {'
for i in range(n_limbs):
yield "\tlet mut carry = 0;"
for j in range(n_limbs):
if i == 0:
a = '0'
a = f'r{i+j}'
yield f"\tlet r{i+j} = fa::mac_with_carry({a}, (self.0).0[{i}], (other.0).0[{j}], &mut carry);"
yield f"\tlet r{i+j+1} = carry;"
yield "\t"
mont_reduce_args = ', '.join([f"r{_}" for _ in range(n_limbs*2)])
yield f"\tself.mont_reduce({mont_reduce_args});"
yield '}'
def square_in_place(fp_bits, limb_bits=64):
assert fp_bits % limb_bits == 0
n_limbs = fp_bits // limb_bits
n_limbs2 = n_limbs * 2
yield '#[inline]'
yield 'fn square_in_place(&mut self) -> &mut Self {'
for i in range(1, n_limbs):
yield "\tlet mut carry = 0;"
for j in range(i, n_limbs):
if i == 1:
a = '0'
a = f'r{i+j-1}'
yield f"\tlet r{i+j-1} = fa::mac_with_carry({a}, (self.0).0[{i-1}], (self.0).0[{j}], &mut carry);"
yield f"\tlet r{j+i} = carry;"
yield "\t"
yield f"\tlet r{n_limbs2-1} = r{n_limbs2-2} >> {limb_bits-1};"
for i in range(n_limbs2-2,1,-1):
yield f"\tlet r{i} = (r{i} << 1) | (r{i-1} >> {limb_bits-1});"
yield f"\tlet r1 = r1 << 1;"
yield "\t"
yield "\tlet mut carry = 0;"
for i in range(0, n_limbs2, 2):
yield f"\tlet r{i} = fa::mac_with_carry(0, (self.0).0[{i//2}], (self.0).0[{i//2}], &mut carry);"
yield f"\tlet r{i+1} = fa::adc(r{i+1}, 0, &mut carry);"
yield "\t"
mont_reduce_args = ', '.join([f"r{_}" for _ in range(n_limbs2)])
yield f"\tself.mont_reduce({mont_reduce_args});"
yield "\tself"
yield "}"
if __name__ == "__main__":
for line in mul_assign(512, 64):
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