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Created September 30, 2019 04:58
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fresh_compute = False # Perform expensive-(ish) computations for curve orders
field_modulus = 22369874298875696930346742206501054934775599465297184582183496627646774052458024540232479018147881220178054575403841904557897715222633333372134756426301062487682326574958588001132586331462553235407484089304633076250782629492557320825577
desired_curve_order = 258664426012969094010652733694893533536393512754914660539884262666720468348340822774968888139573360124440321458177
# Find smallest extension field divisible by desired curve order
for pairing_degree in range(1, 12):
if pairing_degree % 2 != 0:
continue # must be even
x = (field_modulus**pairing_degree)-1
if x % desired_curve_order == 0:
assert pairing_degree == 6
Fp = GF(field_modulus)
PARAM_A4 = Fp(5)
PARAM_A6 = Fp(17764315118651679038286329069295091506801468118146712649886336045535808055361274148466772191243305528312843236347777260247138934336850548243151534538734724191505953341403463040067571652261229308333392040104884438208594329793895206056414)
E = EllipticCurve(Fp, [PARAM_A4, PARAM_A6])
if fresh_compute:
E_order = E.order()
E_order = 22369874298875696930346742206501054934775599465297184582183496627646774052458024540232479018147881220178054575403841904051432769089239847299357653499964436542832386963976320141304045324744586708834290383178262634904444967718221365125956
assert E_order % desired_curve_order == 0
E_cofactor = E_order // desired_curve_order
print '# E_order', E_order
print '# E_cofactor', E_cofactor
print('# E A4', Fp.vector_space()(E.a4()))
print('# E A6', Fp.vector_space()(E.a6()))
R.<T> = PolynomialRing(Fp)
assert field_modulus % 3 == 1
def find_non_residue(field, exponents):
Find non-residue in the field
Must not be residue from any of the exponents
e.g. find_non_residue(Fp, [2,3]) # no quadratic or cubic residues
g = field.gen()
r = list()
for e in exponents:
r.append( (field.cardinality()-1)//e )
for i in range(1, 2**10):
nr = g+i
failed = False
for _ in r:
if nr**_ == field(1):
failed = True
if failed:
if failed:
return nr
fp_non_residue = find_non_residue(Fp, [2,3])
Fp3.<u> = Fp.extension(T^3 - fp_non_residue)
E2 = EllipticCurve(Fp3, [E.a4() * (u**2), E.a6() * (u**3)])
print('# E2 A4', Fp3.vector_space()(E2.a4()))
print('# E2 A6', Fp3.vector_space()(E2.a6()))
if fresh_compute:
E2_order = E2.order()
E2_order = 11194137345159537096108363490665619704866408361886658520558772227555313898508781311480310772226510689585105013245120673604104943368639255517300575713126164806947808685009483218431740622419222524615138240107289658328953869135610519931061989251823436202428776926763209857175055039116448322514546224758127644563663577550154707189585545390411353506556885650518703154241467658595998386258451604959736618578717583150572183233012032658357216865697896629844045997602806371916878894244189416741975219267657845954408270635162612245360200105264870609282025361472378746736609608505206566150870020810323134409611511279830225394508461850919774074946376247606256564162303420623676628965149799748634121758870575109568269200
assert (E2_order % desired_curve_order) == 0
E2_cofactor = E2_order // desired_curve_order
print('# E2 order', E2_order)
def find_generator(E, F, cofactor, order):
for x in range(1, 10**3):
x = F(x)
y2 = x**3 + (E.a4()*x) + E.a6()
if not y2.is_square():
y = y2.sqrt()
p = cofactor*E(x, y)
if not p.is_zero() and (order*p).is_zero():
# Choose the 'positive' point, where the Y coordinate is the lowest
# This is an arbitrary choice... but allows for consistency across implementations
negy = -p[1]
if negy < p[1]:
return -p
return p
G1 = find_generator(E, Fp, E_cofactor, E_order)
G2 = find_generator(E2, Fp3, E2_cofactor, E2_order)
# See: page 62
# Fp6 is quadratic over cubic, but can be constructed directly given the non-residue is neither quadratic nor cubic
Fp6.<v> = Fp.extension(T^6 - fp_non_residue)
# Allow projection of elements from Fp3 to Fp6
# See:
from sage.rings.finite_rings.hom_finite_field import FiniteFieldHomomorphism_generic
hom36 = FiniteFieldHomomorphism_generic(Hom(Fp3, Fp6))
hom63 = hom36.section()
# assert hom63(hom36(G2[0])) == G2[0]
# E2 is a twist of ET
ET = EllipticCurve(Fp6, [hom36(E2.a4()), hom36(E2.a6())])
GT = ET(hom36(G2[0]), hom36(G2[1]))
assert GT*desired_curve_order == ET(0)
def twist_E2_to_ET(p):
return ET(hom36(p[0]), hom36(p[1]))
homp6 = FiniteFieldHomomorphism_generic(Hom(Fp, Fp6))
def map_E_to_ET(p):
return (homp6(p[0]), homp6(p[1]))
def line_function(A, B, P):
if A==B:
l = (3*A[0]^2)/(2*A[1])
elif A == -B:
return P[0]-A[0]
l = (B[1]-A[1])/(B[0]-A[0])
return l*(P[0]-A[0]) + A[1] - P[1]
def line_function(P1, P2, T):
Create a function representing the line between P1 and P2, and evaluate it at T
tangent if P1 == P2.
vp3 = vertical line through P3 = P1 + P2
assert P1 and P2 and T # No points-at-infinity allowed, sorry
x1, y1 = P1[0], P1[1]
x2, y2 = P2[0], P2[1]
xt, yt = T[0], T[1]
if x1 != x2:
# Addition
m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
return m * (xt - x1) - (yt - y1)
elif y1 == y2:
# Doubling
m = 3 * x1**2 / (2 * y1)
return m * (xt - x1) - (yt - y1)
# P2 == -P1 or visa versa
return xt - x1
def tate_miller_loop(P, Q, ds):
R = Q
f =
L = len(ds)
for i in range(L-2, 0, -1):
f = (f*f) * line_function(R, R, P)
R = R+R
if ds[i] == 1:
f = f * line_function(R, Q, P)
R = R + Q
return f
def tate_miller_loop(P, Q, ate_loop_count):
R = Q
f =
log_ate_loop_count = floor(log(ate_loop_count, 2)) - 1
for i in range(log_ate_loop_count, -1, -1):
f = (f*f) * line_function(R, R, P)
R = R+R
if ate_loop_count & (2**i): # addition step
f = f * line_function(R, Q, P)
R = R + Q
return f
# XXX: broken!
def pairing(P, Q):
"""Maps (G1 x G2) to a root of unity in Fp6"""
ate_loop_count = 506464946133393486072777102926336625944849939610982267859828541006717966526573193706126370441346337661774335955699621
ate_loop_bits = Integer(ate_loop_count).digits(2)
assert ((ate_loop_count**6) - 1) % desired_curve_order == 0
#final_exp = (Fp6.cardinality()-1)//desired_curve_order
return tate_miller_loop(map_E_to_ET(P), twist_E2_to_ET(Q), ate_loop_bits)
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