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Last active September 28, 2023 01:37
Raspberry Pi SunVox Headless Synth (in 10 easy steps)

Raspberry Pi SunVox Headless Synth Setup (in 10-easy-steps)




  • write the extracted .img to sdcard with Etcher


  • replace cmdline.txt and config.txt on sdcard boot partition in its root folder with contents from this gist


  • create bin folder on sdcard rootfs partition in its home/pi folder
  • create in the bin folder with contents from this gist


  • turn-on and configure rpi
  • login:pi / password:raspberry
sudo raspi-config
  • follow on-screen instructions
3 boot options
4 localization options
	I1:your_locale	//en_US.UTF-8(recommended)
reboot now?:YES


  • hold the realtime kernel from upgrades
sudo apt-mark hold raspberrypi-kernel
  • connect ethernet cable to install packages
  • install sunvox SDL2 dependency, jack daemon and window manager
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0 qjackctl xorg awesome
//enable realtime process priority?:YES
sudo apt-get clean


  • download and unzip sunvox
wget -c
unzip -p sunvox/sunvox/linux_arm_armhf_raspberry_pi/sunvox_lofi > /home/pi/bin/sunvox_lofi
chmod +x /home/pi/bin/sunvox_lofi /home/pi/bin/


  • set jack and sunvox autostart
echo 'startx' >> /home/pi/.profile

sudo sh -c "echo 'autorun=true apps={"",} if autorun then for n=1, #apps do awful.util.spawn(apps[n]) end end' >> /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua"



  • wait for sunvox to start
  • configure sunvox for headless setup. Marky Shaw's video tutorial starts at 04:08
  • check comments and modify configuration in script


  • enjoy your rpi-sunvox-synth and consider donating to sunvox development!
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 console=ttyAMA0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait fbcon=map:10 fbcon=font:ProFont6x11 logo.nologo dwc_otg.fiq_fix_enable=1 dwc_otg.speed=0 smsc95xx.turbo_mode=N consoleblank=0 quiet init=/usr/lib/raspi-config/
##remount /dev/shm to prevent memory allocation errors
sudo mount -o remount,size=128M /dev/shm
##disable networking
#echo -n "1-1.1:1.0" | sudo tee /sys/bus/usb/drivers/smsc95xx/unbind
#sudo service networking stop
##performance governor to reduce xruns
echo -n performance | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
##kill if already running
killall jackd
killall sunvox
killall sunvox_lofi
##list audio ports aliases with command: jack_lsp -A
##your setup. replace with your audio interface alias and choose a frame/period: -p128 -p256 -p512
#jackd -P70 -p16 -t2000 -dalsa -dhw:_insert_alias_here_ -r44100 -p_insert_fram/period_here_ -n3 -s -Xseq &
##my setup
#jackd -P70 -p16 -t2000 -dalsa -dhw:CODEC -r44100 -p256 -n3 -s -Xseq &
##default setup
jackd -P70 -p16 -t2000 -dalsa -dhw:ALSA -r44100 -p512 -n3 -s -Xseq &
sleep 1
##choose sunvox executable (lofi recommended)
#sunvox &
sunvox_lofi &
sleep 2
##list midi ports aliases with command: jack_lsp -A
##your setup. replace with you midi devices second aliases (they don't change after reboot/unplug)
#jack_connect _insert_midi_second_alias_here SunVox:Keyboard1
#jack_connect _insert_midi_second_alias_here SunVox:Keyboard1
##my setup
#jack_connect microKEY:midi/playback_1 SunVox:Keyboard1
#jack_connect nanoKONTROL2:midi/playback_1 SunVox:Keyboard1
##default setup
jack_connect system:midi_capture_1 SunVox:Keyboard1
jack_connect system:midi_capture_2 SunVox:Keyboard1
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Hello Harry.
Stuck at step 9.
Sunvox does not start.

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Sunvox does not start.

hi Davis, try to start it manually from a terminal and if it doesn't run please post the output, maybe you have to reinstalll the dependencies (step_6) and reboot (step_8)

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When you run step 8 you need to edit the actual file (/etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua) and at the bottom you need to give a return from the "-- }}} " line so the command to launch sunvox after launching xserver will be correctly executed.

I am stuck trying to follow the video from youtube; I run sunvox, I go in home/.config/sunvox but there is no sunvox config file there. Also I am using a sabrent usb dongle for audio output, which does not seem to work at all with this setup

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HarryUPf commented Mar 4, 2020

@theshinyknight this tutorial has been tested on 'stretch' and sunvox 1.9.4c, but the 'stable' RealtimePi distro is now on 'buster' and sunvox is on 1.9.5d . Also, I know for a fact that awesome 4.x has breaking changes.
Please don't forget to read the comments on the '' script, because you have to edit it according to your specific hardware (audio and/or midi interfaces). In short find them with the command: jack_lsp -A
Finally, if there isn't a 'sunvox_config.ini' file, just create it with a text editor and add this line: softrender For more info read this forum thread:
Let me know if you succeed. Nevertheless, I'll take this chance to update this tutorial and get it working again until the next software updates.

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Sunvox version 2 is out.

Now, how to make it work on raspberry pi?
I'm using the raspberry pi 3 b and made it work by installing the dependencies "sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0 qjackctl xorg awesome" and then choosing the linux_arm_armel version of sunvox. Do not select the raspberry pi version for raspbian (contradiction I know). Note: You might need to do chmod x+ on the file

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replace mean cmdline.txt?? or there will be additional file cdmline.txt?

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rafistolique commented Sep 5, 2023

Hello Harry,
In 2023, it's my turn to try myself. I am a beginner, and after a lot of trouble I managed with the help of a youtube video to understand some of the linux commands, enough to succeed after two days, to launch Sunvox. But OK.

Today, I only need one thing to make it perfect: To succeed in a sunvox auto start. I really can't.
Step 8 does not work. I do have the active line that gets added in rc.lua, but it doesn't seem to do much.
I also have the impression that I don't have the: /home/pi/.profile

To launch it manually I have to go to the "linux_arm" directory, type " export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/glibc/lib" and then ./sunvox_lofi .
How to make it automatic? The sunvox turns nickel, with a well recognized Korg nano, as well as the touch screen. But I would like to not have to type anything at startup.
I hope there are still people, because there I go around in circles.

Thank you. And sorry for my bad english

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Hello Harry, In 2023, it's my turn to try myself. I am a beginner, and after a lot of trouble I managed with the help of a youtube video to understand some of the linux commands, enough to succeed after two days, to launch Sunvox. But OK.

Today, I only need one thing to make it perfect: To succeed in a sunvox auto start. I really can't. Step 8 does not work. I do have the active line that gets added in rc.lua, but it doesn't seem to do much. I also have the impression that I don't have the: /home/pi/.profile

To launch it manually I have to go to the "linux_arm" directory, type " export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/glibc/lib" and then ./sunvox_lofi . How to make it automatic? The sunvox turns nickel, with a well recognized Korg nano, as well as the touch screen. But I would like to not have to type anything at startup. I hope there are still people, because there I go around in circles.

Thank you. And sorry for my bad english

Hi there - if you don't have /home/pi/.profile just create it. This is what will start the x server as soon as you log in and xawesome should launch sunvox. If it doesn't launch, then you may have a small error/typo in your rc.lua file

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