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Last active June 23, 2024 12:46
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Minimal tutorial on packing (pack_padded_sequence) and unpacking (pad_packed_sequence) sequences in pytorch.
import torch
from torch import LongTensor
from torch.nn import Embedding, LSTM
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pack_padded_sequence, pad_packed_sequence
## We want to run LSTM on a batch of 3 character sequences ['long_str', 'tiny', 'medium']
# Step 1: Construct Vocabulary
# Step 2: Load indexed data (list of instances, where each instance is list of character indices)
# Step 3: Make Model
# * Step 4: Pad instances with 0s till max length sequence
# * Step 5: Sort instances by sequence length in descending order
# * Step 6: Embed the instances
# * Step 7: Call pack_padded_sequence with embeded instances and sequence lengths
# * Step 8: Forward with LSTM
# * Step 9: Call unpack_padded_sequences if required / or just pick last hidden vector
# * Summary of Shape Transformations
# We want to run LSTM on a batch following 3 character sequences
seqs = ['long_str', # len = 8
'tiny', # len = 4
'medium'] # len = 6
## Step 1: Construct Vocabulary ##
# make sure <pad> idx is 0
vocab = ['<pad>'] + sorted(set([char for seq in seqs for char in seq]))
# => ['<pad>', '_', 'd', 'e', 'g', 'i', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'y']
## Step 2: Load indexed data (list of instances, where each instance is list of character indices) ##
vectorized_seqs = [[vocab.index(tok) for tok in seq]for seq in seqs]
# vectorized_seqs => [[6, 9, 8, 4, 1, 11, 12, 10],
# [12, 5, 8, 14],
# [7, 3, 2, 5, 13, 7]]
## Step 3: Make Model ##
embed = Embedding(len(vocab), 4) # embedding_dim = 4
lstm = LSTM(input_size=4, hidden_size=5, batch_first=True) # input_dim = 4, hidden_dim = 5
## Step 4: Pad instances with 0s till max length sequence ##
# get the length of each seq in your batch
seq_lengths = LongTensor(list(map(len, vectorized_seqs)))
# seq_lengths => [ 8, 4, 6]
# batch_sum_seq_len: 8 + 4 + 6 = 18
# max_seq_len: 8
seq_tensor = Variable(torch.zeros((len(vectorized_seqs), seq_lengths.max()))).long()
# seq_tensor => [[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
# [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
# [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]]
for idx, (seq, seqlen) in enumerate(zip(vectorized_seqs, seq_lengths)):
seq_tensor[idx, :seqlen] = LongTensor(seq)
# seq_tensor => [[ 6 9 8 4 1 11 12 10] # long_str
# [12 5 8 14 0 0 0 0] # tiny
# [ 7 3 2 5 13 7 0 0]] # medium
# seq_tensor.shape : (batch_size X max_seq_len) = (3 X 8)
## Step 5: Sort instances by sequence length in descending order ##
seq_lengths, perm_idx = seq_lengths.sort(0, descending=True)
seq_tensor = seq_tensor[perm_idx]
# seq_tensor => [[ 6 9 8 4 1 11 12 10] # long_str
# [ 7 3 2 5 13 7 0 0] # medium
# [12 5 8 14 0 0 0 0]] # tiny
# seq_tensor.shape : (batch_size X max_seq_len) = (3 X 8)
## Step 6: Embed the instances ##
embedded_seq_tensor = embed(seq_tensor)
# embedded_seq_tensor =>
# [[[-0.77578706 -1.8080667 -1.1168439 1.1059115 ] l
# [-0.23622951 2.0361056 0.15435742 -0.04513785] o
# [-0.6000342 1.1732816 0.19938554 -1.5976517 ] n
# [ 0.40524676 0.98665565 -0.08621677 -1.1728264 ] g
# [-1.6334635 -0.6100042 1.7509955 -1.931793 ] _
# [-0.6470658 -0.6266589 -1.7463604 1.2675372 ] s
# [ 0.64004815 0.45813003 0.3476034 -0.03451729] t
# [-0.22739866 -0.45782727 -0.6643252 0.25129375]] r
# [[ 0.16031227 -0.08209462 -0.16297023 0.48121014] m
# [-0.7303265 -0.857339 0.58913064 -1.1068314 ] e
# [ 0.48159844 -1.4886451 0.92639893 0.76906884] d
# [ 0.27616557 -1.224429 -1.342848 -0.7495876 ] i
# [ 0.01795524 -0.59048957 -0.53800726 -0.6611691 ] u
# [ 0.16031227 -0.08209462 -0.16297023 0.48121014] m
# [ 0.2691206 -0.43435425 0.87935454 -2.2269666 ] <pad>
# [ 0.2691206 -0.43435425 0.87935454 -2.2269666 ]] <pad>
# [[ 0.64004815 0.45813003 0.3476034 -0.03451729] t
# [ 0.27616557 -1.224429 -1.342848 -0.7495876 ] i
# [-0.6000342 1.1732816 0.19938554 -1.5976517 ] n
# [-1.284392 0.68294704 1.4064184 -0.42879772] y
# [ 0.2691206 -0.43435425 0.87935454 -2.2269666 ] <pad>
# [ 0.2691206 -0.43435425 0.87935454 -2.2269666 ] <pad>
# [ 0.2691206 -0.43435425 0.87935454 -2.2269666 ] <pad>
# [ 0.2691206 -0.43435425 0.87935454 -2.2269666 ]]] <pad>
# embedded_seq_tensor.shape : (batch_size X max_seq_len X embedding_dim) = (3 X 8 X 4)
## Step 7: Call pack_padded_sequence with embeded instances and sequence lengths ##
packed_input = pack_padded_sequence(embedded_seq_tensor, seq_lengths.cpu().numpy(), batch_first=True)
# packed_input (PackedSequence is NamedTuple with 2 attributes: data and batch_sizes
# =>
# [[-0.77578706 -1.8080667 -1.1168439 1.1059115 ] l
# [ 0.01795524 -0.59048957 -0.53800726 -0.6611691 ] m
# [-0.6470658 -0.6266589 -1.7463604 1.2675372 ] t
# [ 0.16031227 -0.08209462 -0.16297023 0.48121014] o
# [ 0.40524676 0.98665565 -0.08621677 -1.1728264 ] e
# [-1.284392 0.68294704 1.4064184 -0.42879772] i
# [ 0.64004815 0.45813003 0.3476034 -0.03451729] n
# [ 0.27616557 -1.224429 -1.342848 -0.7495876 ] d
# [ 0.64004815 0.45813003 0.3476034 -0.03451729] n
# [-0.23622951 2.0361056 0.15435742 -0.04513785] g
# [ 0.16031227 -0.08209462 -0.16297023 0.48121014] i
# [-0.22739866 -0.45782727 -0.6643252 0.25129375]] y
# [-0.7303265 -0.857339 0.58913064 -1.1068314 ] _
# [-1.6334635 -0.6100042 1.7509955 -1.931793 ] u
# [ 0.27616557 -1.224429 -1.342848 -0.7495876 ] s
# [-0.6000342 1.1732816 0.19938554 -1.5976517 ] m
# [-0.6000342 1.1732816 0.19938554 -1.5976517 ] t
# [ 0.48159844 -1.4886451 0.92639893 0.76906884] r
# : (batch_sum_seq_len X embedding_dim) = (18 X 4)
# packed_input.batch_sizes => [ 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1]
# visualization :
# l o n g _ s t r #(long_str)
# m e d i u m #(medium)
# t i n y #(tiny)
# 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 (sum = 18 [batch_sum_seq_len])
## Step 8: Forward with LSTM ##
packed_output, (ht, ct) = lstm(packed_input)
# packed_output (PackedSequence is NamedTuple with 2 attributes: data and batch_sizes
# :
# [[-0.00947162 0.07743231 0.20343193 0.29611713 0.07992904] l
# [ 0.08596145 0.09205993 0.20892891 0.21788561 0.00624391] o
# [ 0.16861682 0.07807446 0.18812777 -0.01148055 -0.01091915] n
# [ 0.20994528 0.17932937 0.17748171 0.05025435 0.15717036] g
# [ 0.01364102 0.11060348 0.14704391 0.24145307 0.12879576] _
# [ 0.02610307 0.00965587 0.31438383 0.246354 0.08276576] s
# [ 0.09527554 0.14521319 0.1923058 -0.05925677 0.18633027] t
# [ 0.09872741 0.13324396 0.19446367 0.4307988 -0.05149471] r
# [ 0.03895474 0.08449443 0.18839942 0.02205326 0.23149511] m
# [ 0.14620507 0.07822411 0.2849248 -0.22616537 0.15480657] e
# [ 0.00884941 0.05762182 0.30557525 0.373712 0.08834908] d
# [ 0.12460691 0.21189159 0.04823487 0.06384943 0.28563985] i
# [ 0.01368293 0.15872964 0.03759198 -0.13403234 0.23890573] u
# [ 0.00377969 0.05943518 0.2961751 0.35107893 0.15148178] m
# [ 0.00737647 0.17101538 0.28344846 0.18878219 0.20339936] t
# [ 0.0864429 0.11173367 0.3158251 0.37537992 0.11876849] i
# [ 0.17885767 0.12713005 0.28287745 0.05562563 0.10871304] n
# [ 0.09486895 0.12772645 0.34048414 0.25930756 0.12044918]] y
# : (batch_sum_seq_len X hidden_dim) = (18 X 5)
# packed_output.batch_sizes => [ 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1] (same as packed_input.batch_sizes)
# visualization :
# l o n g _ s t r #(long_str)
# m e d i u m #(medium)
# t i n y #(tiny)
# 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 (sum = 18 [batch_sum_seq_len])
## Step 9: Call unpack_padded_sequences if required / or just pick last hidden vector ##
# unpack your output if required
output, input_sizes = pad_packed_sequence(packed_output, batch_first=True)
# output:
# output =>
# [[[-0.00947162 0.07743231 0.20343193 0.29611713 0.07992904] l
# [ 0.20994528 0.17932937 0.17748171 0.05025435 0.15717036] o
# [ 0.09527554 0.14521319 0.1923058 -0.05925677 0.18633027] n
# [ 0.14620507 0.07822411 0.2849248 -0.22616537 0.15480657] g
# [ 0.01368293 0.15872964 0.03759198 -0.13403234 0.23890573] _
# [ 0.00737647 0.17101538 0.28344846 0.18878219 0.20339936] s
# [ 0.17885767 0.12713005 0.28287745 0.05562563 0.10871304] t
# [ 0.09486895 0.12772645 0.34048414 0.25930756 0.12044918]] r
# [[ 0.08596145 0.09205993 0.20892891 0.21788561 0.00624391] m
# [ 0.01364102 0.11060348 0.14704391 0.24145307 0.12879576] e
# [ 0.09872741 0.13324396 0.19446367 0.4307988 -0.05149471] d
# [ 0.00884941 0.05762182 0.30557525 0.373712 0.08834908] i
# [ 0.00377969 0.05943518 0.2961751 0.35107893 0.15148178] u
# [ 0.0864429 0.11173367 0.3158251 0.37537992 0.11876849] m
# [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ] <pad>
# [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]] <pad>
# [[ 0.16861682 0.07807446 0.18812777 -0.01148055 -0.01091915] t
# [ 0.02610307 0.00965587 0.31438383 0.246354 0.08276576] i
# [ 0.03895474 0.08449443 0.18839942 0.02205326 0.23149511] n
# [ 0.12460691 0.21189159 0.04823487 0.06384943 0.28563985] y
# [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ] <pad>
# [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ] <pad>
# [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ] <pad>
# [ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]]] <pad>
# output.shape : ( batch_size X max_seq_len X hidden_dim) = (3 X 8 X 5)
# Or if you just want the final hidden state?
## Summary of Shape Transformations ##
# (batch_size X max_seq_len X embedding_dim) --> Sort by seqlen ---> (batch_size X max_seq_len X embedding_dim)
# (batch_size X max_seq_len X embedding_dim) ---> Pack ---> (batch_sum_seq_len X embedding_dim)
# (batch_sum_seq_len X embedding_dim) ---> LSTM ---> (batch_sum_seq_len X hidden_dim)
# (batch_sum_seq_len X hidden_dim) ---> UnPack ---> (batch_size X max_seq_len X hidden_dim)
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Great tutorial!
A question: in which situations we might want to use pad_packed_sequence? When calculating loss, wouldn't it be simpler to work with packed (without pads) scores (LSTM outputs) and packed targets? Or do I need/have to sometimes pad scores and targets using pad_packed_sequence? If yes, then when is it used?

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Thank you very much!

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Great work!

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Thanks a lot for putting this together.

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RudRho commented Jul 20, 2020

Line#146 is the icing on the cake.


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Great work!

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Great work.

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Thanks a lot! 👍

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thank you, it is very helpful!

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This is great! Congratulation

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Bro where did the len object in line 51 come from?

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Perfectly explained! Was always confused on what data goes into the batch.

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laifi commented Nov 19, 2020

Why sort instances by sequence length in descending order step is needed?

pack_padded_sequence does not need sorting anymore,its a parameter in the function (Doc)

**enforce_sorted** (bool, optional) –if True, the input is expected to contain sequences sorted by length in a decreasing order. If False, the input will get sorted unconditionally. Default: True.

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rayryeng commented Nov 22, 2020

@jackfrost29 - len is a built-in method in classes. When calling len, it accesses the __len__ method for whatever object is used as input. The usual understanding with len is that it finds the length / size of whatever object you pass to it. In this case, the object is a list of token lists so it finds the length of every token list in vectorized_seqs.

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Wonder why nobody complains about lines 120-138, as the packed sequence is clearly wrong.

Clearly, the first three rows in the packed sequence are not l, m, t but l, u, s for example. There are also too many closing brackets in line 132.

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tombosc commented Feb 25, 2021

Pretty helpful, thank you

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Thankyou very much.It's a very important paper.

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you sort them, then you need back to original position right? I want to use a hidden state, is that right?
''' a_lengths, idx = text_length.sort(0, descending=True)
_, un_idx = t.sort(idx, dim=0)
seq = text[idx]

    seq = self.dropout(self.embedding(seq))

    a_packed_input = t.nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(input=seq,'cpu'), batch_first=True)
    packed_output, (hidden, cell) = self.rnn(a_packed_input)
    out, _ = t.nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(packed_output, batch_first=True)
    hidden = self.dropout([-2, :, :], hidden[-1, :, :]), dim=1))

    hidden = t.index_select(hidden, 0, un_idx)

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just what i was looking for, thanks

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elch10 commented Dec 30, 2021

I can't find any performance comparision. Did anyone compare using pack_padded_sequence with just padded sequence?

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Y-jiji commented Mar 19, 2022

Why sort instances by sequence length in descending order step is needed?

If you want to export this model as ONNX, enforce_sorted option must be True.
However, if this model is not to be used in production, you can set enforce_sorted=False to avoid sorting.

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jainraj commented Apr 16, 2022


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Very helpful!

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hungkien05 commented Jul 7, 2022

Most easy-to-understand explanation I have read !

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awnsome !

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gunnxx commented Dec 6, 2022

I think packed_output is wrong. It should be the same order as the packed_input. Otherwise, calling pad_packed_sequence will generate inconsistent behavior between packed_output and packed_input.

See this example

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_packed_sequence, pack_padded_sequence

x = F.one_hot(torch.arange(9) % 3, num_classes=3).reshape(3, 3, 3).float()
length = torch.tensor([3, 1, 2], dtype=torch.int64)
# tensor([[[1., 0., 0.],
#          [0., 1., 0.],
#          [0., 0., 1.]],

#         [[1., 0., 0.],
#          [0., 1., 0.],
#          [0., 0., 1.]],

#         [[1., 0., 0.],
#          [0., 1., 0.],
#          [0., 0., 1.]]])

packed_x = pack_padded_sequence(x, length, batch_first=True, enforce_sorted=False)
# PackedSequence(data=tensor([[1., 0., 0.],
#         [1., 0., 0.],
#         [1., 0., 0.],
#         [0., 1., 0.],
#         [0., 1., 0.],
#         [0., 0., 1.]]), batch_sizes=tensor([3, 2, 1]), sorted_indices=tensor([0, 2, 1]), unsorted_indices=tensor([0, 2, 1]))

m = nn.RNN(3, 1, batch_first=True, bias=False)
# [[Parameter containing:
# tensor([[-0.7161,  0.8613, -0.8458]], requires_grad=True), Parameter containing:
# tensor([[0.2222]], requires_grad=True)]]

packed_lstm_out, _ = m.forward(packed_x)
# PackedSequence(data=tensor([[-0.6145],
#         [-0.6145],
#         [-0.6145],
#         [ 0.6198],
#         [ 0.6198],
#         [-0.6094]], grad_fn=<CatBackward0>), batch_sizes=tensor([3, 2, 1]), sorted_indices=tensor([0, 2, 1]), unsorted_indices=tensor([0, 2, 1]))

unpacked_lstm_out, unpacked_length = pad_packed_sequence(packed_lstm_out, batch_first=True)
# tensor([[[-0.6145],
#          [ 0.6198],
#          [-0.6094]],

#         [[-0.6145],
#          [ 0.0000],
#          [ 0.0000]],

#         [[-0.6145],
#          [ 0.6198],
#          [ 0.0000]]], grad_fn=<IndexSelectBackward0>)

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This is very helpful. Thank you.

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XianghengHee commented Feb 7, 2024

The explanation for packed_output, (ht, ct) = lstm(packed_input) seems not correct.

should be:

# packed_output (PackedSequence is NamedTuple with 2 attributes: data and batch_sizes
# :
#                          [[-0.00947162  0.07743231  0.20343193  0.29611713  0.07992904]   l
#                           [ 0.08596145  0.09205993  0.20892891  0.21788561  0.00624391]   m
#                           [ 0.16861682  0.07807446  0.18812777 -0.01148055 -0.01091915]   t
#                           [ 0.20994528  0.17932937  0.17748171  0.05025435  0.15717036]   o
#                           [ 0.01364102  0.11060348  0.14704391  0.24145307  0.12879576]   e
#                           [ 0.02610307  0.00965587  0.31438383  0.246354    0.08276576]   i
#                           [ 0.09527554  0.14521319  0.1923058  -0.05925677  0.18633027]   n
#                           [ 0.09872741  0.13324396  0.19446367  0.4307988  -0.05149471]   d
#                           [ 0.03895474  0.08449443  0.18839942  0.02205326  0.23149511]   n
#                           [ 0.14620507  0.07822411  0.2849248  -0.22616537  0.15480657]   g
#                           [ 0.00884941  0.05762182  0.30557525  0.373712    0.08834908]   i
#                           [ 0.12460691  0.21189159  0.04823487  0.06384943  0.28563985]   y
#                           [ 0.01368293  0.15872964  0.03759198 -0.13403234  0.23890573]   _
#                           [ 0.00377969  0.05943518  0.2961751   0.35107893  0.15148178]   u
#                           [ 0.00737647  0.17101538  0.28344846  0.18878219  0.20339936]   s
#                           [ 0.0864429   0.11173367  0.3158251   0.37537992  0.11876849]   m
#                           [ 0.17885767  0.12713005  0.28287745  0.05562563  0.10871304]   t
#                           [ 0.09486895  0.12772645  0.34048414  0.25930756  0.12044918]]  r
# : (batch_sum_seq_len X hidden_dim) = (18 X 5)

# packed_output.batch_sizes => [ 3,  3,  3,  3,  2,  2,  1,  1] (same as packed_input.batch_sizes)
# visualization :
# l  o  n  g  _  s  t  r   #(long_str)
# m  e  d  i  u  m         #(medium)
# t  i  n  y               #(tiny)
# 3  3  3  3  2  2  1  1   (sum = 18 [batch_sum_seq_len])

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It's really help me to understand

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