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Last active November 2, 2018 11:21
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#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <set>
using namespace std ;
unordered_map<string, set<string> > productions, first_values, follow_values;
set<string> non_terminals, terminals;
string start_symbol ;
string getBody(string produc) {
return produc.substr(produc.find('=')+1, produc.length()) ;
void calculate_first_values() {
// need to repeat the procedure more than one time because doing so simply ensures that all the references to other variables will finally get resolved.
for(string c: terminals) first_values[c].insert(c) ;
for(int a = productions.size(); a>=0; a--) {
for (pair<string, set<string> > p: productions) {
for (string s : p.second) {
if (terminals.count(s)) // if s is terminal.
first_values[p.first].insert(s); // s is a terminal, so directly attach it to the first of the head. This saves us from the terminal "id" ;
else {
bool add_null = true;
for (char C : s) {
for (string f : first_values[string(1, C)]) first_values[p.first].insert(f);
if (!first_values[string(1, C)].count("#")) { // by default assume that we have to add a null to the first of the <head>. However, if some production character does not has null in its FIRST, then, we should not add a null to the FIRST of the head. So, we quit the process of adding a null.
add_null = false;
break; // breaks the char search sequence in the parent loop.
if (add_null) first_values[p.first].insert("#");
void calculate_follow_values() {
// will operate on productions and first_values to find out the follow_values.
follow_values[start_symbol].insert("$") ;
for(int i = 0 ; i<productions.size(); i++) {
for(pair<string, set<string> > p : productions) {
// we are processing every production n times.
for(string body: p.second) {
bool union_follow_of_head = true ;
char last_char = body[body.length()-1] ;
if(!isupper(last_char)) union_follow_of_head = false ; // if last char is a terminal, then there is no chance of union of head's follow.
else { // if the last char is a non-terminal, then it's follow must contain the follow of the head.
if(string(1,last_char) != p.first) for(string fv:follow_values[p.first]) follow_values[string(1,last_char)].insert(fv) ;
union_follow_of_head = (bool) first_values[string(1,last_char)].count("#") ;
for(int index = body.length()-2; index>=0 ; index--) {
last_char = body[index]; // now, last_char will refer to the current char being processed.
if(!isupper(last_char)) {union_follow_of_head = false ;}
else {
for (string fv: first_values[string(1, body[index + 1])])
follow_values[string(1, body[index])].insert(fv);
if(union_follow_of_head) {
if (string(1, last_char) != p.first)
for (string fv:follow_values[p.first])
follow_values[string(1, last_char)].insert(fv);
union_follow_of_head = (bool) first_values[string(1, last_char)].count("#");
int j = 2;
while((index+j)<body.length() && first_values[string(1,body[index+j-1])].count("#")) {
for(string f: first_values[string(1,body[index+j])])
follow_values[string(1,body[index])].insert(f) ;
j++ ;
int main() {
cout<<"Enter no. of productions"<<endl ;
int n ; cin>>n ;
cout<<"Enter the productions in the form head=body. No spaces are in between. \nAny non_terminal should consist of EXACTLY one character. '#' is the null character"<<endl ;
string prod; string head; string body;
while(n--) {
cin>>prod ;
head = string(1, prod[0]) ; body = getBody(prod) ;
productions[head].insert(body) ;
non_terminals.insert(head) ;
if(body == "id") terminals.insert("id"); // "id" is a special terminal consisting of more than one character.
for(char c : body) if(body!="id" && (!isupper(c) || c=='#')) terminals.insert(string(1,c)) ;
cout<<"Enter the starting non-terminal symbol"<<endl;
cin>>start_symbol ; if(!non_terminals.count(start_symbol)) {cout<<"Process terminated! Please enter a valid start symbol"<<endl; exit(0);}
calculate_first_values() ;
// now, print the first() values;
for(pair<string, set<string> > p : first_values) {
if(isupper(p.first[0])) {
cout << p.first << "= {";
for (string s : p.second) cout << s << ",";
cout << "}" << endl;
calculate_follow_values() ;
// now, print the values
for(pair<string, set<string> > p : follow_values) {
if(isupper(p.first[0])) {
cout << p.first << "= {";
for (string s : p.second) if(s!="#")cout << s << ",";
cout << "}" << endl;
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