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Created May 28, 2024 10:49
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Tech Talk Topics

Frontend Development (Priority)

  1. CSS/Sass

    • Introduction to CSS/Sass
    • Advanced CSS Techniques
    • Building Responsive Layouts with CSS Grid and Flexbox
  2. ES6

    • Overview of ES6 Features
    • Working with Promises and Async/Await
    • Modern JavaScript Development Best Practices
  3. React

    • Getting Started with React
    • State Management in React (Redux, Context API)
    • Building a Blog Application with React
    • Building an E-commerce Application with React
    • Advanced React Patterns and Hooks
    • Performance Optimization in React
    • Introduction to React Native for Mobile Development
  4. Performance Optimization

    • Frontend Performance Best Practices
    • Code Splitting and Lazy Loading in React
    • Optimizing CSS and JavaScript Delivery
  5. Security

    • Understanding Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
    • Implementing OAuth2 for Secure Authentication

Backend Development

  1. EF Core

    • Introduction to Entity Framework Core
    • Advanced Querying and Data Manipulation
    • Best Practices for Data Access Layer
  2. Microservices

    • Microservices Architecture Fundamentals
    • Designing and Implementing Microservices with .NET Core
    • Communication between Microservices (REST, gRPC, Message Queues)
  3. Domain Driven Design

    • Introduction to Domain-Driven Design
    • Implementing DDD in Microservices
    • Strategic Design: Bounded Contexts and Aggregates
  4. Clean Code

    • Principles of Clean Code
    • Refactoring Techniques for Cleaner Code
    • Writing Maintainable and Readable Code
  5. Kubernetes

    • Introduction to Kubernetes
    • Deploying Applications on Kubernetes
    • Managing Kubernetes Clusters
  6. Terraform

    • Infrastructure as Code with Terraform
    • Writing and Managing Terraform Configurations
    • Best Practices for Terraform
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