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Last active July 16, 2024 11:34
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Generating UML diagrams in python using pyreverse


  1. Install Pylint from Install. If you have anaconda already installed use pip install -U pylint to update the Pylint so that pyreverse is added to the scripts folder.

  2. You need to install Graphviz as the pyreverse generates the UML diagrams in dot format and needs the dot.exe provided by Graphviz. Once Graphviz is installed make sure the bin folder is added to the PATH variable so that pyreverse can find it at run time. "the command pyreverse generates the diagrams in all formats that graphviz/dot knows." (Reference

  3. Now add the path of python modules for which you want to generate the documentation to PYTHONPATH.

  4. Use pyreverse -S <modulename> to generate dot files in the current folder


    pyreverse [options] <packages>

    create UML diagrams for classes and modules in <packages>

    -h, --help

    show this help message and exit

    -f <mode>, --filter-mode=<mode>

    filter attributes and functions according to <mode>. Correct modes are : 'PUB_ONLY' filter all non public attributes [DEFAULT], equivalent to PRIVATE+SPECIAL_A 'ALL' no filter 'SPECIAL' filter Python special functions except constructor 'OTHER' filter protected and private attributes [current: PUB_ONLY]

    -c <class>, --class=<class>

    create a class diagram with all classes related to <class>; this uses by default the options -ASmy [current: none]

    -a <ancestor>, --show-ancestors=<ancestor>

    show <ancestor> generations of ancestor classes not in <projects>

    -A, --all-ancestors

    show all ancestors off all classes in <projects>

    -s <ass_level>, --show-associated=<ass_level>

    show <ass_level> levels of associated classes not in <projects>

    -S, --all-associated

    show recursively all associated off all associated classes

    -b, --show-builtin

    include builtin objects in representation of classes

    -m [yn], --module-names=[yn]

    include module name in representation of classes

    -k, --only-classnames

    don't show attributes and methods in the class boxes; this disables -f values

    -o <format>, --output=<format>

    create a *.<format> output file if format available. [current: dot]


    Add files or directories to the blacklist. They should be base names, not paths. [current: CVS]

    -p <project name>, --project=<project name>

    set the project name. [current: none]

  5. Once the dot files are generated use the following to generate the output in one of the formats available


dot -Tpdf <dotfilename> -o output.pdf

dot -Txxx shows all the available output formats

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do we have options like extracting data from excel and converted into UML..? if yes kindly update

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