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Created June 21, 2019 18:24
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#Evaluate Model M0
# create the confusion matrix
cm = as.matrix(table(Actual = actual1, Predicted = pred1))
n = sum(cm) # number of instances
nc = nrow(cm) # number of classes
diag = diag(cm) # number of correctly classified instances per class
rowsums = apply(cm, 1, sum) # number of instances per class
colsums = apply(cm, 2, sum) # number of predictions per class
p = rowsums / n # distribution of instances over the actual classes
q = colsums / n # distribution of instances over the predicted classes
precision = diag / colsums
recall = diag / rowsums
df<-data.frame(precision, recall)
#Evaluate Model M1
# create the confusion matrix
cm1 = as.matrix(table(Actual = actual1, Predicted = pred2))
n1 = sum(cm1) # number of instances
nc1 = nrow(cm1) # number of classes
diag1 = diag(cm1) # number of correctly classified instances per class
rowsums1 = apply(cm1, 1, sum) # number of instances per class
colsums1 = apply(cm1, 2, sum) # number of predictions per class
p = rowsums1 / n1 # distribution of instances over the actual classes
q = colsums1 / n1 # distribution of instances over the predicted classes
precision = diag1 / colsums1
recall = diag1 / rowsums1
df1<-data.frame(precision, recall)
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