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Last active August 16, 2017 00:27
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Career Development Curriculum - Hugh Hartigan

Strengths Reflection & Coaching Request

Read Through Your Theme Definitions

  1. What words or phrases stick out to you? How would you define each of your top 5 talents in your own words?
  • For my strengths test I received Learner, Achiever, Strategic, Intellection, and Input. The parts that stood out to me most were the concepts of seeking knowledge on a deeper level and constant intellectual growth. Learner, in particular said "you are energized by the steady and deliberate journey from ignorance to competence." I think what resonates about this phrase is the idea of steady comprehension and growth, whether it be through leaps and bounds or slow, incremental steps that lead to a bigger success. While the end result is satisfying, the process is what makes it interesting.
  • The Achiver strength seemed almost like a two-edged sword in that the primary drive behind it is a sense of discontent. The phrase that stuck out the most to me was "...if the day passes without some form of achievement, no matter how small, you will feel dissatisfied." I identify with this a lot because I thoink each day is an opportunoty to grow. i will, undoubtedly, have days where I sit around and do 'nothing', but even in those days, I achieve a sense of mental peace, become well rested, and have opportunities to bond with my girlfriend, dog, family and friends. While I think I have a drive to achieve, I think the discipline comes in finding achievement in the little successes as well.
  • "'What if?' Select. Strike.", seems like the most fitting way to sum up the Strategic strenght. To me this boils down to my ability to problem solve. Often times when a problem arises, I know that, regardless of the stress I may be under, there is always some sort of solution, even if it isn't immediately present. This helps me to find the path of least resistance, whether it be overcoming a difficult hurdle or simply realizing that the hurdle is something that I need to accept and learn to work in harmony with. Creative solutions are more exciting to me than what is easiest, but if the easy solution is what is best for a situation, I don't have any issue accepting that.
  • I think that the strength of Intellection is maybe the most nebulous of my listed strengths. The gist of the meaning lies in that I like to think. This thought may not necessarily be directed toward a particular problem, but could be general musing about the day's activities or how future events will play out. However, I think that when this stregnth is directed that it can be incredibly powerful. I think what rang true to me was the follow: "You are the kind of person who enjoys your time alone because it is your time for musing and reflection... In a sense you are your own best companion." As an only child, I think this is especially true as I grew to value my alone time, feel comfortable in silence, and grow to appreciate my active imagination.
  • I used to have a problem as a pack rat; I would save every little thing that I came across, start various collections, and spend hours looking them over. Though I abadoned my shell and coin collection, I think the Input strength still identifies a strong trait of mine. I collect information and pride myself in it. I retain most of what I read and, if I'm unable to recall something, I know where I first read it and where to find it again. Additionally, instead of hoardinG like I used to, I feel like I currate my collections. I value certain information, make close friends that I know will have an impact on my life, and value sentimental things over material things.
  1. Do these top 5 talent themes resonate with you? Why or why not?
  • Answered Above
  1. How have you seen yourself using each of these talents? How often do you see yourself using these talents?
  • Answered Above
  1. When has it been difficult for me to be aware of this talent?
  1. What talents could you develop further that would help you in your growth at Turing and in your new career as a software developer?
  1. How would you like to build more awareness around these themes?
  1. In which situations would developing these themes be beneficial?
  1. When might you overuse any of these themes? How might you benefit from dialing it down in a certain situation?
  1. How could you use these themes to help you manage an area in which you might struggle?
  1. How can you do more of what you do best every day?

Look at the Suggested Action Items

  1. What options sound doable?
  1. What are some new ways to use these themes that you haven't utilized before?
  1. What obstacles are there to trying out any of these options?
  1. Shortterm: What is an action step you'd like to commit to help you develop your themes further today? Next week?
  1. Longterm: What do you want to learn this module to turn your talents into greater strengths? How will this help you with your professional or personal goals?

Next Steps

This reflection is for your own growth, and you do not need to turn this in.

However, if you would like to have a follow-up coaching session with Allison, please DM this gist to her when you set up your 1-on-1 with her. You can schedule that here or by sending her a DM.

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