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Last active August 30, 2017 16:50
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DTR Link List - Jeff Bender and Hugh Hartigan

DTR: Define the Relationship

Use this template to when conducting DTR with your project partners. It's recommended that you copy/paste this template into your own gist each time you conduct a DTR to take notes on the conversation.

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

  • What are your learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project? Hugh Learning more fundamentals of JS, using paired strengths to collaborate effectively.

    Jeff Learn more fundamentals of JS and learn how to utilize pair's strengths to collaborate effectively.

  • What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches? Hugh We need to have a good balance of both. At onset, we need to have a clear understanding of the project, building the bones of the project, through pair programming. When more specific and tedious tasks come up, it may be beneficial to divide and conquer, but then come back to compare notes, quality check, etc.

    Jeff Initially we need a clear understanding of the project and then be able to define and assign tasks. There should be a balance of both pair programming and divide and conquer.

  • How do you communicate best? How do you appreciate receiving communication from others? Hugh Open and honest communication about when life happens. Clear and straightforward description of goals and objectives. Who plays what part, what do we expect of one another.

    Jeff Open and honest. Shit happens. Address issues as they arise before the become bigger issues.

  • How would you describe your work style? Hugh Time alone to really dig into the guts of the project. Independent working helps me to focus, but I appreciate a set of fresh eyes when I come to a road block. I'm also really interested in how other people problem solve because it helps to expand my knowledge base.

    Jeff Independently attacking an issue to completion then reaching out for help if I hit a wall.

  • What are your strengths? How can our strengths complement each other? Hugh Working efficiently independently, but able to come together and solve problems. Good time management and ability to get the thing done. Jeff is a night owl and I'm an early bird, so we'll be able to work around the clock for the most part.

    Jeff Good time management and work efficiently independently. Me being a night owl and Hugh being an early bird will allow me to take the improvements he's done early that day and work on them at night.

  • What’s gone well or poorly in your previous projects? Hugh I've felt really comfortable with executing the bones of the project (HTML/CSS). Those pieces could use a bit more refinement, but have started to come more naturally. I've also done a good job of getting the project to 'do the thing', but let the project get away from me toward the end when I got excited about adding more.

    Jeff Well - Pair programming w someone everyday. The HTML and CSS came easier than the JS. Poorly - Staying organized and on task once the project started to grow beyond Phase 2. Not using GitHub to make branches and save individual working states.

  • How will we set direction and make decisions as a team? Hugh Clearly define goals at the onset of the project so a general direction is defined. To make decisions, hear each other out, listen to various solutions, and decide on a middle ground and what would be best for the project.

    Jeff Define goals and tasks from the onset. Talk through best practices once we reach a point of contention.

  • How will we overcome obstacles? Hugh Through debate and determining what the best course of action is for the project.

    Jeff Through debate and determining what the best course of action is for the project.

  • What do you need (resources, environment, communication) to do your best work? Hugh Quiet space to be able to work through things together or individually. Set up times to meet on the calendar. Use Slack to communicate if something comes up. Respect of time and space, but don't be afraid to approach me if you need something or there's an issue. Willing to discuss and talk about things as necessary.

    Jeff Set up a calendar standup and retro. Slack on phone. Pair-programming. Telephone booth.

  • What scheduling restraints do you have? What are your scheduling preferences? Hugh I come in around 8 AM to work an hour before class, but like to leave as soon as possible. Able to stay later if needed, but would like to leave by 6 PM at the latest. Generally able to work on Sundays and some times on Saturday. Turn off around 10 PM.

    Jeff Earliest I can get in is 8:30AM and I have to leave by 5:15PM. Between 8:30PM and 10PM I should be working on the project. On the weekends the best time for me to do some work is midday. During nap time which is usually between 12ish to 2ish.

  • What is your style for giving feedback? Does anything ever hold you back from giving feedback? Hugh Like to be in person and have face-to-face feedback. Going over things with visual cues and being able to have a back and forth dialogue are helpful. Typing things out is cumbersome and often time unclear.

    Jeff Verbal, face to face. Not being in the same room.

  • What do you identify as being your biggest strength(s) technically, as they relate to this project? Where do you feel you could use improvement in your technical skills, as they relate to this project? How can our team help support you in improving these skills? Hugh Being organized and having good naming practices. Making sure items in code are grouped intuitively and labeled accordingly. My technical skills that could use some strength would be reducing redundancy and making the code cleaner and less busy. The team can help

    Jeff Good naming conventions, organized code. Improve by adding a bunch of comments.

  • What tools do you want to use to manage the project? Hugh I would like to more effectively use Git and GitHub to manage various functions of the project, making it easier for both users to work on different aspects of the project and build from one another's successes.

    Jeff Slack, gitHub, git.

  • How do you want the group to solve problems when members run into issues with features of the project? Hugh I think the best way to do this is to combine our shared successes and knowledge and see what the problem may be. If neither person has a solution, searching for a solution together to gain mutual understanding would be beneficial.

    Jeff Address problems during morning or afternoon stand-ups.

  • How do you know if a project is successful? How can we achieve that as a group? Hugh A project is successful if it fulfills the necessary requirements, while also allowing each partner to learn and grow. If one partner feels like they don't understand something, it's up to the group to fill the gaps in their knowledge with patience and an understanding that this is a learning process for everyone.

    Jeff Meeting all the requirements up to phase 3.

  • How will we recognize each other's successes and celebrate them? Hugh Lots of high fives, lots of 'Thank You's, and gratitude toward efforts put forth by each member. This is an exciting process, but the struggle is real at times. Excitement about little victories helps to make the struggle worth it.

    Jeff Mention completed tasks during stand-ups and high fives.

Any additional questions that you would like to add:

Template for DTR Memo

Project: Linked List

Group Member Names: Jeff Bender, Hugh Hartigan

Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project?

Hugh I hope to get a more sound understanding of JS/JQ and how it relates to CSS and HTML. The biggest thing I want to accomplish is to have a more intuitive sense of what to do and when in regards to JS/JQ.

Jeff I expect to collaborate effectively and successfully to complete the project on time.

Goals and expectations: Finish up to phase 3. Share responsibilities and work together in order to get more than we could alone.

Team strengths: Naming conventions, HTML/CSS, communication, time management.

How to overcome obstacles: Communicate, discuss, debate agree on best option.

Schedule Expectations (When are we available to work together and individually?): Meet at 8:30 AM prior to class and after class at 4 PM. Keep in contact at night and across the weekend. Jeff is available 8:30 - 10pm on weekday nights. Hugh is available 7 - 9 PM on weekdays. Weekends midday is best for both.

Communication Expectations (How and often will we communicate? How do we keep lines of communication open?): Communicate at least twice a day morning and afternoon. Slack if anything comes up or if finding something beneficial to the other person.

Abilities Expectations (Technical strengths and areas for desired improvement): Strengths are in HTML/CSS and desired improvement in JS/JQ and Git/GitHub.

Workload Expectations (What features do we each want to work on?): Equally share the HTML/CSS and spilt up the JS into tasks and functions.

Workflow Expectations (Git workflow/Tools/Code Review/Reviewing Pull Requests): Master is sacred. Always do pull requests and review each others code before merging to master. Commit often for every working bit of code to help track down bugs and save progress. Debugging and reviewing code together to help understand changes or issues.

Expectations for giving and receiving feedback: Code review feedback, general reviews during morning and afternoon stand-ups.

Agenda to discuss project launch: We got a shared gitHub repo all set up and assigned initial tasks and schedule for collaboration.

Ideas: Let's get caught up with the additional work we have and get started on the project to have something to show Monday.

Tools: Slack, Git/GitHub, Sublime, All the keys

Additional Notes: Pairing with mod2 or Franklin will be helpful. Schedule some more pairings if available. Find time to work together on various problems, issues (brain storm).

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