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Last active January 17, 2024 10:18
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Tinkering around Inferno Drainer

Wasted one afternoon to manually deobfuscate the js from one drainer website. (see here for the "deobfuscated" reference js and script used to generate the file)

You can use the code to decrypt the traffic and even create arbitrary payload to send to their backend server.

What's the domain of that backend server? You need to find it out yourself.

The code below is in public domain.

import json
import os
import io
import hashlib
import base64
import pprint
import functools
import random
import time
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Cipher.AES import MODE_CBC
rx_key = b"r8hhweybk9ekz62w45qvyjnpz3xguueqg6amhbbghbckpeu8fmzdiivezfbnfxe9puz4thkpx5ejcipp53pcuydpu4yuyxx4rqqu"
tx_key = b"inferno"
customer_id = "milky8753"
# region openssl
# openssl compatibility code from
# slightly modified to fit our needs
factory = lambda key, iv:, MODE_CBC, iv)
def EVP_BytesToKey(key_length: int, iv_length: int, md, salt: bytes, data: bytes, count: int=1) -> (bytes, bytes):
key, iv = EVP_BytesToKey(
32, # 256 bits
assert data
assert salt == b'' or len(salt) == PKCS5_SALT_LEN
md_buf = b''
key = b''
iv = b''
# key_length = 32 # type.key_size
# iv_length = type.block_size
addmd = 0
while key_length > len(key) or iv_length > len(iv):
c = md()
if addmd:
addmd += 1
md_buf = c.digest()
for i in range(1, count):
md_buf = md(md_buf)
md_buf2 = md_buf
if key_length > len(key):
key, md_buf2 = key + md_buf2[:key_length - len(key)], md_buf2[key_length - len(key):]
if iv_length > len(iv):
iv = iv + md_buf2[:iv_length - len(iv)]
return key, iv
def openssl_enc_encrypt(i: io.BytesIO, passphrase: bytes, cipher_factory = factory, key_length = 32, block_size = 16, md=hashlib.md5, salt: bytes=None):
if salt is None:
# TODO: Python 3.6's secrets module
salt = os.urandom(PKCS5_SALT_LEN)
key, iv = EVP_BytesToKey(key_length, block_size, md, salt, passphrase)
cipher = cipher_factory(key, iv)
encrypted = b""
encrypted += OPENSSL_ENC_MAGIC
encrypted += salt
padding = b''
while 1:
chunk =
# PKCS#7 padding method
if len(chunk) < cipher.block_size:
remaining = cipher.block_size - len(chunk)
padding = bytes([remaining] * remaining)
encrypted += cipher.encrypt(chunk + padding)
if padding:
return base64.b64encode(encrypted)
def openssl_enc_decrypt(i: io.BytesIO, passphrase: bytes, cipher_factory = factory, key_length = 32, block_size = 16, md=hashlib.md5):
assert == OPENSSL_ENC_MAGIC, 'bad magic number'
salt =
key, iv = EVP_BytesToKey(key_length, block_size, md, salt, passphrase)
cipher = cipher_factory(key, iv)
prefetch = chunk = None
res = b''
while 1:
chunk = prefetch
prefetch =
if chunk:
chunk = cipher.decrypt(chunk)
if not prefetch:
chunk = chunk[:-chunk[-1]]
res += chunk
if not prefetch:
return res
# endregion
# ref request payload
# {'nftsApi': 2,
# 'site': '',
# 'tokensApi': 2,
# 'walletAddress': '0x8f36789ac5f1cb9a8e9b8cef6a68e94845acb577',
# 'walletName': 'MetaMask Wallet'}
# ref encrypt function
# function _0x1390b1(input_data) {
# let timestamp_7 = parseInt(["toString"]()["slice"](0, 7));
# let random1 = Math.round(Math["random"]() * 899999 + 100000);
# let random2 = Math.round(Math.random() * 899999 + 1000);
# let rand_str = getRandomString(25); // A-Za-z0-9 * size
# let rand_str_base64 = encode(rand_str); // base64
# let rand_str_hash = getHashCode(rand_str); // custom 32bit hash
# let inner_key = timestamp_7["toString"]() + "inferno" + rand_str_hash + random1;
# let inner_ct = CryptoJS["AES"]["encrypt"](input_data, inner_key);
# let outer_ct = CryptoJS["AES"]["encrypt"](inner_ct["toString"](), (random1 + random2 + timestamp_7 - 50)["toString"]());
# let _0x4f0fbb = JSON["stringify"]({
# "n1": random1,
# "n2": random2,
# "t": timestamp_7,
# "s": rand_str_base64,
# "e": outer_ct,
# "k": getHashCode(inner_key),
# "i": CryptoJS.AES["encrypt"](global_data["customer_id"], (random1 - random2)["toString"]())["toString"](),
# "p": random1 + getHashCode(outer_ct) - random2,
# "z": getHashCode(global_data.customer_id) + timestamp_7
# });
# let _0x4ca973 = JSON["stringify"]({
# "h": encode(getHashCode(_0x4f0fbb)["toString"]()),
# "c": numbersEncrypt(_0x4f0fbb),
# "v": 3
# });
# return CryptoJS.AES["encrypt"](_0x4ca973, "inferno")["toString"]();
# }
# var _0x5e053d = _0x56473f => _0x56473f.split('')["reduce"]((_0x137e7f, _0x1c53a0) => (_0x137e7f = (_0x137e7f << 5) - _0x137e7f + _0x1c53a0.charCodeAt(0), _0x137e7f & _0x137e7f), 0);
# var _0x1b5799 = _0x262b5a => _0x262b5a["toString"]().split('').map(_0x5c74dd => _0x5c74dd["charCodeAt"](0));
# var _0x554301 = _0x1b958f => "0" + Number(_0x1b958f)["toString"](16)["substr"](-2); // to hex
# var _0x3e014c = _0x37cc9b => _0x1b5799(31612400)["reduce"]((_0x1cb226, _0xecb3f) => _0x1cb226 ^ _0xecb3f, _0x37cc9b);
# var _0x553767 = _0x96536d => JSON["stringify"](_0x96536d).split('')["map"](_0x1b5799).map(_0x3e014c).map(_0x554301).join('');
# ["getHashCode"]: _0x5e053d,
# numbersEncrypt: _0x553767,
# bonus spamming payload (/api) - but it seems this backend is down, probably becuase somebody spammed it too much
# {"type": "info", "message": "get creative!"}
# oh, don't forget the header:
# content-type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
def get_hash_code(data: bytes) -> int:
def reduce_fn(acc: int, c: int) -> int:
res = (acc << 5) - acc + c
res = res & 0xffffffff
if res > 0x7fffffff:
res -= 0x100000000
return res
return functools.reduce(reduce_fn, data, 0)
def numbers_decrypt(data: str) -> str:
b = bytes.fromhex(data)
dec = bytes(map(lambda c: functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x ^ y, map(ord, "00421613"), c), b))
return json.dumps(json.loads(json.loads(dec.decode())), separators=(',', ':'))
def numbers_encrypt(data: str) -> str:
b = bytes(json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':')), encoding="utf-8")
enc = bytes(map(lambda c: functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x ^ y, map(ord, "31612400"), c), b))
return enc.hex()
def request_decrypt(data: str) -> dict:
layer_1 = json.loads(openssl_enc_decrypt(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(data)), tx_key))
h, c, v = layer_1["h"], layer_1["c"], layer_1["v"]
if v != 3:
raise ValueError("unsupported version")
layer_1_hash = int(base64.b64decode(h).decode())
print("layer_1_hash:", layer_1_hash)
layer_1_data = numbers_decrypt(c)
if (layer_1_hash_check := get_hash_code(layer_1_data.encode())) != layer_1_hash:
raise ValueError(f"hash mismatch: {layer_1_hash_check} != {layer_1_hash}")
layer_2 = json.loads(layer_1_data)
print("layer_2:", pprint.pformat(layer_2))
rand_str = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(layer_2["s"]).decode()
print("rand_str:", rand_str)
rand_str_hash = get_hash_code(rand_str.encode())
request_customer_id = openssl_enc_decrypt(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(layer_2["i"])), str(layer_2["n1"] - layer_2["n2"]).encode()).decode()
print("customer_id:", request_customer_id)
if (customer_id_hash_check := get_hash_code(request_customer_id.encode())) != layer_2["z"] - layer_2["t"]:
raise ValueError(f"customer_id hash mismatch: {customer_id_hash_check} != {layer_2['z'] - layer_2['t']}")
inner_key = str(layer_2["t"]) + "inferno" + str(rand_str_hash) + str(layer_2["n1"])
outer_key = str(layer_2["n1"] + layer_2["n2"] + layer_2["t"] - 50)
outer_pt = openssl_enc_decrypt(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(layer_2["e"])), outer_key.encode())
inner_pt = openssl_enc_decrypt(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(outer_pt)), inner_key.encode())
return json.loads(inner_pt)
def request_encrypt(data: dict) -> str:
timestamp_7 = int(str(int(time.time()))[:7])
random1 = random.randint(100000, 999999)
random2 = random.randint(1000, 900999)
rand_str = "".join(random.choices("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", k=25))
rand_str_base64 = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(rand_str.encode()).decode()
rand_str_hash = get_hash_code(rand_str.encode())
inner_key = str(timestamp_7) + "inferno" + str(rand_str_hash) + str(random1)
inner_ct = openssl_enc_encrypt(io.BytesIO(json.dumps(data, separators=(",", ":")).encode()), inner_key.encode())
outer_ct = openssl_enc_encrypt(io.BytesIO(inner_ct), str(random1 + random2 + timestamp_7 - 50).encode())
layer_2 = {
"n1": random1,
"n2": random2,
"t": timestamp_7,
"s": rand_str_base64,
"e": outer_ct.decode(),
"k": get_hash_code(inner_key.encode()),
"i": openssl_enc_encrypt(io.BytesIO(customer_id.encode()), str(random1 - random2).encode()).decode(),
"p": random1 + get_hash_code(outer_ct) - random2,
"z": get_hash_code(customer_id.encode()) + timestamp_7
layer_2_data = json.dumps(layer_2, separators=(',', ':'))
layer_2_hash = get_hash_code(layer_2_data.encode())
layer_1 = {
"h": base64.b64encode(str(layer_2_hash).encode()).decode(),
"c": numbers_encrypt(layer_2_data),
"v": 3
layer_1_data = json.dumps(layer_1, separators=(',', ':'))
return openssl_enc_encrypt(io.BytesIO(layer_1_data.encode()), tx_key).decode()
def response_decrypt(data: str) -> dict:
return json.loads(openssl_enc_decrypt(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(data)), rx_key))
def main():
# do what you want
if __name__ == '__main__':
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kensdv commented Jan 17, 2024

How do you use this to deobfucate the script because online deobsfucator never works

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HarukaMa commented Jan 17, 2024 via email

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