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Last active November 28, 2023 21:03
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Reminder on how I set up a kickass VPN server with PiHole and encrypted DNS

Initial setup

This is more of a note-to self, but please feel more than free to replicate it.

  1. Follow this PiHole guide:

    • But in the first command replace wget -O with wget -O
    • Stick with the default options unless you know better (or the guide does in the case of tun0 vs eth0)
      • Depending on your privacy concerns and the development status of FTLDNS you may want to opt out of the DNS logging options.
    • Make sure to configure iptables to reload on restart by doing sudo bash -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.conf" and then adding iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.conf to /etc/rc.local
    • If doing hosted, consider opting out of the static IP option, it may help when restoring the server to a different IP in future (untested)
    • If setting up on an internal network, rather than hosted do:
    • I have recently found that sometimes on connecting to the VPN I get unusably slow speeds and pages fail to load. adding tun-mtu 1400 and mssfix 1360 to the bottom of /etc/openvpn/server.conf seems to fix this.
  2. Until the functionallity is added natively in FTLDNS lets use cloudfare's encrypted DNS protocol DNS over HTTPS .

    • Use this tutorial or this official one.
    • Since all my domain names are managed on DigitalOcean I created a subdomain for my VPN that points to a random IP, then I use the following script to update the DNS records from my Pi(Hole) dynamically:
    curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer "${MY_API_ACCESS_TOKEN}"" -d '{"data":"'"${PUBLIC_IPV4}"'"}' ""

    Where is your domain and MY_DOMAIN_ID can be found by doing curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer MY_API_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE" "" Then make the script executable and add it to crontab -e

If the OpenVPN server + PiHole is moved to a new location/ip (not tested)

  1. Update the remote (aka server) ip in all existing client .opnvpn files/configurations and in /etc/openvpn/client-template.txt

    • This is unessasary if using a DynamicDNS that is configured in these files (which I have).
    • If using a Domain name then update the DNS record on your Domain Name Registrar/Nameserver.
  2. If you set up Dual operation: LAN & VPN then in /etc/openvpn/server.conf update push "route" and push "dhcp-option DNS" to the new IP and subnet if applicable. Otherwise, skip this step.

  3. Update /etc/dhcpcd.conf with the new static IP and gateway (in DigitalOcean you can find this in settings>networking). At this point reboot and test, you may not need to go any further.

  4. Update the IPV4 (local) address in /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf or consider running pihole -r, but you will have to reconfigure your DNS server afterwards for the cloudflared service you set up in 2

    • If you do runpihole -r and reconfigure, you will be forced to choose a DNS server, you may then then have to re-configure PiHole to use the locally running cloudflared service by doing this.
  5. Update any static IP configuration and OpenVPN portforwarding (usually 1194) in the new router

  6. Again, if you set up Dual operation: LAN & VPN then update /etc/iptables.conf to the new local subnet if applicable. E.g to

  7. Restart the Pi in-order to apply the firewall changes

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