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Created October 11, 2018 22:26
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The Case for Application-Specific Blockchains @ CESC

The Case for Application-Specific Blockchains

Loi Luu, Kyber Network

Why Loi Luu is a badass

  • Designed Elastico, first peer-reviewed sharding protocol for public blockchain
    • Inspired Zilliqa
  • Created Oyente, first open-source smart contract verifier
    • Used by Melonport, Quantstamp, Augur
  • Co-founder at Kyber Network
    • On-chain liquidity protocol for token swaps

Kyber Network

  • Decentralized on-chain token swap
    • Integrated with major wallets
  • Enabling decentralized payments: pay in any ERC20
  • Providing liquidity of decentralized financial apps/protocols
    • Melonport, Set Protocol, etc.

Kyber scalability

  • Has been live for more than 6 months
  • Major feedback:
    • Fees are unpredictable
    • Long confirmation times
  • Scalability should not come at the cost of cross-platform integrations
    • Most integrations so far are done on-chain to guarantee transparency and avoid the compromise of trust

TPS is not everything

  • Results in a myopic view of what it means to be scalable
  • Scalability requires:
    • Low tranaction fees
    • Low latency
    • Easy to run and execute complex transactions

Layer 1 scaling is not an ultimate solution

  • Lots of data to transfer and store
    • Core constraint: data grows as the network grows
  • Eventually only a few will be able to run full nodes
    • It's already very hard to sync Ethereum nodes from scratch
  • Have to resort to sharding or layer 2 solutions to improve the situation


  • Promising because it allows scalability without increasing resources from nodes
    • Each shard manages its own chain that keeps a fraction of the state
  • Main limitation is cross-shard communication
    • This is hard, because the need to communicate potentially cancels all scaling efficiencies
      • Data is distributed in different places
      • No direct way to get access to data on a different shards
      • May require many transactions for what is done in one transaction today
  • Example: cross-shard locking costs at least 3 transactions in a sharded blockchain, whereas in current Ethereum it's only 1


  • Nice because it allows you to move transactions to a sidechain
  • Challenges:
    • Data availability
    • Mass exit
  • Existing solutions: make more assumptions
    • Plasma => Plasma Cash => PlasmaXT
  • Main limitation: the primary scale up Plasma is to add more layers
    • Each layer works as a separate blockchain
    • This will add complexity to security and interoperability here
  • Many Plasma chains on the same root chain are also hard to interoperate
    • Primarily well-suited for standalone ecosystems

State channels

  • Inspired by payment channels, to do more transactions off-chain
  • Harder to generalize
    • State channels for complex applications are very difficult
  • Main limitations:
    • State encoding is hard and can become large, even more expensive than the value at stake
    • Availability guarantees
    • Suitable for turn-based games or applications

Key Challenges to Scale General Purpose Blockchains

  • Cannot make assumptions about the execution of specific applications
    • Has to be a generic protocol to handle all possible outcomes
  • Most proposed scalability solutions are initially demonstrated with specific use cases
    • I.e., payment channels to state channels
    • Later becomes much harder to generalize the solution
  • Is it even feasible to build a general scalability solution?
  • Should we even focus on looking for one?

Revisiting the Scalability Trilemma

  • Scalability, decentralization, security: choose 2
    • EOS trades off decentralization (only 21 BPs)
    • Plasma trades off security (users have to monitor Plasma chain for fraud)
  • We believe this trilemma is too generic
    • This framework is only applicable to blockchains that do everything
  • It should be possible to scale up and achieve better performance by becoming more application-specific!
    • CPU < GPU < FPGA < ASIC

Scalability Quadrilemma (really?)

  • Scalability, decentralization, security, genericity: choose 3
  • We can build scalable blockchains as long as the chain focuses on specific applications vs being general-purpose

Proposal: Application Specific Sharding (Project Gormos)

  • Many applications have multiple components which don't talk to each other much
  • Put each component in a separate shard
  • Number of cross-shard communications should be much less than intra-shard communications
  • Can be implemented at layer 1 or layer 2
  • Several applications benefit from these designs:
    • Sharded decentralized exchange:
      • Many shards, but each shard trades certain pairs
        • Shard 1: ETH <> OMG
        • Shard 2: ETH <> ZEC
        • Shard 3: ETH <> SPANK
    • Decentralized sharing economy
      • Shard 1: US (West)
      • Shard 2: US (East)
      • Shard 3: Singapore


  • Scaling general purpose blockchains might not be that feasible
  • Developers should start looking for scalability solutions that work for their specific purpose
    • Rather than trying to generalize everything
  • Application-specific sharding schemes are a good idea!
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